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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'd advertise that I want it on here, and let someone ship it to you. OR, could you do a huge order with others? How much is it to ship from the US. You could ship it to someone in MI and then over...or OR if you're on this side...and over....just a thought:-) Carrie:-)
  2. Pam...take the day:-) It's almost summer anyway, and you know that you can't skip the whole summer with no school. I'd say, make some tea and bask in the sun! Carrie:-)
  3. If she lives close enough to be practical, I suggest (every other) Thursday to him taking the kids to "school" on Mondays and then also remember that there are many Monday holidays. (so remember that for childcare and such...) That leaves them having 16 days for the summer, if you have to get up to that "120" number. Otherwise, I'd try to do the Thursday to 5pm on Sunday.... or something like that....(cutting back when you could) I took care of some children, in MI that had this arrangement. He'd come pick them up on Thursday night...(every other week) and then take them to school on Mondays.... It gets away from so many summer days....(When you really want your children:-) Carrie:-) PS< is she homeschooling?
  4. Who has done a Shurley Grammar co-op? OR any kind of grammar co-op? How has it gone? What ages did you have? (and how did you separate them?) What did you do at home? and class? Did you like/love it? Did you do it a second year?? Carrie:-)
  5. I'd just check your laws about food. Here you can sell it if you mark that it's from an unlicensed kitchen...at least some places...cuz they have jars at the Farmer's Market. But, just a bit ago...I remember that someone said that a friend had made a cake...and first time penalty for an unlicensed kitchen was like $1000 or something?? (Sounds yummy! I love to buy fresh jam from this one homeschooler I know. Someday I'm gonna grow up and do my own!:-) Carrie:-)
  6. I lived outside Dallas in Garland. I liked it....when I was little I lived in Longview, although it's much different now....They have some nice University Method Classical schools there....and some good Classical Homeschoolers...:-) I think you'd like it...course, I'm partial to Texas...and except for the heat, I like it:-) Carrie:-)
  7. I love the smoothies that the guy at Costco made for demonstrations...Yummy! Carrie:-)
  8. She didn't spank him when this happened. He wasn't in the street, he ran back into the church to find us. We did take care of the issue with him, running away from an adult is serious, especially when coupled by anger. I did not want her to start spanking him for something like ....common disobedience. (which is what she said she would do if I left him with her from then on...) I would rather he tell me so I can deal with it. (or she could use time-out or something similar.) It wasn't that she was just worried, although she probably was, it was that she took it as a personal insult that he would dare to disobey her. Children disobey. I guess I take it seriously, but not personally. :-)
  9. Yes, it was the next day, but she was just still furious at him. She said that it was a "mature defiance" which...rememember ...he is almost 6 (in July) so "mature" is relative. We spank for hurting someone....or doing something that is dangerous. I use to spank for more, but found that ...I didn't/don't...think it was the best thing for him. He's very active...and very kind hearted...and when I spanked him for not listening...it was all the time. I just explain things now, and do things like take away computer time...or other things that he cares about. So, it's not like it's something that she couldn't just tell me...but it's more like she doesn't know if he'd be properly punished....so she'll take care of it...because that's how it was when she was little. Who ever took care of the child...punished the child. To be honest, she loves him and he loves her...I think it's more of a problem because I don't feel like it's respectful to decide your way is better than the parent. Of course, I'm sure that she feels like if I trust her...I should trust how she disciplines him. (including spanking) :confused:
  10. Pamela:-) Thanks:-) I realize that my consistency is most of the problem. I was actually a very consistent nanny. I found that talking with the children and some limited amount of time-outs worked.... With my own children, over the course of 15 hours...I just don't have the same energy. No excuse...just different. Carrie:-)
  11. I feel for you! I have had some issues with depression. I found that there are some "up" moments in nursing, because of hormones....and also that coffee....(a little) helps. http://kellymom.com/ is a great site and I bet they have some info on there, too! Carrie:-)
  12. Hey There, I'm curious what your parents/inlaws do with your children? My parents always were taking care of my daughter when I was single...picking her up from daycare and such...Although I was her mother and they weren't her "parents". They did have a lot of influence as they helped me, since I had a salaried job. Fast forward to my son, who is now almost 6. My mom watched him while I took my daughter to ballet and other such errands. She is the kind of doting g-ma who takes care of kids by playing with them...baking cookies...etc. She was going to take him from church one Sunday about a month ago, and because seating arrangements weren't as he wanted...he ended up bolting from the van and running back to us. She was calling him and he wouldn't come back to her...He was angry. So, she said that when she kept him, if he didn't obey her...that she would spank him. She had already told him that in her whole life...she had never been defied like this before. No child had ever run away with her calling them...(on and on...she was ticked) I asked her what kind of disobedience she'd spank him for...and basically it was anything. Now, if that's how people think...that's fine...but we've only been spanking for particular things...not just anything. Maybe that's why he doesn't listen "as he should" and maybe since we're the parents...doing the best that we can....we should get to raise our son... SO, I can leave him....if I can pick him up right away if he doesn't obey. Basically that is very artificial, as I don't need to drop him off and stay at home. If you don't spank very much, would you still be ok with your parents spanking your child? I mean, the funny thing is...if he was with a friend...and she really thought a "spank" would work..I'd be ok with it....(Like wouldn't hold hand in the parking lot) But not because I'm not doing my job like they felt I should. I'm just kinda sad right now, thinking about what kind of relationship they can have...if they're together on Sundays at church... I wanna move to another part of the planet... I'm sure we'd have a great email relationship.
  13. I know that there are different "methods" of chiro. I absolutely LOVE our chiro. I would think that if it's something any chiro can do, he could! I would recommed going in for a consult and making sure that you don't give your daughter any "scared" vibes. When the kids are little here, the chiro gives them "hugs" and most things pop right into place.... As they get older...he starts really adjusting them.(more...the hugs....and little adjustments count, too!) When my daughter(step) was younger I had her adjusted for something?? can't remember what it was called...and then she had Ortho gels for her shoes for a couple of years... I love chiros...well...most of 'em. Make sure they kinda do a mini little rub on the spot...and then ours does Snap Crackle Pop...feels better:-) Carrie
  14. I was saying "38" until I figured out that , no, that's my next BD. 40 in a couple of years...wow....I can remember when I thought that 40 was ancient! Carrie
  15. My kids think Velveeta cheese sauce makes them better;-) I've made maybe broccoli that way...a couple of times. Funny thing, I have less and less fruits/veggies/nuts that I can eat raw, now. I can eat bananas again, but carrots, peaches, apples, cherries, almonds, pecans, and more...I just can't eat raw. My whole mouth/throat itches...if I do...SO, I have to basically eat them all cooked.... Oh well... Oh, and green beans...boiled forever...sizzled in tons of butter are good... Carrie:-)
  16. I think that many people wish for a bestest friend. I know I do.... I wonder how many of us would be friends in real life....??? And if so, then where are the people in our real lifes who need/want to be friends? I mean, I have many people who I talk with, but no one who really has time to say...go to a movie...etc.. Carrie
  17. Nope, but I did want to say...that Champion's bring back memories. We house sat for this family, for the week, and we were SO excited! They had a really great pool and it was all ours for the week. BUT, we ended up bummed because it rained...and the people that graded the ground for the pool had the water pouring towards the house instead of away. SO, I opened the basement door...and water was standing...probably about 3 feet or a little more... Guess what we did ALL week? We cleaned and cleaned and cleaned....so that when they got back, everything wouldn't get moldy. First the water was pumped out...and then...well...as a kid it was like a cruel joke to be going on vacation and then clean for a week....(all day...each day!) BUT, the lady sold Champion's and other Bosch equipment. (And gave us our pick of one item, we already had a Bosch machine and a Grain MIll....so...)We picked and still have her Champion, I'm borrowing it right now...from my mom, and I love frozen peaches through the juicer. You can freeze peaches in a bag, whole, and when you take them out..you just run them under tepid water and pop the skin off...cut them in 1/2 or 1/4 and then put them in the juicer....and ....We use to use Alta Dena Kefir, but now that they don't make it anymore...I bet the another kefir...frozen would work for "frozen yogurt", too! We've had it for 25+ years now....looking back, I guess it was a good trade:-) BTW, no, whole oranges juiced....don't taste good...even the starving dog next door wouldn't eat/drink it. Carrie:-) PS, as far as the pulp, you can add it to soups or such....and maybe breads? The cookbook by Jessica Seinfield(?) might give you some inspiration...
  18. Hi There, I'm in Salem. I know there are some in the PDX area on here...there are also some great Yahoo groups that are for Portland. (don't know if you're already on them:-) We also have a social group for Portland that you may want to join.... Carrie:-)
  19. I forgot to add that it's easiest to have the cards punched at the bottom, because....then you hold the stack and the next one just kinda falls down.....(If you're memorizing the cards...) Glad to help feed your addiction:-) I have a homeschool "group" and so I ordered about $250 worth of materials. I have to say...I was VERY impressed...and those rings...you never know when you're gonna need another one of those rings...."Must buy extra" I use them for phonics cards and other such study helps...and ...well..I just love them:-) :-)
  20. Engineers?? Sounds like what I can imagine my husband doing as a child. Especially the creating himself...and wanting pieces that "Lego" hasn't thought to create, yet! And, if he's spending time reading instructions and such..his reading is probably fine for comprehension:-) Do you look at Timberdoodle? I wish I could buy all of the stuff in there for my son...for now his set of Legos will have to do... Carrie:-)
  21. I like ours, we used laminating "pouches" from Oregonlam.com They have great prices! If you are going to review them, pushing the top of the card up to the "seal" of the pouch, and then punching on the bottom is the way to go. After a few of us talked about laminating the cards, I was surprised at how many families have laminating machines. (Oregonlam.com is great as they have a flat rate shipping of $5.95 and they have other supplies like "binding combs".) Then, to put through the holes, the rings at flyboys.com are the best. They don't "bite" the cards like other rings do. (These are the rings that are used for flight plans) They come in 4 different colors, including a clearish, red, black...and some other one, too...I think... Carrie:-)
  22. Decompressing might be good, but I can tell you that "stubborn" children feel like they are out of control...and it doesn't get easier if you ignore it. And, it doesn't go away when you put them in school. I'd say that the more stubborn, the more "practice" they need. Forget about school, and practice pure obedience. I'd talk about what I expect. "When mama calls you, I need you to say, "Coming Mama" and then come. So, now I'd like to practice. Would you like to practice 5 times or 10 times? (You can give choices that you can live with.) Then practice. Progress from there.... I only WISH that I had taken her disobedience more seriously when she was younger. I really like Love and Logic and also Ted Tripp's book. Tripp believes in spanking for heart issues. Either way you go....it's an interesting read about heart issues. In other words, if you get her to go to the table...screaming and stomping...but not willingly...it's not going to do you any good. I'm a laid back..easy go...parent....but here's the problem with that...just like learning styles....you try to adapt to your child (somewhat) with personality you have to adapt to what your child needs...not what's easy for you to deliver. SO, even though I always thought that I'd be able to just explain what I needed....(which I can do with both of my step-daughters)...and my daughter would do it...I was wrong. And now, we're both miserable. She's miserable because her lot is to argue all the time...and I'm miserable because I have to negotiate with an almost 11 year old who is as big as I am. SO, I suppose my advise it to really think about how this will play out in a few years. It doesn't go away..... It just gets worse.... :-)
  23. Thanks! This is a great idea! I never thought of making my own little plastic baggies, and hopefully the baggies could be reused the next time.... Carrie
  24. Wow, this looks great, until I look at the cost... Montessori cost, too:-) It does look nice, though! Carrie:-)
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