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Everything posted by Tam101

  1. When I 'm still half asleep, I've been known to put the coffee grounds in my cup and then add hot water. Doh! Btw, I use a french press so it isn't as bad as it sounds. I just used the wrong receptacle, but it's still pretty sad.
  2. That question is evil!! But I had to say coffee...and who knows I might actually get something done!
  3. I finally decided on Getting Started with Latin for a few reason. The cost being one, but I was willing to pay the price for Latin for Children, my other choice. Most important reason is I like the format, short simple lessons out of a book (my son is a booky kid and learns best that way) and free downloads from the website. Also, I was able to get a copy from the library to evaluate it before I bought it. I'll most likely go with Latin for Children next year.
  4. While I have some disagreements with some of what she says this really bothers me. Being in Germany herself she should know (but apparently doesn't) that the Nazi's were the far left party of Germany. Also, thinking of the Holocaust deniers of today they are far left dictators. Even the race issues in the U.S. have been distorted by the media and the schools. It was conservatives that were against slavery and wanted the salves freed. In more recent history 80% of democrats voted against the Civil Rights Amendment. I'm so tired of the politicians, media and schools making conservatives out as racists just for their own political gain. It's really dishearten how many believe it not only here in the U.S. but world wide.
  5. We pay $15 for a half hour lesson plus any other expenses, music, recitals...ect ETA: that is out of her home. If the teacher works out of a music store they typically charge more to cover the room expense.
  6. I've done a number of things from laid back no schedule to schedule each day with a spreadsheet. Both end up stressing me out because I worry we won't finish by the end of the year or we get behind. ect... This fall I'm going to use Homeschool Skedtrack. What I like about it is if the child doesn't get something done it will automatically push the schedule back for you without having to rewrite the lesson plan. I just about have everything scheduled for next year and I left an extra couple weeks at the end of each subject, to allow for sick days and life. *fingers crossed* I think this is the answer for me!:D
  7. I'd say all of the above, except for "c". Most likely isn't a permanent condition. Get some rest and tell them to take the noise and mess out of your room for an afternoon. Or until the baby is born!! :tongue_smilie:
  8. You're fine, most likely your thread hasn't been read by someone who is knows the program well enough to comment. I'm reading everything regarding Latin myself right now. So, I'll be watching this watching this thread!
  9. That is just awful! I'm so sorry, I can't even imagine the pain you must be in. :grouphug:
  10. Thanks for the opinions. It's been helpful! I have a copy of GSWL on hold at the library. I'm hoping with that in hand it will help with my choice.
  11. :iagree: I would describe my son as non-mathy, but he does very well with MM. I listen to him complain and grumble, but then watch him easily do the math and wonder what the heck he was complaining about. I very seldom have to re-explain the instructions to him (unless he just isn't paying attention). You can easily add or reduce the amount of practice depending on the childs needs. Right now for example I randomly add in a subtracting practice sheet because I have found that he "forgets" to borrow. Or if it's a concept he gets I'll only have him do every other problem on the page. When it came to memorizing multiplication facts we went really slow. He isn't as quick with answers as I'd like, so he is going to become close friends with Timez Attack this summer. ;)
  12. Ooooo....I like the Donna Young one! Thank you, thank you, thank you! We did a wall timeline this year and too be honest, we had a hard time keeping up with it. It had to go in a separate room from where we school and just wasn't convenient. Although it turned out beautifully my son now wants to redo it in a book like the Donna Young sample. He loves books and wants to be able to sit down with it, add to it and continue on with history. Our current timeline would have to come down when we start middle ages. I think we are going to use the review cards in the back of AG for our "new" timeline! I want to go to the store and buy a sketch book!! *nerd*
  13. I don't have a copy of WTM either, but I believe 3rd grade is the recommendation.
  14. Math Mammoth, it's complete, easy to use, you can adjust the amount of practice needed (more or less). We love it! My son is working through MM 3b right now and will start 4a this fall in 3rd grade.
  15. There are so many I almost hate to start a new thread, but I've been reading past threads and reading reviews for the last couple hours and my head is about to explode. :lol: I'm thinking of one of two things for my 3rd grader with no previous Latin. (I have no experience either!) I want classical, Christian is good, but not required, primary purposes would be translation, pronunciation, and grammar. So, Getting Started with Latin in 3rd grade and then move to Latin for Children in 4th OR just start with LFC? I'm concerned LFC might be too difficult for his age and the cost, but if I could get the DVD's used that would save a bundle. I've also kicked around Latin's Not So Tough starting with Lvl 2, but the mixed reviews have me concerned. Thanks for your input.
  16. My son goes to YMCA once a week for PE and participates in team sports. He has asked to do Martial Arts after Baseball is over.
  17. Thanks for the links! We just finished Ancients this week and I know my son would love to have a Roman Feast. I haven't brought up the idea to him yet for fear that he'll will pester me all week! :tongue_smilie:
  18. I picked sometimes, but it's because many times he doesn't want me to read them to him!
  19. I'm glad to hear a good report. I've been using Google Calendar this year and it's such a pain to reschedule when life happens. I'm looking forward to having this program do that for me!! I would love to see some of Peace Hill Press products in the share imports folder. I added the ones I'm using next year. I also discovered it is much easier and faster to enter Activities as a .txt file. I just copied the table of contents from the .pdf into note pad, cleaned it up, added the proper info and imported it. Much easier!
  20. And what do/did you think? http://www.homeschoolskedtrack.com I've been playing with it for about a month now and like the functionality of it. The user interface could use some work and it has a bit of learning curve because of that. I'm going to give it a try next year.
  21. A sprained ankle can take a long time to heal. If it's real bad don't expect to ever be "normal" again. My dd is volleyball player and has had two bad sprains, the ankle is permanently ( but not noticeably) larger then the other. Same with dh, sprained his about a year and half ago, it's still larger then the other. Icing it, elevating it, and taking Ibuprofen will help. As long as it is continuing to get better I would think it's fine. Never hurts to get an X-ray when in doubt though. Twist my ankle today...stupid! LOL It isn't bad though.
  22. I enjoy these threads, it's helps me to make sure I haven't forgotten something. BIBLE My Mother-in-law comes over once a week for bible and cursive. MATH Math Mammoth 4a & b Chess Club Language FFL3 WWE3 SPELLING/VOCABULARY Spelling Workout C HISTORY SOTW 2 SCIENCE ? Might have him take a resource class depending on scheduling Latin ? Haven't narrowed down the program I want to use yet P.E. YMCA once a week (swimming/Gym), Team Sports (Basketball/Baseball) Arts Piano Lessons & Resource Class
  23. Math Mammoth does both of the things you listed.
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