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Everything posted by Tam101

  1. Nope wouldn't let my son use the men's locker room without my husband with him. We are lucky enough to have a family changing room in our Y and Rec center. I was a bit upset about some of the "older" women coming into the family room after their water aerobics class, but I think the complaints were heard because they don't do it anymore. There is a perfectly good women's locker room they didn't need to be our crowded family room!
  2. I'm halfway done with my shopping!! Woo Hoo!
  3. Any idea where honey falls? Is it sucrose too? Therefore half fructose. I'm an hour into that video and am finding it fascinating! I do have to admit that the bio-chem parts are mostly going over my head, but I get enough of it. Anyway, my favorite whole-wheat bagels are made with honey and NO sugar. I'm hoping that is good, because I love my bagels! LOL I'm going to purge my house of sugar, the bread I buy has to go. Maybe I can talk dh into getting me a bread machine for Christmas!! ;) My dh is making some Campbells tomato soup. Loaded with sugar and salt! I knew the salt part, but never paid attention to the sugar. He just pointed it out to me. I'm going to have to change the way I shop!
  4. You would have to be ovulating, so as long as your dates are right you should be fine! ;)
  5. On-Demand all the way! And ditch Ezzo! I fed both my children on demand and now that they are older I don't make them clean their plates either (one of them is a 19-year old athletic and eats like crazy). Basicly, I'm of the belief that over eating is taught. So, making a child eat because it's been two hours since they last ate, or for older children making them clean their plate after they are full is teaching them to eat when they are not hungry! Babies, in particular, are great at self-regulating! Let nature take it's course. I also don't have a problem with comfort nursing. Think of it as a hug or snuggle time. :) You wouldn't deprived your baby of that. And while am spreading my opinion skip the crying-it-out and get No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley. I'm not 100% against CIO, but not a fan of the way Ezzo does it. A much more gentle touch is needed for most kiddos. Just my 2cents! Your question about how long at each breast...It's been a long time for me, but 20-25 mins on the first side sounds good and then the 2nd until he is done. Alternating the starting breast at each feeding so they produce equally helps too. Although my son didn't like the left breast for some reason, so I was lopsided for a couple years. LOL
  6. Scary! If you have a university in your town they might have someone that can help with identifying it. Check also around all your pipes where they come into the house.
  7. :party: Ditto's! I don't know what I'd do without the library! They know us by name as well, but you do have me beat on the # of holds! :lol:
  8. Will my kid be weird due to lack of socializing? Only if you lock them in the basement and don't let them socialize! :lol: If that's not the case then they will be fine. You wouldn't want them socializing with a fair number of the kids at school anyway! Besides there is sports, scouting, co-ops, kids in the neighborhood, family members... What about sports? Check with your school. The schools here have to let homeschooled kids try out for team sports. There is always little league, soccer, football, volleyball, cheer leagues, swimming lessons, martial arts... Can Mom do it all? Nope, but you are already helping out by seeking out this info! What are co-ops? I don't belong to one so I'll let someone else tackle this one. What the heck is ds and dd? There is an abbreviation sticky at the top of one the forms, but it's dear son and dear daughter. Does mom have to wear a denim jumper and running shoes while teaching? Yes, it's mandatory! They are on sell at Walmart this week better stock up! When do you mention to your kids that they are learning differently than what is being taught in public schools? Let them in on the discussions about homeschooling, but don't present it as a choice. Answer their questions, but don't talk negatively about public school since most of their friends will probably be attending ps. This is something Mom and Dad have decided to do because it's best for our family! Most kids, especially the younger ones, are mostly concerned with the fact that they won't get to ride the school bus! Silly kids! Is there a thread that answers these questions? Most likely, but ask away people are friendly. For the most part. Is Voddie Baucham the 4th member of the trinity? Who?Should I know who that is? 4=trinity...I'll have to say no since the math doesn't work. Already concerned that we may be getting involved in a subculture that could easily be forged into an idol....just judging by the shorthand on the forums. :lol:
  9. I keep track of what we do every day. I use a check box system, I have the date in a column to the left the subjects going across the top, including sports, free reading, crafts, field trips as well as core subjects. I just check off what was done that day and put the number of hours at the end of row. Sunday, for example, will typically have reading and piano practice checked for a total of an hour that day.
  10. My son takes resources classes twice a week, so I'm forced into a 4-day schedule, we have to use a weekend day. We start the first week of Aug which gives us a month and half head start before his resource classes. We take a 1-2 weeks off at Christmas depending on if we are where I would like us to be in our curriculum, a week in Oct for our family vaca, (plus we are just coming off a week of illness). It's looking like we will be on schedule to finish our semester at the end of year. We'll take a week in the spring and hopefully be done at the end of May or first week of June when his resource classes end. At that point I'll evaluate what needs to be done over the summer. Do we need to finish a certain subject or work on multiplication tables for example.
  11. I started my 2nd grader on SOTW, FLL1, and we are working through WWE1 doing just the first week out of each section (if that makes sense to you.) He should be ready for year two in January. I've been very pleased with his progress. He was a reluctant writer to say the least when we started, whining and complaining incessantly and now will do additional copywork on his own and his narrations are so good they surprise me at times! He loves the Memory work in FLL as well! He told me today that Language was his favorite subject! Woo Hoo! Thank you SWB! So, yes it works! ;)
  12. That is awesome! I'm in SW WA as well! :) I thought it was so funny in the Twilight movie when they were supposed to be on the coast, but they were in the trees with the Gorge behind them! My whole family was laughing at that one.
  13. I have to congratulate you too for nursing so long. I weaned my son at about 25 months. For the last month we were down to just the first early morning session. That was the hardest for us because neither my son nor I are morning people! I didn't have the energy to deny him and he just wanted to cuddle. I joked that it was like his morning coffee. ;) Eventually, He was able to understand that it was time to stop and one morning looked at me and said, "no more?" I agreed and he never nursed again. Way easier then I thought it was going to be! LOL
  14. My son does PE at the Y with other homeschoolers and team sports.
  15. I'm so afraid that I'll turn into that mother!! Oh gosh, I am that mother! I cleaned my daughters dorm room last year when we visited and organized her desk. She had to call me a week later and ask where I put something. :blink: Help me hive!!! What do I do? I'm leaving in 3 days to visit her again. How do I restrain myself?
  16. Zero on CC, but we owe a family member that helped us pay off the cards. :001_unsure: We have a car that will paid off in just under a year, hopefully sooner and then the house.
  17. I'm taking 2000 IU's once a day with dinner. Vitamins give me an upset stomach so I have to take them with a big meal. Related question, How much do you give your kids? My son 55lbs, could give him the same dose I'm taking? or maybe just less often? answering my own question: However, as a general rule, breast fed infants need 1,000 IU per day, bottle fed infants an extra 600 IU per day. Children generally need about 1,000 IU for every 25 pounds of body weight. So a 75 pound 9-year-old needs about 3,000 IU per day. (this is just during the winter months when sun exposure is limited or if you use sunscreen during the summer)
  18. My name is Tammy and I say 6 out of 10 times I'm introduced to someone or introduce myself they repeat back Pammy. How many Pammy's do you actually know?! Pam, yes, but Pammy! and it isn't like Tammy is all that uncommon! LOL When I was younger I thought I wasn't enunciating properly, but it happens when other people introduce me as well. To answer the question, Yes I do correct them.
  19. :smilielol5: I do the same thing. Now my son will just pipe with, "I'm looking for the answer out the window(in the trees, on the spider web...ect)." When the weather is nice, which is less often these days, I find he focuses better outside instead of sitting inside looking out. Go figure! But all in all I think it is an age thing. I was made to stay after school two or three times a week in 2nd grade for staring out the window.
  20. This is a great thread! :lol: My step-mom always had a hanky stashed somewhere, either in her bra or a rolled up sleeve. I think my grandma may have too. When we went to Disney a few years ago my husband insisted that I caring my phone in my jeans pocket since I wouldn't be able to hear it ring. I couldn't convince him that I my phone would not fit in my pockets, which turned into a discussion on the cut of female jeans that he just couldn't understand. I guess the whole argument could have been avoided if I stuck the darn thing in my bra!
  21. Wow, I don't know how he gets it all done in an hour, but good for him. It takes my son 45-60 minutes to get through one section of math! Yes, his focus could be better! ;)
  22. What! I missed that! Not happy about that one at all. I've also read that China wants to go to the moon to mine for minerals! Leave the darn moon alone please!
  23. It's crazy! He didn't do a thing to be qualified for the office, Hilary said it best, "He wrote a speech." As President he hasn't accomplished a single thing in his first year at home let alone had any global effect. Unless trashing (along with Bush's help) the US dollar on the world stage counts as peace I can't see what he has done!
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