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Pink Fairy

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Everything posted by Pink Fairy

  1. Niggard, and any offshoots (niggardly). Totally different meaning, but just a little too close phonetically to the N-word.
  2. You just choose "hide all from so-and-so", and poof--it's like they aren't even there.
  3. I just hide people that I don't want to follow, and use the custom feature for any of my own updates or pictures that I only want certain friends to see. It's easy to avoid drama, because I don't see it. Have you thought of going that route? It seems easier.
  4. I love it all, but the audiobook section is genius--GENIUS! I'm pinning this onto my Homeschool Dream Rooms board. ♥
  5. It's normal for me. I'll have five in school this year (!!!!!), and my brain is on overload just thinking about it.
  6. Are they in new condition? I think you'll have trouble getting people to pay that much, mainly because they are probably expecting lower prices at a used book sale.
  7. I have a friend whose dishwasher started smoking late, late at night. Her husband happened to be up and smelled it, but the sides were all blackened and I'm pretty sure it would have caused a fire too.
  8. This is so timely, because my washing machine started smoking today. We got a nicotine patch for it... (rim shot) But seriously folks, yeah--smoking. And when my husband opened the door (it's a front loader) the smoke poured out and filled up our entire laundry room and kitchen, so I think if we hadn't been home or were running it at night it might have burned down the house. Sounds like your dryer and my washer would make a great pair. :lol:
  9. I'm sure I did as a kid, but as an adult my parents are very respectful of my choices. They don't criticize me, ever--and I'm sure they could have because I am far from perfect. We are very close, and I hope that someday I'll be the kind of mom to my adult kids that my mom is to me.
  10. That's how much we made too! And if I'd just said no when she asked to use the bathroom, I'd have no regrets. Moral of the story--no is the correct answer to any can I use your bathroom questions, so don't let my horror story keep you from having a profitable yard sale. :001_smile: On the other hand, if I didn't need the money to buy this year's school books, I would have happily donated everything (which is what we usually do, and why it's only my second yard sale ever) because it's a lot easier. :tongue_smilie:
  11. The relative was a little snotty. And now I'm craving carrots dipped in ranch, lol.
  12. WHAT???!!! No way. Seriously? Okay, there isn't enough bleach in the world. I'm going to need to gut the bathroom down to the studs and start over. :001_huh:
  13. Okay, today we held our second yard sale ever, and do I have a story for you... Lady comes with her baby and buys a few things, then asks me if she can use my bathroom while my mom watches her baby. :001_huh: I'm thinking, okay it's weird, but she probably needs to make an emergency wee and doesn't want to take the baby into a gas station or something. So I walk her back to the bathroom inside our house, explaining that I would normally never do this, ha ha ha, and then wait for her to come out. Walked her back out, and then went to clean the bathroom. So she obviously didn't want to sit on the seat while she did her business, and pooped (!!!) all over the seat and the lid. :ack2: And then left it for me to clean up. So yeah, no more letting strangers use the bathroom. Who else has a weird yard sale story? ;)
  14. Something I read about HST Online is that even though you input the subject LP for the entire year, you don't want to schedule out the entire year because it's a pain in the patootie to change later. They recommended only doing a couple of weeks at a time in the agenda. You probably know this already, since you are an HST Plus pro, but I'd rather tell you just in case. And if I have it wrong, please educate me because this lack of flexibility has killed HST for me (even though I finally figured out how to use it--ugh), and I've decided to soldier on with my current program even though they are no longer doing updates. Congrats on the baby, I didn't know! :grouphug:
  15. Yay! So glad to hear you are well, and it's funny that you popped in--I was just thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. ♥ Best wishes in making your homeschool decisions. :grouphug:
  16. Adorable! I'm going to show this to my teen girls and see if they want to try it (they are way more conservative than I am--weird).
  17. This is one of my favorite blogs: http://grosgrainfabulous.blogspot.com/2010/09/thrift-store-thursday-first-impression.html She takes horrible thrift store dresses (which can be had for a couple of dollars or less, at least at our thrift store) and remakes them into cute, trendy styles. Sometimes it's not even a dress, she starts with a shirt and turns it into a dress!
  18. My 5yo suddenly started peeing his underwear many times per day. The pediatrician ordered an x-ray and it turned out that he was full of stool. It's been a long process of dealing with severe constipation, but he's getting better.
  19. Okay, I gave myself a break to recover my sanity, and now I'm going back in to try your suggestions. Wish me luck!
  20. :lol::lol::lol: My best friend in high school confessed to me that she shaved her arms. She called it the Smith family secret (name changed for privacy!). It's been years since I thought of that! As for shaving, it seems more mainstream now that you don't have to do it for legs that aren't super hairy (sorry, Jenny!). My eldest occasionally shaves her legs, and is more regular (but not religious) about her pits. I consider it one of the benefits of homeschooling, like going barefoot 90% of the time, that shaving isn't a big deal one way or another. Shaving's not my problem, my problem is that I have to pluck my face and neck regularly to get rid of these amazingly fast-growing hairs. If my regular hair grew that fast I'd be Rapunzel.
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