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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Dog breeds are different. Only this weekend, for the first time ever, have I seen a neutered pit. Your cat did not die in vain, it died instead of a small child or a helpless old person. It's not right, and they shouldn't be kept by people without a license. I really think they should be on the same level as keeping other animals that are "dangerous". I'm really sorry for this tramatic scene that your children and you saw, and pray for healing.
  2. I understand about VP, I've never used their curriculum, but am interested in an already done Timeline for my kids to memorize. I have also thought about doing something so that we are actually "learning" about a timeline. I am Protestant, but am open to Catholics being part of my group. :)
  3. Karyn, I'm so sorry ;( On top of that, I'm sending you a pm :) She'll do great!! My daughter is loving it, and while it wasn't my "best" for her.... it is working, and she will be a successful young adult, in spite of what she's dealing with. (she's in 7th/age 12 this year, so is that the same age your daughter will be?? ) :)
  4. I think that veritasschools.com offer accredited school offerings. They are back south, with one starting in the PDX, OR area. :)
  5. Well, of course I would want to offer a high caliber co-op with the mission stated well and the members would.... of course.... choose to have high standards too! :) I actually am looking at the Masters Academy type co-op... or something.... I know that math hasn't worked well in a co-op. I know that Latin worked well with my mom teaching a few students... and she kept far ahead of them. She has an excellent background with English grammar and spent more than an hour a day studying to teach :) While "math co-ops" don't work, I can see a "Living Math" co-op working. I am interested in many subjects, but especially the ones that you can use anything at home, and yet benefit from academics, separately. :) Still thinkin' :)
  6. I'd join a Co-op IF, it had (Fill in the blank) subjects and cost under (Fill in the blank), again :) Just thinking about what kind of co-op I might want to start: Here are some choices: Veritas Press Co-op, (not sure how this would look) Science through the Ages Co-op Music History Co-op (and more??) Living Math Co-op (like the one Julie has) History Based Co-op (think this might be hard since people are on different cycles) Other Ideas?? What would you want, if I would do all the work of getting it together? What would you teach?? How much per family would seem "agreeable" for insurance, facility cost, and supplies :) Ok, Help me find my New calling! :) By the way, my son is 7 but I care MOST about the junior high/ high school years, having a co-op that we can establish friendships in and that he can be academically stretched. :)
  7. Because I'd have no one to let the dog out or get the cat off the counter. No one to help with laundry; I'd have to pair socks myself. I'd have no one to fetch me bon bons or look for the remote control they lost "before school started". I'd have no one to pick up the trash, get the mail, or answer the door when it's the mailperson. In general, I'd have to actually get off my butt :) Oh wait, then what would I do?? :) PS, Denim Jumpers are fancy!! I prefer sweats!
  8. depends on organic or not... I like grain organic...
  9. Could you let me know how your co-op runs?? and also, do you keep them in Veritas Press' order?
  10. If I didn't believe that the faith I believe in was correct, I would change :)
  11. 1. What do you spend on groceries and household each month? about $800. 1a. How many people does this feed? 5 1b. So what is your per person allocated budget? 125.00 or so 2. How often do you eat out in a month? now organic, trying for "not at all" 3. How often do you shop? every few days 4. What area of the country do you live in? Northwest 5. What is the cost of milk where you live? We buy organic, a little more than $5 a gallon. 6. The cost of a decent pound of hamburger? Don't purchase. 7. The cost of a 5 lb. chicken? about $4.00 a lb or so for Organic, pasture fed chicken 8. The cost of one lb. of apples? about $1.50 -$2.00 a lb 9. Any unusual expenses? Well, I buy regular chicken or other products for my dog and purchase cat food for my cats.... We're purchasing all organic now, or as close as I can get. :)
  12. Hey Jennifer :) I'd love a link... or to know more about it. I appreciate all the information I can get :)
  13. Miriam can be thought of as a good meaning, if you look.... :) I love the Miriam, homeschooled 18 year old that I know :)
  14. Because of cancer in my families... I'm doing a breast MRI and self examination. Mammograms do not work for our family. (having lost several aunts and cousins to breast cancer... who had exams)
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