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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. Old Navy has some nice wide leg, elastic waist linen blend pants that have been running $12. Edit... hit enter too soon. Idk what shape you are looking for but I have short legs and prefer straight cuts and love these.
  2. The standard I have seen is to tare the packaging, but it doesn't mean it's the standard.
  3. Full disclosure, he is the firstborn of a firstborn and I have realized I have pushed him. While he has risen to the challenge, I want him to have a solid chill year before carrying full high school credit load just because he (likely) can. He said he wants to do a year of HS level ornithology for credit even in the "gap year" so it isn't like a throwaway year, it's just not full steam ahead.
  4. He would definitely have to work on an appropriate level of Kahn, and the LOF would be for fun because we have all 3 but he only ever did book 1 (preA 0). I am not a math person, so I am open for suggestions on number theory etc.
  5. He is great at math but dislikes it. Additionally, I think I will need to outsource anything after algebra. So my logic was he could have a year with Fred and Kahn to stay sharp but not keep rolling ahead.
  6. Okay, good to know. In my head, a transcript was organized by subject regardless of number of years completed. So what you say makes sense if it's just organized another way. Thanks. Oh and we are using Saxon for math, so Advanced Mathematics would come after the 2 years.
  7. DS12 is finishing Alg 1 this week. Next year he will be in 7th and doing Alg 2. We originally planned on the following year being all HS level, but have since decided not to graduate him early for a variety of reasons. So his 8th grade year will be a "gap year" of sorts... mostly self-lead, unschooling type work. I figured he could do some Kahn math and go back through LOF prealgebra series just to keep it all fresh. Is that going to look bad or weird on transcripts? Should I plan for him to do all Kahn algebra and give him 3 Alg credits?
  8. Good to know about Publix! And here I was thinking I had a cool, new idea. 🤣 Yes, so far the kids are at odds on the best and I am middle of the road for everything.
  9. Too young to have summer jobs, too rural for a lot of camps. But our library system is stellar and we have 12 events lined up in June and July. We also have friends who just moved a few miles down from us, so we will be spending more time with them. Keeping our standing park day with another friend. We are on a mission to find the best sparkling water flavors (La Croix, Spindrift etc) and the kids are making a bracket. LoL I also want to do one read aloud "Book and Movie" theme a month, so probably James and the Giant Peach in June, and Holes in July. Those are good for their ages. We'll have watching parties after we finish the books. Garden work. House projects. Math and reading lightly all summer. My husband will take a week in July and we'll probably go bowling, have a beach day, and camp in the yard.
  10. I think I am a similar age to Tara, so likely took ACT at a similar point in time. I was top of my class at a poor-to-middling school and got a 32 with no prep. My lowest score was a 27 or 28 in math. I think I could have made at least a 34 with proper guidance and test prep, but I do not consider myself far above average in intellect. I did know people outside of my school and in college who were not excellent students but prepped HARD and got higher scores than I, so I think those test books probably go a long way.
  11. Yesterday I was ravenous. I had gone to bed hungry the night before, and had a small eating window during which I ate everything not nailed down. A good bit of protein and veggies, but also 4 types of carbs. LoL Today I have a normal 7ish hour window. I had some great organic hummus with a few Ritz crackers, some cheddar cheese, 1/3 cup whole milk Greek yogurt with strawberries and blueberries. I am not terribly hungry yet. I may grab food after PT. Family is eating spaghetti for dinner.
  12. My big takeaway from Educated is that memory is flawed and sometimes reactive. She stated SEVERAL times that she didn't know if X was real or imagined, or what family members were present when Y occured, or if she was mixing up instances and events because of trauma. So while biographical, I couldn't trust much of it. Overall story of family dysfunction, sure. Details and minutiae of her whole childhood are iffy. My own kids recall insignificant things in life happening in a way their father and I know for fact they did not happen, because they are colored by strong emotion in a relative time point.
  13. DH and I came from farmers, but different commodities. Whatever gov is subsidizing, they are promoting as a basis of a healthy diet. I specifically remember the huge milk push of the 90s with every celeb wearing a milk mustache on huge posters all around the schools.
  14. PT yesterday and tomorrow. Ballet tonight. I'll probably bike Thursday. Plus I have been on a cleaning rampage, so lots of activity there.
  15. I can't think of anyone besides Dr Ben Carson recently.
  16. Long fast day. Dinner was the buffalo chicken mac and cheese the kids had been requesting, and I had a small sundae on the way to physical therapy. I am still hungry but spent some time shopping and with a friend and missed mu cutoff and now it's 10pm so no more eating.
  17. We were out of town for the weekend and ate weird stuff and off schedule while driving. Dinner was at an event... cranberry gorgonzola salad, filet mignon, mashed potato, broccolini, and raspberry cake. Today I was back on IF schedule. Lunch was a savory crepe wrap at a crepes-only shop... Greek style with hummus, feta, cukes, tomato, and grilled chicken. SOOO GOOD! Then the kids and I shared a sweet crepe filled with fruit and creme and drizzled with Nutella. I had a weird "dinner" of scrambled eggs with salsa verde and cheddar, a piece of peanut butter toast, and an orange.
  18. Maybe. I think a 2015 video where she spends $100 for the week and adds 2 packs of meat, a block of cheese, and 3 cans from her stockpile is different from a paid ad where she pretends to shop for a week of food with a budget of $100 during an inflationary period and can barely assemble 2-3 meals with it. Disingenuous at best.
  19. Jordan started more than a decade ago, maybe two, before the word "influencer" existed. She was on a TLC show about being a cheapskate and rationing their toilet paper. She built her blog and brand on tips for saving money, especially on food and fun. She has, or had, a large following for many years based on the fact that she did actually show what she bought and how she cooked and kept costs down. I hadn't watched her in about 5 years when I saw the video I mentioned, and quickly realized it was just an ad.
  20. Jordan is a mess. Several months ago she did a click-bait video on a week's groceries for under $100. I think it was a collab with Walmart. It was really a grocery fill in type order, and everyone in the comments harped on it only amounting to about 3 nearly complete meals for a family half the size of hers, plus some random items.
  21. Thursday I helped someone move for a couple of hours. Friday was an off day. Yesterday I walked the beach for an hour, then I walked in 3" heels for 4 hours at an event. We'll call it leg day.
  22. Thurs... our 2-3 times a year stop at the special donut shop on the way to certain Dr. I had a donut and a green tea. Skipped lunch, had early dinner of London broil, squash casserole, and bakery fresh sourdough. I didn't add the right amount of cheese to the casserole so it wasn't as rich as usual, but it was still good.
  23. I love CTC Mathematical Reasoning when you need a break from heavy math but still independent work.
  24. We went from CLE 600s to Saxon Alg 1. We have spent 1.5 years on Alg 1 because he was 11 for most of it. It takes him 50-60 minutes to do a lesson now that he is in the last 8 or so lessons. It is very similar to CLE in spiral and we liked that about it.
  25. Aeropostale is the lowest quality among the three. Hollister is going to fit small for M and F and is the most pricey.
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