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Everything posted by Tam101

  1. We got Left Center Right too. It is fun! My dh got Shut the Box from my parents and it's been a big hit.
  2. ewww...I've been spared that, but I once found a collection of finger nails behind the couch when I pulled it out to vacuum.
  3. My daughter had a positive dorm life!!! I'm not going to pretend that the drugs, sex and alcohol were non-existent, but she didn't have problems. It helped that she is an athlete and her team is very close and the girls roomed together in the dorm. (yes, I know athletes aren't perfect ;) ) Also, It depends greatly on the school! You can Google a list of the most notorious party schools. My daughter said you learn quickly to study and sleep through the noise. A good roommate is a blessing!! My dd and her rm were very compatible. They were known as the room that always had musical's playing on the DVD player and both liked go to bed early. Keep in mind that, for all schools that have dorms, living off campus her freshman year won't be possible unless you have relatives near by. Freshman are required to stay in the dorm unless they are still living at home and the parent has to sign something that states that. It's super hard letting them go off to school, but it is good for them! My dd told us her Senior year that she was "unusually close to her family" and even though it was going to be hard she felt like she needed to go away. The first two weeks were really hard on her! She has told us now that she wanted to call so many times say she was coming home, but she didn't. --btw, don't let them, tell them to stick it out until Christmas!-- By the end of Christmas break she couldn't wait to get back to school and her new friends. That was harder on me then the first time she left!! My dd is sophomore this year and living off campus with 3 other girls. If you have any other questions feel free to pm me.
  4. I was told once that until they start seeking seeking out privacy that it isn't a worry. As long as they are comfortable and you are comfortable it's fine. I have gotten to a point where I'm not comfortable with my son seeing me in the buff and so I avoid that, but I was helping him wash his hair today (he was being lazy). He is 8, btw. As far as dh and the boys walking around same rule, if they are comfortable no worry. But if you would rather not see your boys then by all means tell them to get dressed.
  5. I just use the LightBlue series. I have a free copy of Telling Time blue book, but have never used it. Lisa, She is working on 6th grade, but it doesn't sound like it will be out in time for you. "Math Mammoth Grade 6 complete curriculum is not yet available. I expect to be able to offer this some time during 2010."
  6. If you can rent it that would be number one or you could try to find a reputable investor that would take it off your hands. You would lose equity if you had to do that, but would be better then foreclosure. Also, call your mortgage company and be upfront with them they might be able to do something for you including lowering your rate. You can also differ payments and have them tacked on to the end of your loan. That might give you enough time to sell. I think you can do that 3 times, BUT if you go into default they can call those differed payments.
  7. :lol::lol: So funny! Do the kids know you write this stuff down.
  8. My kids are nearly 12-year apart in age. Yes, same Dad! They are very close and adore each other despite the age gap and my daughter being gone most of the year at college. Here is a Scrapblog I did of them, looks like I need to do some updating to it. http://www.scrapblog.com/viewer/viewer.aspx?sbid=241283
  9. Omgosh, you made me getting out my diary I kept when I was pg with my son. So funny to read back on it now! I wrote down that I felt "rolling movements" at 16 weeks and 17 weeks I said, "The rolling is more obvious and sometimes I get a small kick". The funny part was at 15 weeks, my entry was "MUSTARD!!!" :lol: I would make these huge hamburgers pour globs of mustard on each bite.
  10. I would have told him that I would be happy to tell the store manger how much he hates his job if he would be kind enough to go locate him/her.
  11. Agreed! What does bug me though is when retails label Christmas Trees and Christmas decorations as "Holiday". It's not a Holiday Tree, it's a Christmas Tree!!! and I don't hang Holiday Ornaments on my tree they are Christmas Ornaments! ETA: About 20-years ago I worked at a large retailer we always started say Happy Holidays one week (company policy) before Thanksgiving and Switched to Happy New Year on the 1st, for about a week. Happy Holidays was meant to encompass all the Holidays during that time period and not an attempt to leave out Christ.
  12. The instructions for my Crock-Pot say, "For best rice results, use long grain converted rice or a specialty rice as the recipe suggests. If the rice is not cooked completely after the suggested time, add an extra 1 to 1 1/2 cups of liquid per cup of cooked rice and continue continue cooking for 20-30 minutes. As part of a recipe, yes, but I don't think you could just make plain white rice in it.
  13. :iagree: Math Mammoth could be done independently. I use a B&W printer, so I couldn't tell you how much color it has, but I know it does have some.
  14. Not new, My daughter and her friends have been using it for about 10 years. I felt the same way at first, but now I use it. Means, my fault. Can be used in lieu of an apology. "Who spilled the milk?" "My bad" Tam
  15. I've Issac as an alternate spelling Isaac and it's gaining in popularity, but technically Issac would be pronounced Iss-ac. Now if I could just get my Mom to figure out that we spell it Isaac! LOL
  16. My son and I ended up with different techniques. I taped center crosses together first, then messed with the middle/end pieces. My son taped two end to end then did the center crosses on the next two and taped then ends to the middle. Repeating on the other side. I think his turned out better. (hope that makes sense :( )
  17. Made our first one tonight and hung it in the front window. Ds is working on the second one! Thanks for sharing.
  18. I choose 24-36 months...it was actually 25 months with my son. 12ish for my daughter.
  19. I chose the second option. I've never actually ignored a request, but with the situation you have given I would ignore that. I don't send many requests out either. I've looked through my high school list and only chose a handful to send requests to. A few schoolmates have sent me requests that I have accepted, even though I wouldn't have sent one to them.
  20. We are going to try them this morning!
  21. I'm sorry, I hope the pain has worn off because I have to :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  22. My son was exactly the same way last year at 7, this year he has become much more confidant in his spelling and writing, which equals less drama. Just stay patient and get him a good spelling program, he'll get there. I still get a lot of deep sighs, but I think he reacting out of habit now!
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