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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I recommend getting her cds to listen to... everywhere she goes.... I personally love Classical Conversations cds.... just to give information over and over. I would purchase them... and then just copy off what you want/she wants... to learn. I really believe that for even me (and of course my public school kids...) they are worth it... just for the base they give you. Go over the information to make sure that you like what they say.... There are a couple of mistakes on them.... So if you purchase used you need to check out the errors page... (or pm someone who does CC:-) You could do them with all the history.. all the science... etc... or by the weeks. There are about 72 weeks of each subject. A great base.... and then of course all the other learning cds like SOTW 1-4... Just me:-) Carrie
  2. Ok... I didn't need it before now... but... now I want it so I can get the answers for some of the higher math.... Can you lmk it or lmk where to get it?? (Like maybe someone PM me??) Thanks! Carrie
  3. I have a 6.5 year old. He's not "bad" he's just 6. Two summers ago...he spit for the first time on someone... that we kinda knew... not mad... just spit. The second time.... I can't remember when... he was "in trouble". He bit twice at the park... (wouldn't you know.. a homeschool day) I didn't take him back, it didn't work for him. It was too big of an age span... he couldn't deal with the "game" that they were playing with big kids... and I didn't think it my job to change the game. (Big kids...pirates... holding little kids hostage) And... he kicked and hit.... once each... last year. I think he's VERY active. I am VERY patient... There are HUGE consequences for him when he "misbehaves" and I think in school he'd be on meds... or the teacher wanting him to be. But, at home, I have the opportunity to allow him blossoming time. Time to be disciplined into the man I know he can become. SO... I'm only stern (my mom says not to say "mean" because I just try to talk "sternly") when he is "violent" or "dangerous". The little kid going crazy part... I just try to make safe.... I try to kindly remind him of social cues... And... I try not to sound like a grumpy mom. I find that if I remind him of rules BEFORE we get into the situation, and ask him what I've said.... that it helps. I also find that when I can find physical labor for him, that he can behave better. (Bring in 5 loads of wood) I limit his sugar and such, as it has a huge impact on him. BUT, I make him take responsibility for his behavior so it's not just... "it's the sugar". BTW... I agree about showing Anger... it's not the emotion that is bad, it's what you do with it, that can be bad. It can also be good:-) Carrie:D
  4. Hi There, I'm looking at getting a new printer, and am thinking of a Laser. I have a Mac, although I might let my husband... who has his office downstairs...use it too:-) Does anyone have any good stories? Those... I'd like to jot down, and I suppose the bad ones, too:-( I want to stay in the $500 and under range... (of course, if I could do larger than 8.5 x 11 that'd be a great bonus! Thanks!! Carrie
  5. I'd let them sip... especially if it's part of the other kids culture.... I mean... just because a teen knows what it tastes like... doesn't mean they'll be an alcoholic. I actually think that if they can see that they don't like it... it won't be the "can't wait to get it" when the parents are gone... Just my couple of cents... Carrie
  6. I agree about the time thing. It's one reason why I didn't do preschool or kindy with my son. It's not enough time to do anything. I actually think that kindy could be a fun 4 hours 2-4 times a week:-) so could preschool.... And... fixing lunch and eating is a really fun part of what kids like :-) Carrie
  7. I have a program from nurtureminds.com I plan to continue using is along the way. Can I just do math all day?? I really don't know how you all do 2-3 maths... I love the math... I love the different parts.... I think I'll just sit at the table and do math... WAIT... some of you are reading about math, too!! Wow.... Carrie:-)
  8. My mom makes her cookies with 100% freshly milled whole wheat flour. I tell you what... they are hands down... the best chocolate chip cookies ever ;) Carrie
  9. When I was younger, I couldn't stand Saxon either. Could be laziness, I suppose. But, I purchased VideoText.... and so I plan to do some combination between perhaps the Singapore higher level math... (right... there's one??) and VideoText.... with my daughter. I already started the first few lessons of VideoText and like it:-) Carrie
  10. Thanks!! That's exactly what I meant. She is also trying to keep her children up in math, and in the back of my mind... I did entertain the thought of seeing if there was Thai Math that I could get for her... for maybe one year or so.... She speaks English well for only being her 7 months... but not well enough to work with a curriculum that is in English:-) Carrie:-)
  11. Sorry, I wasn't clear. It seems as though this lady was taught to think with in a similar way to Singapore Math. I didn't mean to say that they used actual "Singapore Math" curriculum. I was kinda just wondering if anyone knew if Thailand and Singapore.... used a similar approach to teaching/ thinking about math:-) Carrie
  12. Even though I am not saying my daughter loves math... a whiteboard makes it less painful. Be patient.... Go spring for some manipulatives.... I just LOVE Singapore... and wish I found it 4 years ago.... I really can't think of anything I love more. I love that there are SO many parts.... Course... I love this part of Math... my daughter hates it... BUT I can see that she's getting it. :-) Carrie:-)
  13. Here's a funny:-) I was taking care of a Thai lady's son tonight. She just came here about 7 months ago. In Thailand last year, he was doing 2 digit + 2 digit problems. Here.... well, he's concentrating on English... but they don't have any math that will keep him thinking.... But... anyway... she showed me how he did it... when it's 9 + 2... you do "10 + 1" .... so... It's like some of the Math curriculums... like Singapore and such... Anyone do Thai Math?? Carrie
  14. I finally gave up with my daughter doing her Math by herself.... got a program I like (Singapore) and sit down and do it all with her. I don't do her work... but I read the teacher's part... and check every couple/few problems. (she does it on her small whiteboard... or the large... on the wall one.) I'm planning to do VideoText with her, too:-) Carrie
  15. Ok... We found two that are great at the Goodwill..... SO... I guess I'd check there:-) Carrie
  16. I've realized that you have children because you believe you should, not so they can "be close". My brother and I are 6 years apart, I love him but I'm not close to him. We could be 12 months apart... but we wouldn't "be close." It's not because we're far apart age wise... it's because he's just totally different, and we aren't alike at all. I suppose that if you have enough... really fast... that maybe some of them would be close... We have 4.... 17, 14, 11 and 6. The oldest 2 are my steps... they live with us half time. Funny, but the 17 and 11 year olds are closer thant the 14 and 11..... and then 14 and 6 year old (daughter and son) are buds... Carrie:-)
  17. A "Hope Chest" and sometimes through Craigslist type places.... you can get them.. not too expensive... Carrie
  18. Hi There, I had my daughter going to an at home preschool. It ended up not working forever... but I think it would be good if it had ... It was called Sweet Peas.... I liked it because it was VERY hands on... not too much into writing and such.... And, for me, 4 hours would be the clincher.... The Preschool I know of in town, that someone has in their home is called ...Secret Gardens... and it's so cute. They do field trips... (I've never been into having my children go on field trips without me...) but they do tons of hands on... and they made lunch together... kinda the Charlotte Mason, Montessori mix... and having them make and eat lunch together always sounded so great to me. Depends on what your market will support. I think that T-TH (three days) would be great!! Secret Gardens is Monday-Thursday... Carrie:-)
  19. Blueberry Champagne. If anyone knows where to get it... Please pm me. I had it in MI from one of the malls. Best stuff I've ever had. I could have drunk the entire bottle!!! It was about $20.... (course.. that's what I think it was... it was 20 years ago, almost!) I lovvvvve it... and wish I had a case right now! Carrie
  20. If you don't have extra little ones... I'd suggest doing half days with him(and working up to whole days, later??... and actually going to school with him. Kinda like at our CC class. Anytime you see him not acting, you just put your hand on his shoulder... I get my daughter and son McD's. He only gets the toy if he's good at CC (co-op) and if not... it goes in the car pocket till the next week. So.... incentives.... after this Christmas Break... perhaps you can give him a fresh start. Does he like his teacher? Can she give him a fresh start? I would also tell my husband that I will agree to his ps thing... (maybe I would) but I would INSIST that he go and spend one or two days... the whole dang day... watching at school... I did this with my husband about something that we disagreed about... I told him... "ok... I'll think about doing that with/to him... if you watch how it happens, first." Funny thing, he said... "No... it's ok... we can go with what you've studied is best...." :-) Carrie
  21. I've heard br**stmilk in their little noses...hmm?? and a sling over them... that doesn't allow them to be seen.... "They're fussy... sleepy... whatever.... even eating..." Just... not available. I did go on a preplanned plane trip with mine at 3 wks.... but he should have been 6 wks... Carrie
  22. Yippee... we are the same about nursing:-) Did you have to wean them... or did they "give it up"? I actually weaned my little one... when he was almost 5.... I just felt that it was socially "time to give it up". He still remembers nursing, fondly. (He's 6.5) Just last night he was watching a baby nurse and said, "I bet Maya loves her n*rsie".... I told him that yes... I'm sure she does... I asked him if he remembers n*rsing... and he said fondly, "yes... I do... I was 4 when I stopped." No more babies for me.... Sad...
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