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Everything posted by Tam101

  1. My son, 8 1/2, only answers the door if it is someone he knows (Grandma, neighbor...). Otherwise he'll come tell me he doesn't know who it is. Funny thing is he just does this automatically. We have never, to my recollection, had a conversation about it.
  2. I here ya! I was bit irked at a curriculum I was looking at that sold the answer key separately! Why can't they just put it in the back of the book? Charge another $5 for the text if you must, but don't make me pay extra for the answers!
  3. Yes, you could do without the activity guide for SOTW, but I wouldn't want to. We don't do every activity. I try to pick at least one craft a chapter and we love the maps. My son doesn't like to color, so I end up coloring while he does his math! :lol: I find the reading selections helpful and the review cards in the back we use on our timeline.
  4. First Language Lesson's is part of The Well-Trained Mind curriculum. You can find it at the Peace Hill Press link above. Like a previous poster, it's the only grammar program I've used and it's worked well for us. My son is a book learner, so sitting down and reading the scripted lessons works very well for him.
  5. I have math and SOTW, need to buy everything else. I'm having a garage sale next weekend and hoping to cover the cost that way.
  6. I said maybe. They have met, in fact had dinner together tonight, but they don't "know" each other. This is the first time in many many years they have been in the same room.
  7. This fall we will hold school M-Th and Friday he will attend a partnership school. Math x4 Language/Writing/Spelling x4 Phonics When he needs a refresher Science x2 Typing x1 History x4 Latin x4 Bible x1 Piano Lessons x1 P.E. x1 ymca Chess/Art x1 Friday classes
  8. I've had 3/4 of mine replaced (I had a lot cavities as a kid). What I was told is that the silver fillings wear out and start "leaking". Not sure exactly what that means. I was scheduled to have the last two done and we lost our dental insurance so it never happened. I haven't any issues with the new fillings or the old ones for that matter.
  9. I don't, but I admire you for it. We have talked about taking lessons as a family when our son a little older. So, what's a good age for that? He is 8 now. We are thinking 10-12ish.
  10. My son did books A&B last year. Our schedule was two pages a day and then the test, so three days for a lesson. I don't pre-test. I'll have to check out spelling city. I also make puzzle pages here. http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/ My son likes the double puzzle best. I use the spelling rule for that lesson as the hidden message. I have run into a length limit yet on the message. Is everyone doing one book per semester? I was going to slow down for book C, but now I'm questioning that. Maybe I should just wait and see how he does!:lol:
  11. I'm running to borders today. I hope they still have some!
  12. :iagree: That's me exactly. I tend to drive myself crazy with research, but so far I've been happy with what I choose and I stick with it.
  13. Check your local Humane Society. It's kitten season and many of them over stuffed with cats and kittens. I just received an e-mail from our HS looking for people to foster kittens until they can get them all adopted.
  14. You're panicing for nothing!! Pending charges have NOT come out of your account and will NOT cause anything to bounce. Take a deep breath and relax! You're fine. Until the company processes the charge through their bank, it then goes to Fed Reserve and then to your bank it won't be taken out of your account. Both pendings with fall off tonight and the one right charge will go through. Debts are NOT instant transactions everthing still has to go through the Federal Reserve.
  15. Push them down the stairs!! OMGosh! Has to be a joke!:lol::lol::lol: They put a phone number. Give them a call!
  16. Oh shoot...I said one, but I did use a PDF in 1st grade called "Shape Books". It wasn't instructional at all though. Just a creative writing sort of thing. Now I use WWE.
  17. I bought a workbook at Learning Palace for K. I think it was a Horizon book, but don't remember. I've used Math Mammoth for two years and will continue with it.
  18. Those are the little facts my son loves! :D
  19. I know the feeling! Has he read the bios on whitehouse.gov ? My son is collecting the President coins and the collection book came with a book that has short biographies on each president as well.
  20. Susan just posted a video today about vocabulary. Maybe this will help answer your questions. http://www.youtube.com/user/peacehillpress#p/u/0/HLt1xKEoO40
  21. My state requires us to keep records, but no one ever asks to see them. Guess if you ever were hauled into court you would need them! That said I'm using Skedtrack this year. It has plenty of boxes to check! :lol: It also has a system for grading, tracking books and videos, lesson plans and scheduling field trips. You can even have the kids check their own calendar and check their own boxes. ;) For book list's I keep two. One for assigned reading that would go along with history or science ect. The other is fun reading which could include read alouds and child choice.
  22. No, my memory for words isn't great. I normally can tell if he has recited something incorrectly, but have to look it up in order to correct him.
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