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Everything posted by Tam101

  1. My 20-year old still has problems with cleaning up after herself. She claims she manages fine at her house (she has 3 roommates at college), but when she is home it's a different story. She even freely admits this. Says it's painful for to do dishes here, but it's something she just takes care of at school. *sigh*
  2. I guess I would have to say yes. I remember timed tests for both adding and multiplying. I also remember my step mother buying me flashcards and a push button board to help me learn them, neither of which helped. She wouldn't have done that out of good will, but most likely because a teacher complained I didn't know them. So, basically no one was going to help me learn them, but I was expected to learn them.
  3. Hello! I'm trying to accept your friend request, but it doesn't seem to be working. I'll try again later.

  4. Yes, they do. Unfortunately for me I don't have a color printer. A fact I've been complaining to dh about for years. Our old workhorse b&w laser has plenty of life left in it though. *sigh* Also, keep in mind MM doesn't have very much color to begin with though.
  5. :iagree: Good suggestion! That is actually what I did with WWE1, but I'm still not using the workbook on level 2. I think I will for level 3 though.
  6. Are you using the workbook? I'm guessing you are. Either way I would say to go ahead and give him the evaluation now. No sense in spinning your wheels on WWE2 if he is ready to move on. If he isn't ready then I would fast forward to point that would be challenging. You can also continue to work on narration with other readings. I just started WWE2 (text) with my 2nd grader and I plan to skip weeks here and there so we can finish by the end of the year.
  7. I didn't and don't do them both everyday. That isn't to say that sometimes I don't do both on the same day, but each gets two or three days a week.
  8. I started my son with MM2 last year and he was fine. The first chapter is always review and you could also have her take the 1st grade test, which I believe is on the MM website, to see if she has any holes that you need to cover before starting. The author looks for an 80% pass before going on to the next level.
  9. We are on our 2nd year using MM and I love it. My son is better at mental math then figuring it out on paper so I like that it includes both. Makes us both happy. Like others have said there are a lot of problems on each page, so we skip every other one. I use the "extra" problems to do additional teaching or for extra practice. I plan to continue using it.
  10. Me too! Just rearranged the living room and dinning room. Moved my son's keyboard. :lol:
  11. :iagree: Same here. When I first joined I linked to something and got the same thing.
  12. I put 300-500. It's closer to the 300 mark and that is including supplies. Just one kiddo!
  13. I didn't even think about School House Rock and we own that! Thanks for the reminder! :) I've decided I'm going to have him make up some of his own rhymes to go with the list I started. I know he'll remember the ones he came up with!
  14. My husband just found some more. http://www.multiplication.com/rhyming.htm
  15. I found these, but would like some more. My son can memorize a poem in an afternoon, but math facts...forget it! :glare: I showed him that list and he loves it and it is helping him remember his multiplication facts, so I was hoping the hive had some more suggestions for me. TIA
  16. My 2nd grader schedule is very similar to what's been posted. We too finished FLL 1, WWE 1 and SWO-A before Christmas and are moving to the next level this week. I don't use a handwriting book, he practices a lot with our regular curriculum load. Once a week I have him practice cursive on lined paper. Sounds like you are on the right track.
  17. You might want to look at Math Mammoth. I do teach with it, but it's self explanatory, a good reader could easily follow the instructions with minimal help.
  18. I love herding dogs! We have two Shelties and I can see them doing the same thing. We take them to our local dog park and their favorite dogs to play with are Labs. The Labs will focus in on chasing down the ball and don't care that our two are working together to herd them back to their owners. Spaniels are good too because they want to be chased and mine are eager to do it! We had an Aussie for a while, but we couldn't run him hard enough and had to find a family that could. He was one of the sweetest and smartest dogs I've ever known though.
  19. I started watching it when it first started, but ended up getting lost, pun intended. But recently I've been watching seasons 4 and 5 with my daughter and I'm hooked. I think I'll try to get 1-3 in before Feb 2nd!
  20. I put lemon bars in the oven on Christmas eve, after the timer went off they looked like they needed an extra couple minutes. So, what did I do?! I went to the store to pick up the ham I pre-ordered. Instead of an extra couple minutes they got an extra 45!! :(
  21. Could be lots of things. Do you put down fresh water everyday? My dogs love it fresh and cold from the tap and will usually drink the most right after I put it down. There could be some soap residue in the bowl or it could just be that icky water outside tastes yummy! LOL
  22. As long as she doesn't complain about dressing warm outside or complain about being cold inside, I don't see why it would be a problem.
  23. My 8yo two main jobs are to take out the recycling whenever asked, on garbage day take a bag around to the bathrooms and empty's those. He'll clean the kitchen window, put the silverware away out of the dishwasher.
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