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Everything posted by Tam101

  1. Yes, I cover it when I'm boiling something like potatoes or frozen veggie. Helps keep the heat in. That's my thinking anyway. I boil just water in a tea kettle that doesn't even have a lid! I fill through the spout. Sounds like a good science experiment. Boiling with and without a lid. Do it several times starting with a cold pan of the same size and weight. Then you could try it with salt in the water and see if that boils faster!
  2. oh my gosh he is adorable! I would go easy on the grapes though. They are on the toxic for dogs list along with raisins. From what I read they aren't sure what it is in them other then maybe it's too much sugar. One's not going to hurt though.
  3. It's doubtful she fell hard enough to cause a fracture. Here is a great website. http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00150 My dd has sprained her ankle playing volleyball twice, same ankle. My dd's would have been a two the first time around. The second time she was wearing ankle braces and still ended up with close to a two. She probably would have broke it without the braces! And stupidly she didn't tell her coach because she wanted to keep playing. *sigh* Ice, elevate, ibuprofen and wrap it before she dances. Keep in mind it could take months for it to fully heal! It's been a couple years since the last sprain and my dd's ankle is still larger then the other. My husband sprained his about a year ago, same story. His was probably a one though. He never experienced in looseness in the joint.
  4. oh gosh, I'm so hungry now! Thanks for the link. I'm going to use her gravy recipe!
  5. How is this going to work, will we send a postcard to everyone on the list?
  6. How wonderful! Brag away! I know nothing about gymnastics. I've heard it can be expensive, but I really have nothing to base that on. My dd was/is into volleyball and that was expensive as well, but it paid in the form a college scholarship! Woot!
  7. Ditto, my son doesn't do much of the coloring, but he loves doing the maps. Sometime I do coloring pages though! :lol: We read through the review questions, do the narrations and I use the book recommendations as well as some the craft ideas.
  8. Thanks for the tips! I do have him do jumping jacks on occasion, didn't today. He gets short breaks while I get things ready for the next subject and today I gave him (and me) a half hour break. Normally we do school in the afternoons. I'll try switching to mornings, that might mean I have to break my night owl habits! :lol: Fidget items tend to be more of a distraction. Ok, so tomorrow we get school done BEFORE Piano practice at 11am! First test. :) Thanks again lady's!
  9. Sorry, I meant to post this on the general forum.
  10. Today has been one of those days where we have spent more time talking about paying attention then actually doing work! I found that my son does better when we have school outside, but now that the wet fall weather is upon us that can't be done. Has anyone else found anything that works for them? I'm thinking about changing locations in the house. Maybe moving to the front living room so he can't stare out the back door at the trees and rain!
  11. Mine PFfrom some stupid cheap walking shoes I bought. Boy did I learn a lesson!! I've found that if I wear slippers around the house instead of going bare foot helps immensely! Massage and stretching has helped as well. I'm fianlly getting to point, a year later, that I'm ready to go shoe shopping and pick up an exercise routine again.
  12. Here is a great website, 3rd party analysis of dog food. We almost had a family divide over dog food here! My mil is more concerned about what I feed my dogs then my son! :lol: Ok, that really wasn't a joke! Anyway, I used this site to make my choice and dh told her we didn't want to hear anymore about it. Way more info then you asked for! Here is the link. http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/
  13. Thank you! That sound great and simple too. I'll give it a try this year. Tam
  14. I'm still on the hunt for a green bean recipe I love. If you have one please post it. Please, please please! :D I'm happy to post any recipes in return. Dinner: Turkey Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Yams Dressing Cran-Apple Sauce Rolls Gravy Appetizers: Veggies, Wheat Thins and Dip Olives Chips and Onion Dip Desserts: Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin pie bars or Pumpkin cheese cake
  15. No, we rarely wear sunscreen. I'll put some on my son's nose, cheeks and back of neck before a baseball game or if he is going to be out run around without a shirt in the summer (swimming, sprinklers ect). Basically, I use it prevent sunburn and that's it.
  16. Great idea! My son did well with time test's. I picked up a dry-earse mat at Target that had the facts pre-printed on it. He never got very fast, but helped to remember.
  17. I getting smoke smell in my nose sometimes. It can be real annoying. From what I've read it can be caused by allergies or damage to the nasal passages. Seems to happen to me after I've had a cold, a day or two after a bad allergy attack or sometimes it's just random and will last for several days.
  18. http://www.wikihow.com/Fix-a-Car-That-Stalls How about #3...but then she would have an extra fuel filter in the trunk.:lol:
  19. I don't know about engines either. How about a flat tire instead? But then you're back to the question of why she is on the bumper! Maybe the car has over-heated and she needs to add water?
  20. That is so incredible! Thanks for sharing this with us. We saw some Sea Turtles at an aquarium recently, so I know my son will be interested the video.
  21. It takes us 3+ hours to get it done. I start with Math and Spelling since that is workbook stuff and he has to sit at the table to do it. Then we move to the couch for FLL, WWE, SOTW. When it's time for copywork we head back to the table. We only do science and cursive once a week if we even get to it!! Cursive has been pushed way back lately. Thurs and Fri is resource class day so nothing gets done. Wed is hit and miss, he has piano and bible study then lunch with MIL. Wed is supposed to be our science and cursive day. HA! We school on the weekends since our weekdays are so busy. Dh works from home and often works weekends and has days off during the week so weekends are meaningless for us.
  22. It would be too much. I believe SWB suggests not doing the copywork...ect in FLL if you're doing the WWE workbook. I'm using the text for WWE and not the workbook so I just follow the format of WWE, but do the work FLL and SOTW suggests. I hope that makes sense.
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