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Pink Fairy

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Everything posted by Pink Fairy

  1. Is it this one? I remember it because some especially socially-gifted woman said that my recipe was disgusting. :lol: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=376704
  2. That was extremely rude and thoughtless of the mom. Her wish to be there at all costs took presidence over all the other parents and all of the performers except her own child. We have ushers at our recitals, I would have approached one and asked for assistance for the self-absorbed, clueless mother and her poor babe.
  3. I'm sorry they are stealing your work. :( It's a beautiful photo, but they don't have the right to use it without your permission. They should take it down and compensate you for their previous use.
  4. This happened at the local elementary school, on school property. I can't imagine that the guy could sue the school district, I'm sure that technically none of them should have been on school property in the first place. Anyway, the police department said that no laws were broken since it was an accident, but if the guy comes in the info that we gave would come up on the computer. No news so far, and I'm hoping that the man realized his kid was lying (why he lied, I have no idea), and felt like an idiot for his own weird behavior.
  5. Earlier today my dh took our two boys on a bike ride, and my 12yo and a 15yo on a skateboard ran into each other at a corner. Both boys were fine, and we didn't think much about it. About 30 minutes ago a man approached my dh as washed our van in the driveway. According to him, his son said that my dh is the one that ran into him. The dad said that his son's knee was torn up, and he planned to go to the police department in the morning and file a report. He then requested my dh's name and phone number, since he knew where we lived anyway, and my dh--for some reason that I personally can't fathom--gave it to him. He asked for the other man's info, and when he went to get a notepad to write it down, the man sped off. I'm slightly freaked out, and seriously annoyed that my husband gave this guy our information. I can't imagine what dude thought the police would do, but fine--let the police approach us. Don't deal with some random guy making false accusations. What is the hive's take on what happened? What could this guy's motive be? How should we handle things from here on out, assuming there is something to handle? ETA: So we spoke with a cop friend, who said to call the nonemergency line of our police department to give them a heads up about this guy. He said that it was definitely really weird. He confirmed that the guy could have gotten our info anyway (which isn't the point, dh--but whatever).
  6. Me. He has SPD and VPD, and is recently diagnosed with ADD and possibly ODD. I'm starting to hate the letter "D," lol. All these diagnoses are new, as in from the past year, but we always knew something was wrong. We were able to handle it before, but now he needs more than just us. So he has an IEP, sees an OT, and just Monday we took him to a child psych so he started meds yesterday. Fun times...
  7. I don't want to give you false hope, but I had a pregnancy with heavy, heavy bleeding and huge clots and it wasn't a miscarriage. I would take the maximum dose of tylenol, and rest. There were lots of times that I went through more than one pad in 30 minutes, but the OB on call always said that was okay as long as I didn't have other symptoms. The bleeding began at 6 weeks and stopped within a few days of starting progesterone injections (around 13 weeks).
  8. Congratulations, that's awesome! Crap...I think I know where your lost elephant penis is. :001_unsure:
  9. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says on that topic: By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. [...]"The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose." For here sexual pleasure is sought outside of "the sexual relationship which is demanded by the moral order and in which the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love is achieved."139 To form an equitable judgment about the subjects' moral responsibility and to guide pastoral action, one must take into account the affective immaturity, force of acquired habit, conditions of anxiety or other psychological or social factors that lessen, if not even reduce to a minimum, moral culpability.
  10. We've talked about it. He has four siblings, none of whom have the sorts of behavior issues that he does, so he already knew. But things came to a head recently, which led to a visit to the pediatrician and a referral to behavioral therapy. Since I didn't want to go over EVERYTHING with the pediatrician right in front of him, I wrote a one page summary of what we've seen/experienced. The ped did discuss it with him, but it wasn't all that helpful. Still, I appreciate that our ped knows his limitations, and he even said that this was out of his area of expertise. Ds doesn't seem to be bothered or concerned, I think he wants help. It's nice to know that I'm not alone. :grouphug:
  11. In preparation, I downloaded the NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale. Oh. my. goodness. My 10yo son scored: Section 1 (ADD): 8/9 Section 3 (ODD): 8/8 Section 4 (CDD): 3/14 I am in shock. I knew things were not normal, that he's a "difficult" kid, but it's only been in the last six months that I felt like we were going to need outside help, and soon. How could I have missed such serious problems? And what happens now?
  12. We're converts, and follow the Church's teaching. But yeah, sometimes it's hard.
  13. We get cat traps from animal control whenever the local cats get to be a problem. We've lived here 10 years and have only done it twice, but we didn't know who the cats belonged to and they kept spraying my sliding glass door. :( In this case, vinegar didn't work. Since we've had our dog no more cat problems.
  14. Me--19yo, Dh--21 22 years later and we're still in love! :001_wub:
  15. Yay! :lol: Katy rocks, Nelson is a thieving jerk.
  16. I've finally given up on chicken and dumplings. No matter what recipe I try, the dumplings always end up nasty little dough balls. :001_huh:
  17. I don't post any on my fb, but for some reason I don't mind reading other people's brags. If my godson, or my friend's kid or grandkid does something awesome, I love to hear about it. :001_smile:
  18. I suspect that my 13yodd may have ADD (without the hyperactivity component). If you've got a daughter with ADD, how does it present itself, and what ways have you found to help her?
  19. I have friends who are more than acquaintances, although I'm not sure what you mean by baring your soul. I did have a really, really close friend, but we "broke up" in November. It was hard at first, but I'm over it now. I am happily introverted, and my family, especially my dh and my mom, and my regular friends are enough for me, I don't feel deprived at all in the true friendship department.
  20. It shouldn't matter if the animal eats meat. It would have gotten rabies from another animal, not its food. I think you need to call your doctor. :grouphug: From Ask a Scientist: Rabies is caused by a virus belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae. It was first recognized over 3000 years ago, and is now found on all continents except Australia. A virus is a very small and simple organism that must live inside an animal to survive. It is made up of a single genetic (RNA) strand, a protein cover, and an outer envelope. Rabies is most often transmitted via saliva when an infected animal bites another animal. The rabies virus can survive and cause disease in all mammals, including humans. Once a virus is living inside of an animal, the animal is called a host.
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