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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Well, I'm weird and ir drives my dh crazy. We do stockings Christmas Eve morning, family presents with extended family Christmas Eve night, then Santa comes again to leave the "big" presents for Christmas morning. We open presents first for A.M. Festivities, but eat first with our family on Christmas Eve night. DH thinks it's crazy that Santa comes twice. I think it just extends the fun:)
  2. Anything by Nat King Cole. I grew up listening to him every Christmas so he, to me, IS Christmas music:)
  3. No fried chicken here either! I've also never cooked a steak, made Mac n cheese, made french toast, or made a sauce of any kind! I don't make anything fried really. Well, with the exception of an occasional batch of fried pickles in our Fry Daddy:). Yummmmm....
  4. Thanks:). I thought it was kind of odd (yeah, and a little rude!), but I still went over to check it out. I didn't want to but my curiosity won out:tongue_smilie: As much as I wanted to dislike it, it kind of intrigued me. So, I was curious if anyone had tried it. Their marketing leaves a lot to be desired, but the program doesn't look half bad.
  5. "Are you guys serious?" "Do you seriously think that's okay?" Oh, and the word pronking has made it into as many sentences as I could possible finagle it into today. We recently got Alpaca's and they like to pronk. And I just like that word. I will use it as a verb, an adjective, totally out of context. I don't care. I just like to say it. Oh, and my kids find it annoying which makes it that much more fun:)
  6. I feel the same way about Kirkland's....the home decorating store. I think my house is looking just fine until I go in there and see all the things I NEED!!!!
  7. Lunch: turkey sandwiches, wheat thins, and apples. Coffe for me:) Procrastinating about: cleaning dd13's room. Yes, she is technically old enough to clean it, but she has special needs and just can't do it herself. I am so scared to go in there. I think I need some sort of toxic suit. The problem with her room is that it is not your typical mess with toys strewn about. It is much more traumatizing. There is paper everywhere, wrappers, just lots of gross stuff that I won't detail here. Someone hold me..... Funny moment: I sent dh a text to say I love you and he responded with "Why....what did you buy?":lol:
  8. I am the kitchen gadget queen. I attribute it to my obsession with the "As Seen On TV" infomercials. I get sucked in every time:001_smile: Here are some gadgets I use frequently: --Vidalia Chop Wizard (probably the thing I use the most...it will chop anything!) --Zyliss hand chopper --quesadilla maker --steamer --my beloved crockpot I have others that I love, but don't use as frequently: --our Fry Daddy --sandwich maker --toaster oven --food processor --ice cream maker I could go on and on....it's out of control. Seriously.
  9. I suffered through 8 years of IEP meeting before I pulled my dd out to hs. On top of that, I worked as a Service Coordinator that, among many other things, advocated for individuals with disabilities. We were required to know the special education laws like the back of our hand. We would attend the IEP meetings with the parents to ensure all of the childs needs were being met. I would even take along an advocate at my meetings. I would just get too emotional and it was nice to have someone calm, knowledgeable, and not as "close" to the situation to be there to step in when I started to get frustrated or flustered. Do you have any advocate type service near you? Even if you are fully aware of what the school is required to do for you and your child, it is extremely helpful to have that "back up". For some reason, the schools seem to think they can blow off parents, but when you bring an advocate along they tend to be more compliant and willing to listen to what you want/need. Good luck. I left many IEP meetings with my blood just BOILING!!!:grouphug:
  10. Your dd poops on the potty for the first time, is taken to the store to pick out her prize, and comes home with a new book. I don't know if she is a book lover or hoarder.....
  11. Has anyone used this? I heard about it through a comment on my blog. It is actually quite the pathetic story. I was so excited to get my first comment on my blog. I anxiously clicked to read it and it was basically someone hawking a Latin program:glare: Even though I was bummed about that, I checked out the link and sample lesson. It actually looks like it might be a decent program. I can't seem to find any reviews on it. Has anyone tried this?
  12. These are always popular at my MNO's: Mexi-Roll Ups: 10 6in. flour tortillas 1 cup sour cream 8oz. pkg. cream cheese (softened) 1/2 cup shredded cheddar 3/4 cup sliced green onions 1 tbsp. lime juice 1 tbsp. minced and seeded jalapenos Mix all ingredients except tortillas. Spread mixture on one side of tortilla and tightly roll. Cover and chill about an hour. Slice tortillas into 1 in. sections.
  13. I don't skip. I figure the review (though it can seem like A LOT!) is there for a reason. After using FLL1 last year, and FLL2 this year, I can see how the constant review pays off. There is no way my kids will forget the definitions of proper nouns, common nouns, etc:) Even my 3 year old is able to repeat many of the definitions. She is especially proficient at the helping verbs chant. I am sort of a by-the-book type person though. I guess I figure that if I knew better than the author than I would likely have my own best selling grammar curriculum:tongue_smilie:
  14. Finally got around to reading Pride and Prejudice. Now I know what all the fuss is about:) Loved it!
  15. I teach cursive starting in the second grade. I have several reasons I still think it is a valuable skill. In no particular order: -to be able to read it -to be able to have a signature (seriously imagine signing documents in printing?!?) -to write faster (yes, many people can print quite fast.....I still think that someone that can write in cursive well is able to write faster. JMO) -I just think it looks nicer. My kids may grow up and never use it, but at least they have the option. Most people I know have their own "style" of writing. A sort of combination of printing and cursive.
  16. We are doing school today and tomorrow and taking the rest of the week off. Need to save up days for our family vacation in February!
  17. Chris Daughtry. He is told a lot that he looks like him. I think it's the no hair thing.
  18. It's decorated so beautifully!!! We had a great time despite the cold!! On top of the regular winter gear, we put hand earners in our pockets and that helped a lot. There were no crowds when we were there. I highly recommend the Qbot if there are lines. It is worth every penny:) It is similar to a fast pass and works for the more popular rides, as well as reserves you great seats at the shows! We loved the shows, but were disappointedly the parade. I would skip that and leave the park before the people that stayed for the parade do. Anyway, we love Dollywood!!!!!
  19. I read and commented about the difficulty of maintenance on this thread right before going to bed. Last night ALL I dreamt about was food....Pop Tarts in particular. In my dream I ate so many smore's PopTarts that I could actually see myself gaining weight. I think that's a sign that it's time for me to start saying no again to all the crap i've been eating:lol:
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