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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hXMGAeN3CA King of England Rap Kings of England Norman Kings: William the conqueror long did reign; William his son, by an arrow was slain; Henry the First was a scholar bright; Stephen was king without any right. Plantagenet: Henry the Second, Plantagenet's scion; Richard the First was as brave as a lion John, though a tyrant, the Charter signed; Henry the Third had a weakly mind, Edward the first conquered Cambria dales; Edward the second was born Prince of Wales; Edward the third humbled France in its pride; Richard the Second in prison died. House of Lancaster: Henry the fourth for himself took the crown; Henry the fifth pulled the French King down; Henry the Sixth lost his father's gains. House of York: Edward the fourth laid hold of the reins; Edward the fifth was killed with his brother; Richard the third soon made way for another. House of Tudor: Henry the seventh was frugal of means; Henry the eighth had a great many queens. Edward the sixth reformation began Cruel Queen Mary prevented the plan. Wise and profound were Elizabeth's aims. Stuart line: England and Scotland were joined by King James. Charles found the people a cruel corrector; Oliver Cromwell was called Lord Protector; Charles the Second was hid in an oak; James the second took the Catholic yoke. William and Mary were offered the throne, Anne succeeded and reigned alone. House of Hanover: George the first from Hanover came; George the second kept up the name; George the third was loved in the land; George the fourth was polite and grand; William the fourth had no heir of his own, So Queen Victoria ascended the throne. When Good queen Victoria's long reign was o'er Edward the seventh the English crown wore. House of Windsor: His son, George the fifth, ruled the realm amassed where the sun never set, it was so vast. Edward the eighth gave up the throne for his wife. George the sixth ruled through World War II's strife. The second Elizabeth rules today And "God save the Queen" all her subjects' hearts say.
  2. Nope, sorry, no go :( There is a cute poem, that may be public domain, that is listed in "Living Memory" by Drew Campbell. :)
  3. I wouldn't worry about it. I found out that our son could talk around that time, because he was singing the song about "squishing up the baby bumblebee" with the cd that was on. From then on, he was busted. All four of his big sissies who were 7,10 and 13 made him talk for whatever he wanted... He still had a paci, but he had to ask for things... say please... etc... they were the "mamas" that consistently made him say what he would like for them to do. So, he knew it... and started just... talking :) But... until at least 2.5 yrs... as long as there are some words coming out... I wouldn't worry :)
  4. I really love it... but just ordered a hazelnut chocolate spread from the co-op that I hope is more "pure"... I'm on a low sugar... hopefully all organic kick... for health :)
  5. There is Hope for those with breast cancer! I'm sure you'll check into supplements and such... and if you want any more suggestions, feel free to email me. My last two weeks have been nothing but looking at options for one of my loved ones ;) Nutrition and supplements really can help.
  6. Well, with my limited knowledge, I'd concentrate on phonics and reading and just enjoying this time. I think that all the rest... will just be fine... as they are usually at their own pace. I just like to teach reading... so I can know it's being absorbed :)
  7. Prayers for peace, for healing, for strength, for the Drs to be able to help you. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. :(
  8. I hate poison in traps. If you put poison... they go out... and a cat gets them.. they die and excruciating death. :( Very sad. I say.. invite a cat to your house for a few days..... no more mouse :) I think even the smell of cats scare mice :)
  9. Yay!! Congrats to Grandma and the rest of the family :)
  10. Well, you're nervous about the Baptist church, why? That'd be a good place to start. If that's kinda what you want, but something about the last one didn't sit right with you, then perhaps if you pick that part out, there's actually a different Baptist church that would be perfect (at least doctrinally) for you. (There are MANY different Baptist Churches) If that's not a fit, if there are just "Fellowship Bible" churches, that might be a good place to start. Of all times, that was our families favorite church :) Scripturally what we considered sound, and friendly with fellowship for the families. I think if you make a list of the absolute things the church must be and the desires... you'd have a good place to start. :)
  11. So, what is the exchange? We can get ours for around $60 -$80:) The kongs should be around whatever $16 is worth...
  12. Almost like having an Ian and Sean or Ian and John... (same name, right?)
  13. Do you like... absolutely NOT like the William in your family?? If not.... is it a bad thing to be close, but yet different?? I have an Uncle Bill who m*lested my cousin... actually...he r*ped her on a continual basis.... and would never be prosecuted... so I would never name my child "Bill"... but Liam... just isn't the same... :)
  14. If you have a William who is a son of yours... too close. Otherwise, go for it!! I LOOOOOVVVVVVE that name!! I offered it for our son... :)
  15. After seeing your update, I wanted to say that going out at 5:30 and then going back in the crate till you wake would be perfect. :) Also, if I were you I'd think about feeding raw. I can't tell you how it helped my dog to use his mouth for real chewing!!! If you absolutely won't think of it... Kongs... filled with their food is another good thing. If you can get the black ones, that's what you want. You put kibble and warm water :) and then fill up the kong. It makes a doggy ice lolly. :) For me, I would do 3 for the morning meal and 3 for the dinner meal. It was wonderful!! 15 minutes of him eating for each Kong :) Enjoy!!
  16. Crate them apart. I like wire crates. If he's fully grown, you want one "just big enough" for them to stand up... and turn around. I wouldn't put anything in it for cuddles, until you see if he chews. Our trainer said not till the dog is at least 2 because he had seen enough dogs that had to have surgery because they'd tear/chew the blanket or bed. Call it one thing kennel or crate or whatever you wanna say. "Kennel Brownie" is ours :) He runs right inside. You can encourage them in by feeding their food in there, giving a treat when they go... etc. I got my dog fully grown, and the first time I had to leave, I had to force him inside... Not the way I would have chosen.. but he loves his crate... so I guess it was ok. I actually have 3 of the same crates, one in my van, one upstairs and one downstairs. We keep him closest to wherever we are. If you have a black dog, there are other colors besides black. I didn't know that when I got my crate... oh well. When you go to let them out, you don't get excited... you just say in a normal calm voice... "good pup" or something. Also, don't just put them in there when you leave.... put them in a few times a day for a few minutes... let out... praise calmly with a treat if you want... or a head rub. The other thing is don't run to grab them out when you get home. Only let them out (within reason) when they are calm... even if you have to wait a few minutes. They really do start to think of it as home. When I go to sleep upstairs... my dog will often walk himself in and stay without the door being closed. For us, the crate saved our sanity and made it so that we can contain our dog when necessary... it's made for a happier family!! (And, we don't leave him in all the time...) Also, when I go to our co-op I take him with us, so I can give him a break half way through the days since it's a long day.... And he's still fine just sprinting back in after his ball and fetch... BTW, if you need an easy way to have them run... the tennis balls with the throwers are SOOO easy... although you may have to exercise one dog at a time if they tend to be aggressive when there's one toy (which I think many dogs are?? I only have one :))
  17. Hey There, Well, I have some advise... because my daughter just started back... Are you ok with full days?? Are you ok with the peer influence? Do you remember how junior high kids talk? Remember that teen relationships start before 12 and... well... are you ok with her friends having boyfriends? My daughter has picked "good friends" but I can tell you that what she's hearing isn't what I would choose. It's more than a bit of exposure. That being said, for many reasons I won't go into, but one of them her STRONG desire to go.... I sent her. There's absolutely no way I would have sent her to PS, if she was willing to hole up in her room doing schoolwork. I had all kinds of social things for her, so that it wouldn't come to this. She's there, only out of wanting peace for our family. :( PS, I was so excited about my daughter taking math, but the kids on either side talk during class.... so basically she can't hear.. concentrate... (But, her writing teacher is awesome!! :))
  18. My MIL thinks of their religious training for her 4 kids as failure, as none of them are Catholic, anymore :)
  19. I totally understand. I have been frustrated at weddings when I can't hear... people jingling keys for their children.... not taking them out straight away when they are really fussy. For my wedding, I didn't invite any children. AND, I did have my daughter and his daughters there. I love kids, but weddings are adult occasions. For me, I might have, if I thought most people had what I consider good manners... :( (And, btw, I didn't have an extravagant wedding, just a sweet one :) We spent less than $3000. Maybe close to that including the rings)
  20. Really Sorry! I'm sure that sometimes hugs are all you can give others.... so... here are mine for you!! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  21. Hey Beth, it wasn't online, but Caley did LCI with the DVD with my mom, her two sisters and and another mom and her daughter :) SO... kinda like a class watching the DVDs. She was in 3rd grade, and had only had public school English grammar... which I think was ...none, and did quite well with it. My mom did have to explain some grammar to them... all.... along the way. She did LCI in 3rd, LCII in 4th, Henle Units 1-3 in 5th, Henle Units 1-4ish in 6th (review, using an online "live" program) and then did some vocabulary and such in 7th. Then she again reminded me that I had said "3 years" when I started her.... and now she's done. I was very pleased with what she learned the first few years, and if she had any desire to continue, she could easily be reading some works in Latin... in Highschool. Although you can always find something about every program to "not like"..... I thought that it served us well. :)
  22. Oh... I love Aubrielle, too :) I've heard it a few times ;)
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