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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. I would like to join this year. I don't know about the blog though. I have never been good at keeping one going more than a month or two. But the reading I can do!
  2. My parents gave me a hope chest at 17. It wasn't for getting married, but for moving out on my own. For the next 1.5 years my parents, family members (and me personally) filled it with things I would need to live on my own. A full set of dishes, a full set of towels, a bedroom set, appliances, etc. Twenty years later, the hope chest is still in our library, now filled with the kids' dress-up clothes. It does make me smile remembering the year I slowly filled it and finally moved into my own apartment. :)
  3. Thanks Justin. The program looks really good. I've already penciled it in as a writing component for next year's schedule.
  4. We generally give our kids one large item for Christmas. This year dd 8 and ds 6 are going to share a big gift from us - a gymnastics bar, so we are also giving them each a smaller gift - cute kitchen supplies (for use in an actual kitchen) and kitchen aprons. In dd 8's stocking - bike helmet, bike bell, webkinz small stuffed animal, socks and candy. Ds 6's stocking is the same except a bike ramp instead of a bike helmet.
  5. Thanks. I'm glad to know that the BF scholarship is available. For us, that is the more important of the two. :)
  6. Is a Florida student that chooses to graduate high school with an A.A. eligible for National Merit scholarships or Bright Futures scholarships? I've tried reading over the websites and I don't see anything stating the student would be ineligible, but all of the wording on both sites implies four years of future undergraduate work. Could anyone give me some btdt information? :)
  7. :ohmy: It looks like I had better start a shopping list. Thanks for the suggestions!
  8. Nita, Has WD-40 worked for you? I don't want to ruin the clothes further. And I think I would have to go out and buy color-safe bleach (along with the WD-40.) They weren't light or white clothing, mostly blues.
  9. I just washed and dried a load of laundry containing a red crayon. :glare: What is the best way to try and salvage this load of clothing?
  10. I was going to say not in Florida, but I checked online first and now in order to get the three-year college prep degree: 1All courses earned toward the 3-year/18-credit College Prep Program must satisfy admission requirements for the State University System (SUS). To determine which courses meet State University System admission requirements, please use the Comprehensive Course Table or see high school counselor for assistance. At least 6 of the 18 credits must be in courses that include dual enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), or are specifically listed as rigorous by the Department of Education. So, you do have to do AP or DE level classes for the three-year college prep diploma. But the four-year college prep diploma still does not require any college level classes.
  11. Yes, we start scaling back during-the-week housework around 6th/7th grade as the schoolwork demands increase. Dd8 and ds6 took over M-F dinner dishes/clean-up this year which has worked out really well.
  12. Could the word be Profiles? Geomatters Trailguides to Learning (American History) program uses a book with a title something like Profiles in American History. ETA - Profiles from History The set of three will be on sale at the Geomatters website on Cyber Monday.
  13. Ds 6 is allowed less freedom than any of his sisters were at the same age. He simply isn't as responsible or cautious. We live on the water which is also a consideration. He is allowed to play in the backyard (non-water side) with only dd 8. He can play anywhere in the neighborhood as long as he is with one of his older sisters. My big concession this year was that he can fish alone on our dock so long as he notifies me first, wears his life jacket and leaves the screen door open so I can hear him. It still causes me some stress, but he loves to fish and no one has the time or inclination to fish with him every day, and he can swim.
  14. Dd 13 and dd 11 are supposed to start school at 6:30. Dd 13, being more of a morning person (and a dutiful daughter :D) sets her alarm for 5:45 each morning and gets up, eats, exercises and prepares for school. If she hasn't seen me by 6:30 (which would be most mornings) she comes up to wake me up and then starts right in on her school work. I hop in the shower and am downstairs by 6:45 when I make a cup of coffee and jump into school work right away. Dd11, a night owl like myself, drags herself out of bed whenever she hears me turn on the shower, knowing she has ten minutes to be at her school work before getting into trouble. The littles are up around 8 am each day. They have to start school by 9:30. Dh goes to work sometime between 4 and 5:30 each morning.
  15. I can certainly add to your rant today. If I call on Thursday and you tell me the item is mine and Saturday morning would be the best time to purchase and pick up, at least have the decency to call before my dh drives an hour on Saturday only to find out you've sold it (or maybe just changed your mind.)
  16. We use FLVS. Dd 11 is currently taking Advanced Comprehensive Science 1. I find this class fairly easy, as I've found all of the middle school classes (except Spanish, but I think that is a special issue.) The information is good and to the point, but there isn't much fleshing out of the topics. I also have a dd 13 finishing up Honors Physical Science. I have been happy with this class. She will continue on with Biology (but we may wait until after the Christmas holidays to start.) I have found all of the high school classes to be quite a step up from the middle school ones. Labs are lacking. Most labs are virtual or else research/survey based. This is not a problem for us as I plan to have the kids take three sciences w/lab at the local CC. If these were my only high school science classes I would add a lab component. The advanced/honors requirements are often creative in nature. My girls like this I am on the fence. I have been quite happy with all of the teachers we've had thus far (maybe 10 total.) And I've been very happy with the customer service/ administration. We will continue to take classes throughout middle/high school.
  17. My eldest will be completely outsourced beginning next year in 9th grade. I'm a little bit sad about that, but I will still supplement several of the classes and this is what she needs. Half of her high school classes will be at the community college. We have dual enrollment so she will earn her AA there. The classes are free but we must purchase the books. Approximately one fourth will be through Florida Virtual School which is free. And the rest of the classes will be through a couple of online programs that offer classes we want that are not available through the other two schools. These classes range from $125 per year to $600 per year depending on the school. Most of my supplementing is in the form of literature/additional reading, lectures (Teaching Company or open courseware) and discussion. The total cost to us should be around $1500 per year.
  18. I believe it is more like: A,B,C - 1st grade D,E,F - 2nd grade G,H,I - 3rd grade J,K,L - 4th grade Fractions - 5th grade
  19. Are there any other fitness programs similar to the Presidential Fitness program that homeschoolers can join?
  20. Thanks for the replies! It is the unrestricted access to the internet that concerns me. My eldest has a cell phone and her sister will get one this year as well. We do think they both need cell phones in our situation. While the iphones are free, my dh wants to offer both girls the option of one with the data plan being a birthday gift. My first thought was - No way. But I'm going to think on it more if the girls are interested.
  21. Dd 8th - Algebra I Dd 6th - finishing up 6/5, will move into 7/6 after Christmas break
  22. I agree that the problem is that girls can wear boys' hand me downs, but boys rarely wear girls'. I've passed most of my boy's jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts down to my cousin's daughters. Girls look fine in red/navy, yellow/navy, forest green, etc. However, I have a hard time seeing any boy in my daughter's pink fluffy princess jacket or even a navy jacket if it says Barbie or has cute butterflies and rainbows.
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