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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hi There, I'm looking for a "Recipe" to make the stress balls. Anyone made them before? Also, I'm looking for stress reliefs that a 5 year old can use during class, that are hopefully not distracting for the other students. I have a 5 year old student that needs to go over to her parent and do something to help with her letting go of some energy. If you have things that I might be able to make/purchase, I'd love to hear of them. The do need to be quiet things.... Thanks!! Carrie
  2. How about working for one of the K-12 places.... Or any other virtual school type place. I hear those can be very good with benefits.... Carrie
  3. Ok:-) Got it:-) I think..... I really intend to start my son (6) on Singapore within the next few months. I need to find a used set. He already thinks like this..... and so I know that he'll do great with it. Math is his strong subject. I hope to bridge the gaps of Singapore in my head...between my two kiddos:-) Thanks! Carrie
  4. Hi There, So, I have 5a, 5B and 6A along with the HI Guide. I'd love to understand the the Estimate Rules that they use. For example: 959 / 33 ~ 900 / 30 = 30 So, I think that the / is for divide, right?? Anyway, that's what I mean in the above problem. Now,If I were just rounding, I'd go up to 1000 because the "59" would be enough to get it up to 1000. and I can see the 33 becoming 30. Could you refresh me or teach me why it's like this?? Thanks! Carrie
  5. Well, everyone has a duty to do as they see best for their children/ family. I would personally help feed a mom with twins that is nursing exclusively, because I value nursing that much. BUT, a mom who thinks her babies have to sleep through the night at 5 weeks is just a little kooky. That's MY opinion. Others will disagree. So because I wouldn't find that she needs extra help.... I'd stop. Now... that mom with 6 babies, that I saw on TV that exclusively nursed/pumped for her children till they were 6 months or over... I'd help with dinner the whole way... Heck, she said she was stuck on the couch for 6 months.... I would have brought her stuff for lunch, too!! Just wait till those babies are teething:-) PS>>>> I would be careful not to say judgmental things to or about her.... just love her through her new momness..... She'll grow up! Carrie:-)
  6. Getting it spayed, makes it not be a mouser? I really didn't know that. You can come look at my fat cat..... Maybe that's why I've never seen a bird or mouse.... :-) She doesn't catch them.... UGH! But, maybe the mice around here are "scaredy mice"... Carrie
  7. Chiropractor... pronto... that's what I'd do:-) Carrie
  8. Elementary: Mr Whitaker (Principal) Mrs Jones 1st grade, 2nd grade.... Kari with her husband Nathan...Hol something.... can't remember 4-6 but the principal was Julia someone.... 4th grade teacher was Elizabeth something. Isn't that funny? Called them by last but remember first... Carrie:-)
  9. I'll be the one who says, perhaps you need to train them. I mean, if I get myself a candy bar each time I enter a store... and then decide I should stop... I tell myself... I won't be getting one this time. So, with kids... if they've gotten use to McD's meaning a toy... Perhaps just reminding them before you go in would be ok. "We'll not be getting toys today, remember:-)" "Remember, grateful hearts". Just a thought:-) Carrie:-)
  10. I bought a house that smokers and lovers of all things gross inside.... had owned... and then they were foreclosed on.... My Aunt and Mom spent hours putting it back together... The carpet ripped up.... this special sealer on all the wood under the carpet... and then carpeted with fresh carpet. Walls with the TPD and then the special paint for sealing them... and then the paint color I wanted.... All other surfaces TPD (is that what it's called??) Cute house though... and worth it for the price... BUT, I got the easy job of going to work while my Aunt and Mom worked on my house!! Carrie
  11. I've seen Flashmaster recommended on here..... There's someone who has one for sale.... (don't know if it sold yet). Carrie
  12. Beeswax are a whole different tool to color with than plasticy crayons. The give the nicest smooth look when you color. It's like fake chocolate and real:-) I don't know anyone who doesn't like them.... Try them once, and you'll probably be sold!! Carrie
  13. And... may I just add... that we grew up with Sarah and Fred and they are a great Homeschool family ... and I love that they have this store, now:-) :-)
  14. Ewww. reason to ignore husband's email... he'll figure out what I'm playing.. I mean working on .... Carrie:-)
  15. We have Stockmar. I purchased them through a co-op. I actually purchased blocks, the small ones and the large ones... I thinking the small ones are Lycra?? My daughter is now 11 and I've had them since she was 3. Carrie:-)
  16. I have been STRESSED thinking about this from bed till now. This at least made me laugh!! If it was my child, it would be SOOOO much easier... just embarrassing!! My husband would take care of it....(just listening to a lecture from him is considered a punishment) and my son would be stuck to my side the next week. I think that everyone knows me well enough to let me know... not if... but when my son is naughty!!!!! :lol::lol::lol: :D And, BTW, I wanna know how all kids stay 10 feet away from each other.... That's funny~~ Carrie:-)
  17. :lurk5: Would anyone like to go in on a "co-op" purchase with me for these CDs? (I need 4 other people who want a CD) Pm me:-)
  18. Hey Bill, Good Question! This was a 5 year old, and it wasn't just a little problem. The one who pushed hadn't played with the little girl before... (so no prior anger that might be reflected upon) and it was a "mean" thing to do.... versus just a reaction. And, I'm not trying to be judgemental. I have a 6 year old son, who has done mean things, and we are VERY strict about not hurting others. (Since we first started doing outings he has once kicked and twice bitten... in a total of the last year and a half. When he kicked.... he was just mad. When he bit, in his mind he was "helping" the little kids get free from their "pirate" kidnappers:-) I didn't put him back in the situation of playing with such older children.... I felt like it just wasn't a good situation for him. (or the kids he bit) For us, that means that although I tend to be a talk through everything else parent... and some Love and Logic... that hurting others carries punitive penalties.... (not necessarily physical, but regardless of if spanked or not "no discussion needed about that" we do other penalties like giving a favorite toy to the hurt child.... etc....) What I need suggestions about is what is done by a schoolish/Principalish person. This is the position I hold in the group. What should the penalty be for children who hurt others, on behalf of the group? (And of course, I have to remember that my child may push next... I need to be humble, as I don't care for Humble Pie:-) Thanks!!
  19. Of course, SOTW cds.... at night:-) or whenever. It may not be the thing my child loves, but when on restriction... it's the only thing my child was allowed to listen to last year... and she almost memorized the SOTW 3:-) Also, check out Weiss' other cds.... Really great!! I purchased all the ones that were in the SOTW I time period... YAY, and next year... I'll purchase the next period... Carrie:-)
  20. Hi There, Do you have consequences , at your co-op, for students who hurt others during recess? I'm thinking that at the least, if you hurt another child (on purpose) one week... the next you don't get to play at recess.. What do you think? What do you do?? How many times before the student gets asked to not come back? I'm looking for any hints:-) Thanks! Carrie
  21. I'm sure that you realize that you need to be on for quite a while... although I"m not sure ...if it's a new antibiotic... Even when my cousin was given antibiotics... it wasn't for a long enough treatment...
  22. If Lymes is possible in your area, I'd rather be on antibiotics for 3 weeks than chance it. If you let it go full blown, you can have something that you can't get rid of. I know two people with Lymes... one is just tired a lot.... and a few other symptoms... The other goes blind....and has other problems... and then gets a bit better with the Oxygen therapy. Never can remember what it's called..... The one where you get almost pure oxygen... Carrie
  23. Well, here there is a return back to cursive.... it's better developmentally and supported by the fact that you usually go back to the 1st way you learn... Printing is taught, by those who believe Cursive First, around the time you do Mapping. Cursive was taught first here, until about the time phonics was given up..... Also, it's about the time that there is so much to learn... and development jumps.. and then the big "cursive" thing is introduced. The book, Cursive First makes incredibly good arguments for cursive.... and I think Don Potter?? has free info on the internet about why it's best. Carrie:-)
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