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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Sinus infection for my son took 20/21 days of antibiotics... How long/strong were they? You can't go to an urgent care?? Sorry, they hurt! And, if you have the CVS thing, there are drops for your ears that you can get and they make your ear stop hurting right away. They're kind thick and a bit sticky, I think. Worth it though! Carrie
  2. Well, I lived in New Jersey and then also traveled to NY on the weekends a lot. And then when I was in Michigan could go to Zingermann's which had a really nice deli. I hear that Portland has one called Rose's or something. I've never gone, memories can't be matched, sometimes.... Carrie
  3. Another thread started me thinking about Jewish Food. I lived with a Jewish family for a while and ate some of the Friday meal from the Deli each week. I couldn't remember that noodle dish (Kugel), bit then again it wasn't my favorite. My favorite was the chicken, the mushroom barley (pasta) and the hallah. ( I like the kind that's not real eggy) I really like it with raisins. I also loved hamantashen and also real latkes. I'm pretty hungry right now...no good food and no hope of having any right away. I should be saying that I miss NY because of the culture.... BUT, the real way to get me missing NY is to talk about the food. Pizza, deli sandwiches (no Subway!) Bagels and lox...real flavored cream cheese... Fresh Mozzarella. Yum! Who makes this stuff at home?? Carrie
  4. http://store.schoolspecialtyonline.net/OA_HTML/ibeCZzpHome.jsp?minisite=10046&respid=50791&grp=IBE_M_OTHER This looks like the right link, they're on the right side.
  5. I would want the new cds and the old foundations guide with corrections would work. Carrie
  6. Tuna noodle casserole. Who's Jewish here? There's a noodle dessert we use to always have on Fridays.... Can't think of what it's called right this minute... Carrie:-)
  7. Do you have cavies? http://www.oginet.com/Cavies/clinks3.htm I'd get these. We took care of my daughter's class ones and they were much better than the gerbils I had as a child. Carrie:-)
  8. I'm not sure this was a nice thread. I have a conscience; I just don't want to use it for this. I don't want to add up the minutes....turn hours.... I'd go play with friends...but they do things like clean their houses! Carrie
  9. What a great thread!! Makes me wanna run off and check some of these out. Carrie;-)
  10. No matter how smart I feel, I still want to reach the accomplishment of a degree. I have learned much on my way, but here I am at almost 38 thinking that before I die, I still want the paper! And, I have 3 girls and a son. I want my children to reach high for some type of higher education, maybe they'll choose not to, but it's my desire. And, should they need to support their family...I would only want them to move back to our house out of their choice and not need. Even the Mennonites from Dutch Country,the very conservative ones....expect their women in need to TRY to help support themselves through in home work or something..... I stayed in a community when I was 18 and saw how it worked with a woman who had children and was single. They were compassionate, but she did work...besides taking care of her family and house. (I can't remember what kind) Anyway, someday I'd like to work in a Classical School. (At least that's what I see right now:-) Carrie
  11. You're funny:-) I must be bored...I'm looking at this too, but I have nothing to add about vaccination. BTW, did you know that there are Baptists that aren't Christians? I really think Heaven will be interesting, if we remember our discussions from here. Christian isn't your denomination...it's if you're a "Christ follower". And college, well...I wish I had finished...we could use some extra money right now...and I really have no serious $$$ options. Carrie
  12. So, with this belief, should your girls not marry right away, would they continue to live at home with you paying for their expenses?? And, if your girls have husbands that lose their jobs, you'd be prepared for them to move in with you? Or, if their husbands became disabled or died, you'd take care of them? If so, I think that's a great plan. My dad always expected me to finish college (college, you mean you finish that?? I just thought you dropped out and finished Paying for it!) But, he always told me that if something happened, I could move back into their house...rather than have to go back to work with kids. Carrie
  13. Wow Laura, This is not a discussion that my children could have had! One day.... Good for you, though! Carrie:-)
  14. Use liquid soap instead of bar soap. My mom says it's a HUGE difference. And then, she wipes them each time. If I had hard water, I'd think about spraying with something like Vinegar?? each time I got out. Carrie:-)
  15. You know, with two kids that are "teens" I understand both sides. Part of why our teens don't do a lot of extras is money. Here's the thing, life is not just about water slides and such. When you set up schools that do this (which I know all about) and churches that do fun thing after fun thing, when you get to be an adult, and you don't have the money for all of the fun...what do you do? AND, you also don't have memories of being together as a family. A couple of years ago when one of our daughters could go on a trip for a couple of thousand dollars, we said no. Our family doesn't have that kind of money, and if we did, we could all go together somewhere. That being said, there are some trips you can't pass up. Like...if you can have your child go overseas somewhere...free to you... (or for very little) Carrie
  16. I have to say that back when my brother was in first grade, 25 years ago, my mom did lots of school work without him knowing how to read...at all. She read books that were high above where his reading level was, he played with the cuisinaire rods that my son plays with now..and spent lots of time playing outside. Second grade came, and 2 months later he was reading way above 2nd...in 2 months. It's kinda like potty training. It's timing. (Unless there's something "wrong") Carrie:-)
  17. Sorry you don't like the word "canning" but I thought I'd have fun with this. If they literally "canned" the really bad guys, they wouldn't have to cane them. And, I said that mostly because of a news show I had just watched where a convicted s*x m*lester....had been out and then did it again and killed her. It was a young girl by the way. That's what I meant....And that's why I was feeling like that... Carrie
  18. Maybe or Maybe not but this is a nicer threads than the other ones today! Carrie
  19. I love to look at other's suggestions:-) I never said you weren't humble:D I'm just saying that I know SOME kids wouldn't ever push enough to get a "spank" because I've been with enough to know that some really are just pleaser. I nannied children without ever spanking, and they were great for me. (horrible for their parents) My daughter really is too big for spanking to be a part of our discipline. I read Love and Logic when my first was a teen. (A Goodwill find) My oldest (step) really only has a problem with us needing to let her fall so she can become self reliant. With Love and Logic read, I I just need to figure out how to help her (my almost 11 year old) for the next 7 years:-) I would love to have the ease of what I have for the older two. BUT, I know that if we can be patient and keep trying to help her keep herself in line...she's gonna turn out to be a great adult. She just internal need to please me. (she is not a people pleaser) Except for my mom, which is amazing. My mom is very persistent and a real rule keeper and it's funny....They do great with each other. (Of course, if they lived together, It might be different) Anyway, right now my daughter is with her dad. I miss her terribly. BUT, I have to say that this has been a very boring, easy, two weeks... But yes, Any hints from anyone are always welcomed. For how to get school done, for them not yelling, etc.... Carrie
  20. Hey There, We're having an Open House *MockDay* on July 9th at 9am. I'd love it if any of you want to come, OR if you have ideas for places I should post this. I'm in the Salem area. We have programs for children 4-grade 8. If you have younger children, they can come, too! Classical Conversations is from a Christian Worldview. Carrie:-)
  21. My 6 yr old (tomorrow) can sound out any single phonogram word. He can read some phonograms that have 2 letters. He doesn't like to work at it, so I'm waiting to force it until sometime further down the road. It's his fault I found out that he would be able to read. He started telling me words and then telling me how they were spelled. I just looked at him and said, "If you can spell words, you can read!!" He can read the beginning books from Veritas Press and anything like Dr Seuss. And, other books like that... Carrie
  22. I have to say that whether I bang my children with a belt (which I don't use a belt) or not, my children are in a category by themselves. I punish them, I disciple them, I cheer with them...I hear that I need to play more games with them:-) and they are THE only people that it would be easy to die for, if I had to make that choice. You see...that husband, beating his wife so that she looks like she was put through something at a meat factory...isn't being loved by her husband. He wouldn't lay his life down for her, and quite honestly, adults are not the same. It's not my husband's responsibility to punish me. And, children don't get pummeled and then have the parents be able to say they got a couple of swats. I'm not saying I take a hammer to my kids. I have never left more than a slight red mark. Never a bruise. Can you not understand that there may be a difference? Maybe not....course...I can't help that. Carrie
  23. My husband, lucky guy, got a Traeger. He's been wanting one forever!! SO, soon...we'll be eating smoked stuff. I love smoked turkey... My favorite ever was in Michigan at the Henry Ford place... Yum!! Carrie
  24. Hey There, I think family dynamics play a huge part in how families work. Like I said. If I had only my two oldest (which I've over half raised since 6 and 9) I would think that parenting is just a breeze. If you add in my youngest, I'd still think I was pretty darn good (He's 6). Since I have my 10 year old (almost 11) I know that some of how kids turn out is their personality and what you think your parental responsibility is. I thought I'd do everything right. I nursed and stayed home till she was 1...went to work when she was one for 2 years. (and still nursed till she was 3). I wore her in a sling almost all the time, instead of a stroller. I let her sleep with me for much of her life before she was 3. I stayed in the same town...so stability. She's never lived with her dad. My husband has been her dad since 3. I read every child rearing book since I was babysitting. (you know...most of those kids really listened to me) But, my 10 year old keeps me humble. She looks pretty good when she's out. At home, she's set in well as the brat. I find that if I act in ways I think of as "mean" and really strict, she's actually better. The harder I am.... the sterner I talk and act... the better she responds. HOW SAD! This isn't a child who needs a therapist. This is a child that needs to want to do right. She has the ability, the smarts, the everything... as she chooses. Humble.... Some of you...if you had another child...would change the way you deal with them. It's easy...peasy...with some.... And....for those parents...you have no idea... Carrie
  25. Isn't that because we won't suffer the eternal wrath of God, by being separated eternally from him? It covers our sins, so that we won't have to perish, but it doesn't mean that God won't allow a smack to us...to give us the desire to walk on the "right" path. God says that you know He loves you when He's disciplining you as a son. (paraphrase)
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