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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Well, My intention is: 2nd/3rd grade: Hebrew (Ancient) to read the Old Testament. We're using Sarah and David which is for children to read the Torah. It's modern.... at some point, we might switch, but it's a "Fun" program and easy to start with. 4th/5th grade: Latin and Hebrew (Latin as I want him to read original works in Highschool) 6th/7th grade: Koine Greek, Latin and Hebrew (I want him to read the New Testament, as well) 8th/9th grade: Keep studying the former three and add at some point.... Spanish or another. I've looked for someone to teach him Chinese, as I did for my daughter, and really... this isn't a good area to find people. :( I plan to have him continue learning all the languages.... throughout highschool, and hopefully he'll want to go to a Classical College and then get a Masters in whatever he's interested in pursuing as a career. I think, that if he gets through all this, I'll have a Classically Educated Engineer! :)
  2. You can take it to the vet and see if there's a microchip. It's super easy..... You can also call a couple close vets to see if they know of a lost dog...
  3. Well, the carseat thing, I remember that there was a discussion of the ones that could be 3 across. I nursed, but expressed sometimes because my 8 year old loved feeding her brother; it was bonding :) Nothing says you can't feed with the seats, or use the bottles that have "paci" type feeders on them... (with you right there :)) Perhaps you can have the adopt situation where their insurance is maintained by the state? And diapers... should you get to that point are less with auto delivery from Amazon, with a Amazon Mom membership??? (Or cloth:)) With a diaper service... when you hit over one kids... the 2nd and 3rd are almost... "free" :)
  4. Yay, how exciting!!!! I have no experience beyond when we had them in the nursery at church!! It's great!!! Let us know if it happens :)
  5. I always thought until 9:30pm was normal. I try not to call before 9:00am because... well... sometimes you get to sleep in!! ;)
  6. Hey Y'all :) I was wondering if any of you take these for cancer prevention or because you've dealt with cancer. I'm looking into taking both. I'm already taking the calcium from the second place, due to my mom's verifiable results from a "before" and "after" bone scan, so I tend to trust the company. I'm thinking of taking the Modified Citrus Peel (different than just "Citrus Peel") due to my high risk for cancer. Any thoughts/experience?? Modified Citrus Peel Article Medicinal Mushrooms/Cordyceps:
  7. That is SO exciting!! Congrats.... that'll be a grand experience.... and a story forever :)
  8. Oh... wow... how scary!! Praying for a complete recovery!!
  9. It's very hard :( And, I have to say that some parents have easier kids than others, and some of the easier kids... have it worse when their kids are older... :( Open Communication, with realistic expectations. I was often upset when I was younger, without verbalizing it. My daughter openly communicates in ways that I don't care for; I'm wondering in the end... which is worse?? :( Lots of prayer for how to love... even when you aren't happy with their attitude.... :( Prayer that God will soften their hearts..... and let healing of whatever their frustration and pain is... and realizing that we're all responsible for our own actions... even young adults. :(
  10. :) Well, I'm subscribed to my group, but think that more of us would post, if it was part of the tab that when you clicked on "new posts" ... that your new posts from the Social Group would show, too. (Just the ones you're subscribed to...) Because they are kinda "separate" I think we tend to not see them... or think to post... as often :)
  11. I'm surprised he's been fed peanuts at 4 months?? or do you mean from what you ate through nursing?? Peanut and soy allergies are kinda "cousins" so I'd keep him away from those. My daughter had excema, severely, starting around 2 months.... She's allergic to peanuts, most tree nuts, shellfish.... and less severely to cats and grass. :(
  12. I think some kids are less sensitive to the "wrongness" of lying. Their conscience just isn't in tune with what's wrong about it. 2 of my children have acted very differently about it. One... no conscience... just didn't want to get caught lying... but had no problem with it... and only wanted to avoid talking/dealing or punishment resulting from it. The other was truly mortified about causing us displeasure and our lacking faith in their word. (for now) They too didn't want to have any action taken... but they were really upset. (They just had to repay the money that they had taken, with a certain "fine" attached for dishonesty... and taking from my purse) I always strive to tell the truth..... It's what is "right" and I want to be believed. Hmmmm :(
  13. Moderators :) Would it be possible to have your Social Group show up in your Threads?? So, when I clicked to update and see what's happening in the threads, my social groups... if a new message had been added... would be there, too?? If that's a possible setting, I think that at least some of us would really like that :) Thanks!!
  14. Hey Y'all!! I was reading another "resurrected" thread about Classical Conversations (CC) and some of the threads were talking about groups that were "organized" versus "unorganized" and I was wondering if you could share with me what types of "organized" things you are thankful for.... Also, go ahead and make me cringe :) What things do you just think, "NO!" when it happens in your group?? What makes you think "How could she let THAT happen??" I'm trying to take notes, as we have one more Open House this year. I don't have to have a large group, but I would like to be more organized. I'm kinda laid back, which in some ways is wonderful, but it would help to have a more "polished" look, if possible....
  15. We were told, at training, that they could participate with mom/dad in the room. It's still a "director's" discretion, I think. You aren't "required" to... and it may even be discouraged... but I think it's permissable. I don't expect the ones sitting in to be included... but... it's whatever the tutor wants to do with that, in the little class. Once they are in the older class... then they are with mom/dad in the back. We really don't have "hand outs" and mine bring their own supplies... (crayons or whatever)... BUT, when timeline cards and such are being said... I want all the moms/dads to participate... so that's great if littles are saying/doing the timeline and other memory work.
  16. Ok, not what you were asking for... but remember to secure bookshelfs, dressers... tvs.... because as crazy as he is.... well... that's the kinda kid that crawls up... and God forbid... if it's not nailed in the wall... there can be problems.... go ahead... and just get everything taken care of... I'm taking it he crawls out of playpens?? Because if not, I'd have a playpen to set him inside of when you're running to the restroom. You may have to "tomatoe stake" him till he's older. If you can't be right there, have it be one of your kids to "keep him right here" for 10 minutes... or whatever.. :)
  17. Make your own... you can make it with non-instant dry milk.... and make it a higher ratio of powder to help it be thicker. I know that some add vanilla... I think vanilla power may be better than liquid. There was a big thread about someone who added malt powder... wonder how Malt Barley would be??? (I looooovvvve malt powder, but it's not healthy) :)
  18. I love http://www.maclarenbaby.com/. I had one for my son, which I used occasionally when he was young... and then a ton when he outgrew the sling.... It would still be good... if it didn't get stained on the top from being out in the rain..... I finally am ready to part with it :(
  19. Yup, right now it's not active :) Wish it showed up in your threads... if there was a new thread going on in your social groups :)
  20. Have you prayed about if you should do "family oriented" serving? Serving the homeless or aged can be something that at least your oldest can do WITH you.... You could share with your kids that when they turn 10 they get to start serving WITH you. I'm actually not sure that Awanas, as much as my son loves it, is what God intends for churches. I believe that ministering to the parents, trickles down to THEIR children. I believe it became common to separate out the children when public school started. I'm not saying don't SEND your children... (my church does it... so the kids want to..) BUT, maybe ministering to adults fits you... and there's nothing wrong with that. (And photography...etc...) After being with your own kids all day long.... I understand why you don't want to go babysit others.. :)
  21. Also, sometimes if you ask stores, I've heard that the Manager can give you a deal. (Like let you get more of an item than advertised...etc...)
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