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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hi Robyn, Not to be a downer, but I don't think this will be the same. Part of the success is HOW the book is written with the instructions for how to write each letter. Also, each letter has "one to trace... one to do" which makes is so you are always back to a correct on.... every other letter.. I would really advise you to consider biting the bullet and purchasing the books. I have the font, too... it's just not the same... Just my thoughts.. :)
  2. Sunbutter :) Pretty much like peanut butter... tastes good :) and you can make cookies, too... :)
  3. At 16, I bought food that I wanted... I don't remember ever complaining about no food :)
  4. I hope it's good!! I specifically wrote a SOF so that my Catholic and catholic friends could join my co-op :) We have SOTW 1-4 listed as our source.... We're gonna start by reading the Story of Creation from the Bible and then jog right into SOTW I. I have to say, my son specifically asks "MOM!!! can we listen to SOTW??!!" so... I know he likes it... :)
  5. I've heard that for the National Latin Exam (that's what it's called, right?) that Ecce Romani (sp??) is what lines up exactly.... Hmmmm ;) I like Lone Pine Classical online, too.... but my kids (except for my son) are so. done. with. Latin! Bummer... they were doing so well!! :(
  6. Bummer Angela!!! I trust you.... and I want to LOVVVVVVE Latin Alive!! This is what our Tutor wants to use. On the other hand, Classical Academic Press has done everything to be humble and gracious when they've found mistakes, and I'm pretty sure that as they improve, will provide opportunities for families to obtain their new material. This is why... I have faith that with Latin Alive, it will be the same.... Sorry that you're having some of the "Beta" trouble though... :( Thought it'd be over by now :)
  7. Angela, if you even come out here, I'll buy you dinner :) I know a couple of really good spots!!
  8. Funny!! Too funny!! This is probably because they don't believe in Master Teachers, and obviously not Master Teachers, either. Points like this were made by my oldest daughter, who was in Public school almost her whole schooling career. She would ask "Why this and not that?" and say things like "They should correct this; it's wrong." and then when I told her that you had to have 3 verifiable sources to show them it was an error, she said "Then by that, they should have 3 verifiable sources saying they are correct." Too bad!! Because if they had people with Master knowledge, they wouldn't be excited to talk about the needs for moms to bat back and forth things like the correct lines for geographical locations. And say that it's a positive for CC that you can do that... (Why ask an expert when WE can talk about it??) Anyway, I love the families!! But I think anyone can pick up a copy of the Foundations guide, split it into 4 cycles, pick up Living Memory for a back-up, correct what you want to correct.... and start a co-op. Not... that... hard... Especially when you don't have to charge $$$ for tuition, and you CAN enjoy having moms in the spots that they want to teach instead of one tutor for the whole day. I believe in the whole local thing and think that eventually CC will recognize that groups don't have to be part of them to get going, and will become more friendly to what HS is all about... which is customizing curriculums for their own family/group. PS, my dad is an author for a huge part of his time, and professional editors are necessary. He has a Doctorate in both of the areas he teaches and writes about... and I can't imagine him NOT wanting others to go through his works. It's not an insult... it's mandatory to have editing to be professional. Imagine if everyone got to have works that were published.. and then got to charge MORE money when they corrected it... Just imagine! :)
  9. Yup, and you can insert things you like better.... Like Shurley Grammar :) Or LFC chants... :) etc...
  10. And our co-op for highschool is doing MFW and hopes it works well!! We'll do the "parent discussion" on Fridays together... Then electives... We're not doing any math at co-op.. that's on your own... We are SOOOO hoping that it goes well :)
  11. Handwriting Without Tears, made this mama stop crying :) Seriously, a miracle!!! Third grade is what you want .... and the Teacher's book. For under $20 my life... was good :)
  12. There was one not too long ago... where a mom put her kid on youtube.. maybe with tape over their mouth... and maybe nose, too?? She got the kid taken... People are absolutely amazing!! (not in a good way!!))
  13. Well, on a whole it's whether you want to be part of a group that is a "business". I have to say, that I tried to decide if I would stay ... or just be a participant, and I'm really happy forming our own co-op. Different areas are different... different groups.... I want to be able to customize my group... to do what I feel God is telling US to do. Not to have things mandated by a spot so far away, that has little contact with the entire group they are trying to control to the last degree. Seriously, homeschooling is partially for freedom and flexibility. If I find an error, I want to correct it right away, not wait till the company decides to... Etc... That being said.. if it's the only group around... If you don't want to roll up your sleeves and help.... because of whatever reasons.... It's a good spot (although you still have to stay with your child... and help... but not teach...) I couldn't beat the incredible people in my group. I LOVE all of them!!! The are the sweetest most loving group of women ever.... and THEY are the reason I loved CC..... (CC is almost like something that people are sometimes more hooked on the program than on the people in their group... I am for sure not like that..) I do like an every week meeting spot and believe it's worth a day a week... Course, I don't care if we school year round... so....
  14. Hey Christine!! That means you're in my old hometown :) I miss it... I lived within walking distance of the college, and I loved biking over... (it was safe to do so back then... the area was good... I hear it's getting better than how bad it got...) I loved my little house that my parents had bought... (Kinda reminds me of the book with the little house on the front.. that home you think back on and miss) ... our pecan trees... :( My friend has had her children go to Christian Heritage.... Fellowship Bible Church when it met at the Y.... I miss my little town :( Anyway.. y'all can enjoy it for me!!! :)
  15. Hi There, I am racking my brain trying to think of where to put out information about our Homeschool Co-op. Some get the area's "Christian Newsletter" but many of the homeschoolers who are "newish" to the area, do not. In fact, most homeschoolers that have started say... in the last 5-10 yrs... don't.... I have put up the flyer at say... the local Grocery Store etc.... I'm just trying to reach ...well... everyone!! ;) So, there's the question... How did you find out about your Co-op? Any great ideas?? Thanks!!
  16. Wiener Bean Pot... Onions sauteed, brown sugar, molasses, other ingredients, hot dogs, baked beans... Yum.. My whole family loves them.... and it's easy :) The secret is... bake it the whole time so the flavors mingle. :)
  17. Here's the thing... seriously... if it's the best... then why are they switching the next year?? I've ALWAYS hated it... and you can't tell me that it doesn't stink. Angela has a whole list if you just want to memorize grammar. You just need someone to tell you how to do it. Latina Christiana, First Form, perhaps LFC. It's a stinky program, people have complained about it forever, they are finally changing it... but just not till the next year. Wouldn't have my child take it... I'd rather an online course. Just my... well... 10cents :) Inflation you know :)
  18. And, I always have to laugh at the irony! My dad was told... many moons ago... keep homeschooling your kids = no job for you at LeTourneau(he was a professor there), which is why he left and went to law school... Oh the irony... oh how money talks... and it's good to get new blood in the higher up positions... :)
  19. Bummer, if you were in Oregon, we have a co-op we're just starting with MFW high school :) We're doing it for high school and it looks like enough for the core... for me!!! Sad you're not here with us!! Maybe you'd like to do a book club or something with her? You can always add optional books :)
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