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Everything posted by Tam101

  1. Ditto, I had a Parcel Post package take over 4 weeks to arrive. My mom, a retired postal worker, told me unless I'm using Priority Mail go with FedEx or UPS.
  2. I don't know MEP, so I can't compare it for you, but Math Mammoth does teach a number of mental math strategies.
  3. I don't get?! If you have a coupon for .50 off one jar of peanut butter (or whatever). How do you get 6 for free? I've never seen a coupon that is good for multiple quantities of the same item for the total amount of a product. I'm not being snarky, truly I want in on the secret! LOL I have a coupon for a buck off 6 Yopliat yogurts. They run about fifty cents each on sale. So, I could 6 for $2 or two free. Is that what you mean?
  4. I'm of this opinion too. My son does well with memorization, loves it would be a better description. He has a fascination with US presidents and every morning can be found on the couch reading from a number books on presidents he owns or has borrowed from the library. He has memorized many facts, can recite their names in order and his latest trick is asking us for a number and he tell us which President that is. He has done this all on his own away from our studies. So, no it hasn't killed his joy of learning. For him it has inspired it!
  5. I don't know if it is rigorous or not, but we sure are busy!;) Typical week: M-PE @ the Y,American Government, FLL, WWE, Math, SOTW, SWOb,baseball practice T-Grandma Day(better known as bible study), FLL, WWE, Math, SOTW, SWOb W- Piano Lessons, American Government, FLL, WWE, Math, SOTW, SWOb, Library, baseball practice TH-Cursive, Piano Workbook, American Government, Resource Classes (Chess Club, World Crafts) F-Resource Classes (Art, Spanish, Science) Sat-Baseball game Sun-American Government, FLL, WWE, Math, SOTW, SWOb Piano practice and independent reading everyday Ok, that does sound rigorous when it's all typed out!:lol:
  6. For record keeping, the new year starts mid June or when the current year ends. We do a lot field trips over the summer and I count that time as well as piano, sports, bible and academic stuff I feel needs work before the new year starts. We start full force on the first Monday of August.
  7. The workbooks aren't necessary, but helpful. I'm not using the workbook for WWE2, but I'm going to use both FLL3 and WWE3 workbooks next year. Currently there aren't workbooks for FLL1/2, but I know a revision is coming out for fall '10, not sure if that will include workbooks or not. The chart on page 8 of the catalog may help you figure it all out. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/media/downloads/pdfs/php_2009_catalog.pdf Hope I somehow manged to answer your question. :tongue_smilie:
  8. :iagree: I think MY goal here is grammar and translation. I'm reading that LFC is heavy on chants and memorization. Is that true? Looking also at Latin Primer. I like that it is a 3yr program, but I'm reading that it is heavy on prep for the teacher. Then there is Matin Latin. 2yrs, gets right into translations and no prep! Liking that! :lol: I have Getting Started with Latin, Latin Primer II (they didn't have I) and Matin Latin on hold at my library. I'm looking forward to having my hands on copies! There are so many choice and I want to get it right the first time! :tongue_smilie: Thanks for the feedback!
  9. We are not there yet, my son is only about half-way through WWE2, but if the dictations are too long I would shorten them or give it to him in two parts. There is no sense in getting frustrated.
  10. I'm looking for recommendation on Latin too, so I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. I'm currently looking at Getting Started with Latin. It could be a good fit for you since they describe it as being for all ages, kids to adults. They have downloadable MP3's. If anyone has used it I'd love to hear their thoughts! ETA: http://www.gettingstartedwithlatin.com/index.php
  11. My oldest, she went to ps, struggled with her reading. She was enrolled in special reading classes until she was 8, but didn't start to enjoy reading until her teens. My son loved books from birth. He was only a few days old the first time I showed him a book and he stopped his wiggling and he eyes popped open. He was hooked! There was no stopping him from learning. By the time he was 4 I realized I was doing him a disservices by not teaching him to read. At 5 he was ready for short chapter books.
  12. We started Pre-K in Jan after he turned 4, so 4 1/4. We did 3-days a week for an hour or two.
  13. I was going to say math, but I asked my son and he said spelling. Again, funny because he'll will often do more then the assigned two pages I give him. :rolleyes: He say's math is second unless it's money, measuring, time or geometry...basically he doesn't like plain adding, subtracting and multiplying, but when it has a purpose it's fine.;)
  14. Language Arts: First Language Lessons 3 w/ workbook Writing With Ease 3 w/ workbook Spelling Workout C/D Cursive/keyboarding History: SOTW 2 + Activity guide US Civics Math: Math Mammoth 4 Latin: Latin for Children (? Still researching this) Music: Piano Lessons Bible: With Grandma Art , Science, Chess, & PE: Outside resource classes. I may try to bring science home again...Ugh...I keep going back and forth on that. Not too thrilled with the science class he is taking, but I've had a hard time being consistent with it at home too. I'll have to see how our schedule turns out. Sports: Baseball and Basketball
  15. :iagree: I say we all boycott Comic Sans! I'm so tired of looking at it.
  16. Sounds like my daughters house at college. Her and her roommates bought a bag of letters, discovered they didn't have enough vowels and went out and bought more. They always have something written on their refrigerator. I'm sure I wouldn't approve of most of it! :ack2:
  17. Gamers here! I'm currently playing Torchlight and my ds enjoys playing his own games on the PC as well. He has his own bookmark list of "safe" game sites I let him go to. He also has a Game Boy Advance (oldie but goodie). The main rule around here is no gaming until after school!
  18. Lets share! Have your kids said anything recently that has made you laugh? While explaining to ds8 what a telegraph is and how it was used he said, "So, it was kind of like texting!" I guess textese is today's Morse Code?
  19. :iagree: I too forgot I had this. Thanks for the reminder!
  20. I've done honey mask's for years, but recently I've been doing it at least once a week. Helps eczema too!
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