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Everything posted by Tam101

  1. My 8-year old can't sit! Which is one of the reason we love FLL, he can be dancing around the living room while we are doing the assignments. As long he isn't being silly and participating I don't worry about it. I do wonder if he'll be able to sit through a test when the time comes. When he is sitting still he isn't able to work and just stares or scribbles on paper. I can't imagine him being able to finish a test! I have another year before I have to worry to much about that though. Hopefully the wiggles will be gone by then.
  2. Looks like the wedding wasn't the only thing Daddy paid for. Wonder if they got a group discount on the augmentation! :lol: (not meant to offend, I've known people that have had them done and support their choice.)
  3. Those are precious pictures of your Ducky. I love his name! We had a cat named Kitty and the lady we adopted her from named one of her other cats Mouse. I'm sorry for you loss.:grouphug:
  4. :iagree: Let him enjoy the process and get his story on paper. Work on the grammar and spelling with your regular assignments. I think it's great! and it's even more great that this is the first time he is showing interest in creative writing. Let him run with it!
  5. You know I beat myself up and pulled my hair out last year trying to stay "caught up". This year I purposely haven't set any bench marks. So, no I'm not behind! :tongue_smilie: Just take a deep breath and let it go! :chillpill: I knew from the start that we wouldn't finish STOW in one year, I just don't have the time. I hope to get through FLL1 and 2 this year. We are on target for that. Spelling, I wanted my son to finish SWO-A over the summer....LOL Not! We will get it done before our semester break though. I do want him to be at grade level in spelling, language and writing by 3rd grade. If that means summer school for us then so be it. Science, I have no time frame for that. Math, I would like to finish by June...should be doable, but I haven't broken it out to find out if we are on track. I just don't need the added stress. We'll just keep working until it's done. ETA: Just noticed how many kids you have. Keep up the good work and don't worry, it will work out in the end and you'll mange.
  6. I love the bows! My husbands gaming magazines are no longer safe! :D I used to cut the cards, but haven't done that in years. You can make great thank you cards as well with them. In fact, I think I'll do that for our Christmas thank you's this year!
  7. We have our heater set for 68/69 during the day and between 11pm-7am we drop it to 62. Today I'm wearing jeans, socks, slippers, tank, t-shirt and sweat shirt and I'm comfortable. If I'm busy cleaning house I get warm and have to take off the sweat shirt. Off to play with that engerystar calculator! I love stuff like that!
  8. Ditto, 8:30 is an early day for my 8-year old. It's not unusually for him to sleep until 10. He goes to bed at 9 and reads, sometimes later then I realize!
  9. I'm only homeschooling my son. My daughter is in college (she went to ps FWIW). It's like having two only children except that they still have each other and adore each other. Our week: We do school Sat, Mon, Tue, Wed. On Thurs and Fri he attends a parent partnership school that our school district offers. There is a part of me would like to get out from under that because it's time consuming, but my son loves going. It does give him time to be with other kids and they offer some really fun classes. He also has bible study with my MIL and piano lessons on Wed and will be starting basketball soon. I guess it's pretty normal and typical, except there's just one! :lol:
  10. LOL, I'm fairly certain the guy at the dump took our old dryer when we dropped off our washer/dryer set. He asked if they worked and we told him them washer was beyond dead, but that the dryer worked. He put it in a different location. :glare: I'm getting some great tips from this thread. My dh was surprised that I don't wash zip-locks. Maybe I need to start! I use dryer sheets multiple times. They are good for at 3 dry cycles.
  11. My peeve is tow-the-line instead of toe-the-line. I'm sure I've made many of the above mistakes and humble apologize! ;)
  12. Thanks! This will help in my search. I do want a rectangular loaf for sure. I don't know why, it's just the way it's supposed to be. LOL
  13. I could live without a Micro. Dh couldn't!! I do defrost in ours too that is main thing, I need to plan my meals better so I don't have to rely on it. I don't like the taste of food reheated in a Micro, dh doesn't seem to notice. He'll reheat pizza in the thing and it smells so bad I can't imagine it tastes ok! :p Don't know much about Ramesy, but I would say qualifies for the emergency fund. Isn't the idea that the fund is there so you don't have to use a CC when something like this comes up?
  14. What do you have and would you recommend it? Thanks :)
  15. I already got part of mine. We were at Costco and I saw a Crock-pot and told dh I wanted that for Christmas. The next time we were there they were starting to get low on them so he decided we better get it now if that's what I wanted. :001_smile: I also want a bread machine. For a family gift, we are getting either a blue-ray player or a PS3. We have held off on getting a game machine, but since that play's blue-ray as well we are kicking the idea around.
  16. LOL My dh and ds watch this together and I get my quiet time! ;) It's On-Demand if you have Comcast.
  17. :grouphug: Hang in there...I'll be thinking about you and praying.
  18. My son tends to make mistakes like that when he is bored. Is it possible that it's too easy for them? If they can prove that they get it by fixing it, I would move on.
  19. My daughter is 19 and at college, when we went to visit her she told me that she meant to ask me to bring "Shadow" her stuffed dog that she has had since she was two. She has "Cool Blankie" too that was in her crib, but she didn't ask for that. LOL The name Cool Blankie came about because the ribbon edging was cool to the touch and she would turn the blanket so she was always touching a cool edge. My son still sleeps with his stuffed dolphin Swiggle on occasion, but even when he doesn't sleep with him he is sitting on the bedside table.
  20. I'm sorry. :( I felt the same way when I lost my parakeet. It seemed silly crying over a bird, but I had him for 11-years. We love our pets no matter how small. ((hugs))
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