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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. The role playing is a great idea! I've done that, too. You can make the child... over and over (say maybe 10 times) practice, each time there's a problem. Also, if you can just leave... and come back for your stuff later at the store... (take out any treats in front of them... then leave) You can tell them that it's disobedience when they continue to whatever... (interrupt, scream etc.) Then, give them the warning "this is your warning, that's disobedience". Whatever your family uses for disobedience.... do it. (Time out, bed time early, no treats... tv... whatever.) OR, like me... when your little buddy is being bad.... with all the patience that you can muster... you put them in time-out with you at the counter (while trying to pay).. you accidentally step on their hand... (as they're not being cooperative down there....) they run away and won't come back.... You drive home all the way (.5 of a mile) just ticked... with your 11 year old telling you that her poor little brother.... has been in trouble too much today... already!. Whew.... I need to take more pics of him asleep!!
  2. My mom had the people next door agree where the property line was, and put up a string. They had planted trees and other such things that were WAY on her property! So, then she took the pruners and cut everything on her side. She told them when they were planting that they things they picked would end up on her yard, and they were sure of themselves that they wouldn't. I have to say... soon... they'll fall into the neighbor's yard, because of how much they had to be cut back. Oh well... can't say they weren't warned!! (You are allowed to cut anything over your property line... at least in the places I know of...) :)
  3. No No.... Judge Milian. :) (I think that's how it's spelled...) And... let us all know the date!! Course... let us know when you file your papers... and we'll all petition to have it picked!! :)
  4. Gosh, as your brother's child is getting bigger, don't you have to let him in on your secret? Can you imagine if your father was still doing it?? And.... as the news has shown in our area lately... really old g-pas can still mess with... and more... kids. Sorry for you..... In one way, your father's presence shouldn't ruin your good time... if you can help it. Sorry...
  5. I might be tempted to hve an arborist(is that what they're called?) validate the trees health and such. I'm not sure what your state's max is for small claims.. hope it's $5000-$6000!! :)
  6. :) Smiles to you! Your kids have a sense of humor!
  7. Don't forget to take a ton of pictures and make sure they come out, before you clean up! Also, I'd take a picture with a copy of a newspaper to prove dates. :)
  8. Hey There, I'm trying to figure out spots to get my K-cups for less. I'm interested in purchasing coffee and tea. Thanks!!
  9. http://southarbor.heritageacademies.com/ Is Core Knowledge considered classical? If so... this is... :)
  10. Yup, my little one (ok... almost 7 yr old) always has to have something to eat. He's a skinny little guy... so ;) My 11 year old just never stops eating... from when she first wakes up till when she goes to bed... :)
  11. How sad! But, what a good friend it sounds like you had... :) Into the arms of Jesus, where we want to hear "well done", right? Makes me think, "Come Lord Jesus!" Sorry for your loss...
  12. Did you sign him up for Foundations and Essentials? (the morning and the afternoon program) For the morning, I would let the Tutor know ahead of time, just not to put your son on the spot. But, though the students learn a bit more... and a bit differently, the students in the 5th... learn just the same information as the non-readers, so it shouldn't be a problem. Let him stretch up... but just not pop :) :)
  13. Pets and allergies are two of the reasons why we have no carpet in our house... only bare floors... (wood or other) My pets don't have accidents, so I'm fortunate there. We kennel our dog when we're gone. I keep the litter box downstairs.. and though I guess some may smell the pets in our house... they are the EASIEST to clean up out of all my kids!
  14. I think at nine, I'd look at a booster, or perhaps just the seat belt if it fits correctly. I have my almost 7 year old in his carseat still... and am thinking of his next step. The thing with boosters is that if they aren't correctly used, they're worse than just seat belts... (correctly used). :)
  15. There's a Classical Charter near Ypsi... perhaps they could be the model :) Oh yes, do you mean private?? :)
  16. I would.... purchase a home in another spot for myself, and a home the lot over for my parents. Both would be one story... ranch style. I would have fun picking out the house things like... the coolest wood floor... with these kinda grooves that I saw.... (looks like the logs were split... and then just polyurethaned. I would make sure to save enough money for.... the maid.... She would come once or twice a week. It would be lovely... she would change the sheets. I would have a dog washroom. I don't mind washing up and brushing the dog. I would have someone come to trim the nails.... I would build my husband an incredible garage~workshop combo. I would have a financial planner... I would give all friends and found relatives... the financial planner's card... I would still feed my dog raw... but I'd have enough I would buy the premade kind. I would adopt one or two children younger than my youngest. (around a 5 and 3 year old or so) And... if I really wanted to feel rich after my chiro appt and massage.... I might just get my nails done. (Did I say that I'd donate my van to someone and get a jeepish looking thing... for us?) :)
  17. You could state it with the Love and Logic way.. more of the "kids who finish their math by 5 o'clock on Friday, get to go fishing on Saturday... or whatever :)
  18. Keep her with you!! One size fits all.. doesn't sound like it's gonna fit your little one. Let her stay little with you.. while allowing her brain to develop on HER level of ability... :)
  19. I think that by 10 most do... Funny.. I read the forrest :) Anyway, my son's just did at 6... but just don't force it. And, it'll be fine.... It should happen by the time that he wants to start messing with it....
  20. Modern Cursive is good for Startwrite. $40 and you have it for life :)
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