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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. http://www.aquinaslearning.com I stumbled upon it while looking for different ideas. It seems very similar to CC, and is seriously Catholic. Hmmmm
  2. Next year I plan on doing the Veritas History memory cards as well as the CC history sentences (Just do the Veritas Press History Cards in the regular order. Also, note that "7" is the magic number when it comes to learning cards, so 7 at a time until you're through them) The way I understand it, in order to get started I need to buy all 5 sets of the Veritas cards Purchase all the cards at once, laminate them... and then you can pull the motions off YouTube for the cards... (you'll have to rearrange them back to VP order :) Has anyone used this approach? Am I crazy? I just don't want to completely follow the CC cycles or the Veritas cycles; I want to follow the SOTW timeline, but I love the CC and Veritas materials. That will work, go through, split up the memory work into the amount of cycles you are going to do (5??) and then fill in with other work so that you have a bit for each week. Living Memory is a great resource, too. BTW, don't buy old CC CDs as there are mistakes.... Buy the new stuff. The Foundations Guide, can be corrected, though... and is fine to just "correct".. Also, here's the thing... when you make copies of the cd, which for your own family... I think you can.... You just insert what you like. I like Shurley English better... so I'd insert that into the spot... for English... Perhaps you have some sentences that you won't agree with.. or you'll think incorrect... so you don't put those in... and just orally teach your kids. The Foundations Guide is a nice guide to use as a frame... and then... you get to change it up as you choose. Good Luck :)
  3. That's just crazy!!! Good grief!! Can they get any more insane?
  4. This is EXACTLY what I'm in need of, too!! Christian text... not really wanting Bob Jones or A Beka.... I have one for American that is just what I want.... except... I want World History. The one I have for American is All American History by Celeste W Rakes Ideas??
  5. Put him in kindy, but allow a person to help with him to catch him up... Do it on the sly?? Hmmmm.... think about making it so that all the kids get extra enrichment. Seems like he'll catch up... if he doesn't realize he's behind?? ;( Sorry!!
  6. Well, I wouldn't do "Henri" or other names that are going to look "feminine" to Americans. (or Jean for that matter... That's actually my friend who is french... her daughter's name) Anyway... how about Matthew. You can pronounce it "french" and people here can say "Math -ew"... like well... Americans do... ;) But, It would sound almost the same... either way :)
  7. Hi There, I saw a music history program a while back that I really liked; it might have been Christian based. I emailed with the woman... and really liked it. Now.. of course... I can't find it. Any ideas??
  8. I'm not sure exactly where you are, but if you're not too far from Salem, you're welcome to come check out our Info Mtg :)
  9. You can change some things by going to "who can view" what. Also, if it's bad, just delete it right away. I think that deletes it on the other persons page, too.
  10. I am liking Sarah and David's hebrew. You can see their letters if you look up the alpha bet on youtube. I ordered the whole curriculum for a gentle approach. My dad said it would work fine. He reads his Old and New Testaments in Hebrew and Greek, respectfully. He also has taught both for a number of years. There are a couple of differences with what we're using, and pronouncing a few things are a bit different, but... it's doable, fun, kid friendly and it will get me the end result that I want... which is for my son to eventually be able to glide into reading Hebrew. You can easily do a google search and find it :)
  11. YES!! This!! If I were to take a baby somewhere like this... (and I don't think I would have) I would have taken a teen sitter with me, so that they could go walk the baby when I wanted to listen. I have had someone shake their keys for their baby, while I was up front talking. I know that they did NOT mean to be rude, but it was distracting, and I lost my thoughts quickly. For a serious seminar, I would think it RUDE and be likely to stop and ask them to "quiet the baby please." I think the whole, "if the baby starts crying please step out but ask for a recording, please" is considerate for those paying good money to leave their children at home. I, for one, am planning on someday hearing SWB :( It hasn't happened yet... :(
  12. Anyone use these for 7th and 8th? We're thinking of using these. Actually... my friend is in charge of the jr high and older... but.. I'm asking for her since she's grounded herself from the WTMboards for a while :) http://www.mfwbooks.com/L049EBC6739020100DC70051+M50+ENG http://www.mfwbooks.com/products/M50/40/30/0/1
  13. Hi There, I'm looking for a great Christian (based) World History for 7th and 8th graders, and then they'll be doing the MFW Ancient (9th grade) If you have ideas, that'd be great!! :)
  14. I like a good thought provoking, with no hurt feelings, discussion :) I also like being in a co-op that I'm at least in co-charge of.... I like teaching what I believe is the truth, not having to have a "higher up" level... etc... I'm EXCITED about this upcoming year... hopefully being someone who can help our collective families raise the bar for our children and provide support and a good atmosphere for family learning!!! :)
  15. SO, before Tuesday, we're hashing out our ideas and what we should use as a "spine" in our co-op. Our choices look like SOTW or something like Diana Waring's program. The Waring history is geared for students 11-18, but can be adapted for younger. AND, we don't have to use the same thing for all ages... but it would be nice... Also, mostly I'm in (co)charge of the students 8th and younger. We will be meeting once a week... it's mostly for projects and a good academic boost that we're meeting. What'cha think?? Is anyone doing this? Something similar?? Thoughts??
  16. Good idea, although... everything causes problems for some, right? I happen to like SOTW and have all the materials :) VP is too reformed for some. :) I've never used anything but the fronts of the cards. MOH has cds, but I need the ones without the music :) (I've looked at the curriculum, and it's not as open and go as I'd like) TOG is a serious buy in, right? And... I like Diana Waring, but haven't seen her full curricula, we use the cds for listening to "extra history" ;) So, we haven't all met, just listened to concern. And.... well.... even "classical" is controversial. So, looking for input here ;) and then we'll just have to go full charge ahead and take who wants to come with us :)
  17. I'm trying to find different programs that you can use for live online classes. (Like for meetings, except this is for latin classes, etc.) My daughter used one for her Latin class, and we're just looking for all the different choices, along with advantages and disadvantages. Any ideas??
  18. Sticking with something (Christian) Classical or Charlotte Mason, what is the BEST curriculum for students 7th-8th and 9th-12th. We would like it to be able to be done during the week and have a one day facilitator, with another abbreviated day done bythe facilitator in one of the "online" meeting rooms. Doesn't have to be everything, curriculum wise. History, Literature, Writing, & Logic are the main concerns.... Science Curriculum is chosen, but could be changed, I guess. Not me doing the Jr High/ Highschool part, but asking for my friend. Thanks!
  19. Hey, Wanting to hear about My Father's World for 9th graders and how it's gone. I've heard that it's a bit too deep for 9th. Any thoughts :) We are thinking of this as a group experience, meeting with a facilitator and with available parents on Fridays. What says the Hive?? Would this work?? Would you do it with 9th graders, again?? (Or, what would you use instead if you had the chance??)
  20. If she is making choices that are good, I would say. "You know, I can't do this long term. I'm willing to do it for $200 for 3 months. At the end of 3 months, I will either do it for another agreed time or I will give you four weeks to find another spot." The better the friend, the better you need to work EVERYTHING out. If you value your friend, don't let anything be assumed. If you do this, and you charge money, and they don't pay. Can you give her 4 wks notice at the end of the 3 months and let the money go? That's the only way I'd say to do it. :)
  21. Hey there, I have all 4 volumes. I have 3 sets of the cds. Please point me to the part where evolution and other spots where the books are in conflict with the Bible. OR, pls just give me a link to the thread so I can view this. We are doing a co-op here, and there have been some questions. I'd like to figure this out, before we set what we'll use for history. At home, it's too late! We have them memorized :D
  22. I think it's fine, as long as there's not a spot that they could run into ... say... the highway or something. Seriously, it's just a common sense thing. Nothing is without risk. Sometimes the LESSER risk would be to do this. :)
  23. The pastor who married us wore a grey suit, but in the pictures, it's dark black. We photoshopped his outfit in... no problem. :)
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