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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Does anyone have a line-up for VP Cards and SOTW 1? I'd really like any curriculum line-ups with VP cards. So, SOTW, MOH, TOG, etc. And while right now I need them for Ancient History, I'm happy to get any of them you have. Thanks! Carrie:001_smile:
  2. I'm curious...what is the STBXH? Stay there been ex husband is my hopefully wrong guess:bigear:
  3. Our kids have a small to large understanding of others based on their age and ability. We'll keep growing their knowledge as they mature. I'm a very conservative Christian, but I can teach my children the positive of a multitude of different situations. We send our children to Summit around 16 years old to learn Apologetics, in a class type situation. They are able to hear great speakers in Apologetics, ones that I would love to hear! If I believed that all viewpoints were equal, I wouldn't teach as I do. BUT, I do believe that all people are valuable and that we can be respectful of other's viewpoints. Carrie:-)
  4. I'm really glad that you're asking this...we're doing LOF decimals and percentages...but I need something else for my daughter before moving onto Algebra with her. Can't wait for your replies! Carrie:-)
  5. I think you're doing a alot for a 6 year old, but that's just me. My 5 year old is pretty smart, but oral work is all we do. We do skip counting, multiplication, addition...memory work....jumping up and down....starting abacus work soon....tracing some letters...practicing reading books. (he's starting to read) Math books that are "living" books...And other fun things. Lots of reading, books on cds.... I'd have to strap him down...or buy more kleenex for all his crying...if I made him sit down for a long time. And...he can sit still in church for an hour...but wow...just be gentle with yourself.... Carrie:-)
  6. I think he wrote it to be funny! It's probably from some book of quotes...just the kind of thing that we have around here. All I do know for sure is that it's Classical Latin since it has an "I" instead of a "J" for the word iussit. Carrie:-)
  7. I think that around 6 or 7 is a good time to start taking your kids to Orthos. We started ours at 7 and our oldest was 9. Our oldest is just getting her braces off tomorrow. Carrie:-)
  8. So, with Biblioplan, SOTW 1 is used? I have a (will be ) 6th grader and 1st grader. I'm trying for a kinda LCC approach. Latin, Greek, arithmetic, and history are the most important in our day. (I think this next year, we'll be learning the Catechism for Bible) We do Classical Conversations, so I was thinking of Famous Men of series..... I'm happy this thread was started, since I don't know anyone using Biblioplan. Carrie:-)
  9. Yup, my favourtist...dinner ever was a really nice place in Washington...was Pan fried Halibut Cheeks (is that what's it called?) and a sampler of Chocolate Brulee, Orange Brulee, and another kind.... So incredibly good! Carrie:-)
  10. Now that I voted...I wanna come! I want an order of one of each to split between my husband and...I guess so I can have 4...we'll bring my mom and dad....They all sound really great! What's for the main course and appetizer?? Carrie:-)
  11. My mom is Grammy when they're being sweet...Grampy when they're wanting something... my children's kids...we've decided:-) will call me Nana and I guess Papa for my husband and my parents will be Grammy and Grampy...or Grampa..and Oops...forgot that they'll have their bio mom..what should she be called? hmmm Course....kids decide for themselves...and Then they'll have another set of g-parents on the other side. I ,too, hope that g-kids are a long way away....My oldest is 16...so at least 8 years?? Carrie:-)
  12. Oops...wanted to mention that I got this "idea" from a well known author... of course, I'm sure that it's not his original thought, either. BUT, I wasn't smart enough to think of it myself....
  13. I call my father Dad or "Pops" and my children call him grandpa... My children call their father "daddy" I sometimes playfully call him..."Papa" I think it's endearing. Carrie:-)
  14. Are you just "not a Christian"? with no problem with things mentioning Christianity? OR, do you want NOTHING to do with anything mentioning God? If I knew that, I could be more educated in my response. Here's a sampling of the cards... Creation, Fall in the Garden, Cain and Abel..But, starting with card # 6.. it's Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt... There's a lot of Biblical History in the Blue Cards (Starting with Creation) If you want just the Cards that are "Ultra" Christian, You would only want to maybe remove 5 or so cards from each set. And, or course, the cards are from a Christian Reformed perspective. I think they are REALLY beautiful cards and I would probably get them, even if I wasn't a Christian. I would be able to present them in a more neutral way than I do now. I really like my children memorizing the history timeline... and here are some hand motions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBw6a9fq7hk Carrie:-)
  15. Seton Catholic ??? had a Left handed cursive available... Carrie
  16. If you just want a memory system, purchase the Classical Conversations' program and do what you want out of it. (or join a Classical Conversations' weekly program...you go half a day...once a week:-) ClassicalConversations.com Anyway, you can purchase it yourself and do what you want out of it. You would buy the book...when the revised one is out...(or now for savings...and correct the mistakes...which they will let you know about) You can do the history sentence and the Veritas Press cards which they memorize Chronologically.... It is amazing to hear my son...when someone mentions the Declaration of Independence...tell them about it. OR sing about the other sentences like the Monroe Doctrine. He has everything in the book memorized...the rest of us are still trying:-) The book is about $25-$50 (depending on new...or old:-) and the cd is $30....(or you can join right now for $27.00 for a month and download the cd memory work off there....If you need a code pm me and I'll let you know....) There's alot of info on the C3 community...where you'd join for the $27. There's history sentences...you can check out and Science memory work....a bit of Latin...skip counting math...and so much more..... Anyway, maybe more practical than just a vocabulary word... (And, no reading necessary) Carrie:-)
  17. I'm glad that I had my mom and girls do latin...so that when I found the LCC book...she's on schedule with language.... I'm glad that I decided to full time homeschool my daughter this year. I'm glad that we have our Classical Conversations group this year. For the first time, my extrovert little girl...commented that she finally has real friends. (Of course, she has others, too....she's 10...that's how they think:-) I'm glad that we've been able to keep her in the same ballet class for 6 years.... I'm glad I didn't send my crazy monkey boy to kindergarten. (They'd have to strap him down!) Carrie:-)
  18. Also, for study skills, I've seen the Teaching Textbook's course recommended. Our library has some of the TT materials. Might be worth checking it out. Carrie:-)
  19. Mine was the same ($31ish) and I received mine in just about a week from ordering! If you had friends that wanted to order, too, I think it would come out less per person. ( I don't think it's a "per item" fee) Carrie:-)
  20. One of the most interesting thoughts I've had is a literal 7 day creation, but not one day after another. One day...and then time...Second day...and then more...all the way until the Seventh. I am totally willing to accept (and do) a literal 7 day creation, because of the words in the original, but am intrigued by what's allowed within the literal understanding of "7 days". Of course, since I believe that God's word is perfect, whatever HE meant...is what I want to believe...But isn't it interesting that you can believe exactly what He said, and still have differences?:tongue_smilie: And...I still like Sonlight! Carrie:-)
  21. There are knock off songs you can get...or some groups do them for just their groups, but no official VP/CC history timeline songs. We do have history sentences that are one per 8 cards....and they are to a tune. But, for the history cards, the children just say/chant the cards by 8 card increments. We do 8 cards for 20 weeks and then start the Presidents. (for the last 4 weeks) Chronologically is just a bit different than the way that CP offers them, but enough of a difference that the songs from them don't work. I've already let VP know that I'd be the first to buy a song cd from them for the cards in CC order. BUT, there are tons of kids who have memorized all 160 just kinda chanting them. To be honest, saying them is probably better than singing...OR at least saying then singing. Singing is stored in a different area of the brain:-) Carrie:-)
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