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Everything posted by Ditto

  1. This blows my mind! I remember that phase from the 70s and it was ugly even back then. My mother had that stuff everywhere due to churning it out as fast as she could. It is true that everything old is new again. However, I will happily skip have any macrame in my home.
  2. I have never heard anyone refer to their dog as "it". To me that seems mean and shows they aren't connected to their dog. I am in the US so it could be different in other countries.
  3. Yes, currently homeschooling one that is over 10 years old.
  4. The Queen sitting by herself broke my heart into a thousand pieces. I feel so sad for her.
  5. I am not sure what I would write but I think it is very sweet of you to do this for her. I hope someone far more creative than me is able to offer you some tips.
  6. We aren't making any changes even though we are now all fully vaxxed (still waiting for our 2 week post second dose time periods to be up though). It just doesn't feel safe to let our guards down yet.
  7. Needing a booster at some point was something I fully expected so this doesn't surprise me at all. It is also fine with me. Anything that brings protection from Covid is good in my book. My family will raise our sleeves and happily receive our booster shots.
  8. My 17 year old got her second Pfizer vaccine Friday. By that afternoon she had an incredibly bad headache, body aches, brain fog, and was very tired. I gave her motrin which helped a little. She slept well Friday night and thought she felt better when she woke up yesterday but within 30 she felt like she did Friday (bad headache, body aches, brain fog, exhaustion). I kept motrin in her all day yesterday. She slept great last night and felt completely better this morning. She has been fine all day.
  9. My 25 year old had her second Pfizer vaccine on Monday. She has been battling overwhelming fatigue and horrible headaches since then. Today she says the fatigue is improving but the headaches remain. My 21 year old had her second Pfizer on Tuesday and so far has just had the exhaustion but no headache.
  10. I will now. Hope I find something equally entertaining.
  11. I am thinking of you. Lots of gentle hugs as well.
  12. My husband had his second Moderna vaccine Friday afternoon. No side effects at all so far. The way I look at potential side effects is that they are far preferable to the virus itself.
  13. Me too. I am finding the same thing. I don't like to stay logged in (and don't stay logged in). This is definitely new over the last week or so maybe?
  14. 48+ hours after second Pfizer shot and I am a little achy and feel like I am getting the flu. Technically no fever but it is higher than my typical temp. I am also extremely tired. I fell asleep for over an hour. Edit: I also have a slight sore throat, which I also had 24 hours after first dose.
  15. We are a Dave's family. It is very good.
  16. Hi! I'm glad you decided to come out of the lurk zone and join us.
  17. For those looking for vaccination t-shirts--they are a thing! I found Pfizer on Redbubble, Amazon, and somewhere else that I can't remember now. Just google it. Teen and I are definitely getting one. My favorite is the one that says "Thank you Pfizer" (Pfizer is their logo). If you get one, please post which one you got!
  18. Our family's second dose vaccination train has left the station too and it is such a good feeling! Husband is Friday, oldest is Monday, middle is Tuesday, and youngest is Friday. All of us are Pfizer except hubby-he is Moderna.
  19. Just over 24 hours since my second Pfizer shot and NO side effects at all. My arm is slightly sore but so not a big deal. I am just beyond grateful to have had both doses and look forward to full protection in 2 weeks or so.
  20. Is this a thing? If so, I want one too!
  21. I had my second Pfizer shot this morning. My arm isn't even sore. It feels incredibly good to have both vaccines done. Next up is hubby's second Moderna shot on Friday. If I develop any side effects I shall report back.
  22. Awesome! I would love to see all colleges and universities require it.
  23. I was just getting ready to post that I have several food and antibiotic allergies and did well with my first Pfizer dose. I'm glad you were able to talk to your doctor's office and get scheduled for Pfizer. Pfizer and Moderna are definitely my preferences. All my kids got Pfizer and my husband got Moderna. My second shot is tomorrow afternoon. Take it all in tomorrow, it is quite a site and truly history in the making. Congratulations on getting vaccinated!
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