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Everything posted by bamagirl

  1. I'll try to help..since you are using Blogger you should be able to go to "Design" it's up in the top right hand corner. It should show you all the parts of your blog and each one will have the word edit in the corner. If I understand you, you are wanting to add Pages and have them show up in a Navigation bar? If so, you can do that here..you should see a Pages block and you can add the names of each page and choose which ones you want to show in the Navigation bar. Is that clear as mud?
  2. A Bullet and A Target - Citizen Cope Justin Timberlake -SexyBack, Rock Your Body, multiple high tempo songs Daughtry from his Daughtry album
  3. I've used this recipe from the Duggar's for years and it works great. I fill old detergent bottles with it and keep the extra in a 5-gallon paint bucket in my laundry room. You just have to remember to shake it up good before each use. If I have bad stains I will rub with a bar of Fels Naptha or use some Oxy Clean. Our clothes do not wear out faster and do not look dingy BTW :001_smile: Ingredients: 4 Cups - hot tap water 1 Fels-Naptha soap bar* 1 Cup - Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda** ½ Cup Borax Directions: -Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted. -Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken. -Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel) -Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil. -Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons. -Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads) -Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)
  4. I'm reading The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler, bought it at Goodwill a few weeks ago...so far, it's just so-so, hasn't sucked me in yet.
  5. I have skin just like yours, my dermatologist recommended CeraVe....I've used the cleanser and lotion now for years and love it. You can get it almost everywhere.
  6. Beautiful work! I'm sure the couple will love it :)
  7. Ridiculous! I would definitely be finding a new OB! I had one at 35 and one at 37, very little was even mentioned about my age.
  8. I was going to suggest this too! I loved it since it came with everything I needed! Also, check out Tot School she has lots of free printables and ideas!
  9. I used coconut oil on my hair one time...it took me 3 washes with Dawn to get it out. I haven't done it again ;)
  10. We love Bible Study Guide for All Ages...I use the Intermediate Pages with my 1st grader and the Beginner Pages for my 4K'er. The pages involve some coloring, fill in the blank, puzzles, map work, timeline work, etc. they also have an application for our lives section. The manual also has a lot of supplemental stuff they can do in addition. It takes us about 30 min to complete each day.
  11. I couldn't really hear a noise per se, but got the sensations something was turned on, if that makes any sense :bigear: I'm definitely over 25...
  12. This made me laugh! I have a friend who is 40 that loves overalls, she has many, many pairs and wears them all of the time. I voted last week :001_smile:
  13. Another vote for Well Planned Day..I've used the full size for the past 2 years (which I prefer). This year I ordered the On-the-Go size, but now wish I had stuck with the full.
  14. I'm 42 and can honestly say I feel great now! I've cut out excessive sugar, most grains/dairy, and exercise regularly. My diet is now filled with lean protein, eggs, nuts, fresh fruits/veggies and it has made such a huge difference in my energy level and appearance. Before I made these changes, I felt run down, needed a nap almost daily. I always felt bloated and blah. The change in the last month has been nothing short of amazing! Good luck making changes, it can hurt at first, but once you get into a groove with healthier habits it does become easier :001_smile:
  15. Both of mine run track with a local youth track club during the spring. We continue to work on track & field events during the year. We also do some of the WOD from Crossfit Kids They are fun, plus dad and I both do Crossfi,t so they like to feel like they are working out like we are!
  16. :lol: That would be me too :) Hope you enjoyed every last bite!
  17. We went to pick cotton (we live in the South), they explained the process of turning the fluffy white stuff into products, then we got to take a bale home. We had a Pest Control Company (Cook's PC) that had a critter museum, as a child it was great to see all kinds of bugs, rodents, and reptiles. The Space and Rocket Museum in Huntsville, AL. I loved it! Want to take my kids, I'm sure it's changed a lot!
  18. When I 'm craving something sweet, I take a frozen banana (I freeze the over ripe ones) and put it in the food processor. After a few pulses, it comes out the consistency of ice cream! It tastes like an indulgence, but it's healthy!
  19. I just got this catalog too! Thanks for posting because I had the same question...their products look great :)
  20. When I crave pasta, I make meatballs over spaghetti squash Lots of fish (salmon, tuna, shrimp) Nuts/natural peanut butter with apple Lots of fruits, veggies (grilled, raw, or roasted), lean protein Taco salad with quacamole, grilled chicken salads
  21. It looks like hand, foot,mouth to me...we have a good friend that just got over a horrible case. The doctor told them that there is a new, more violent strain that affects the whole body. They told them they are contagious 2 days before rash until 2 days after. Her spots had little vesicles. She had a fever too.
  22. I love your notebook system BTW...in FLL they do review poems often. We reviewed one today from early in the year. So yes, I would put a review system in place. It is amazing how fast they can memorize, I sure wish my memory was still as sharp!
  23. I have and never had problems, she is awesome about getting back with you if you have any questions. Just email her and tell her your problem, I'm sure she will be happy to help!
  24. Black coffee is not a cheat, however, if you like cream or sugar those are no-nos. Coconut milk seems to be ok from what I've seen so I use the unsweetened version in my coffee....I could never give it up..lol!
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