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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. What I've heard, from families where it "worked" is that family worship time is done each night. You "train" them to stay with you and obey. Not making any judgement calls either way.... Depends on your family style :)
  2. Seriously, that's a rule from your pastor? I've never heard of that :confused:
  3. Isn't there a way to cut them off?? I mean... seriously... they just are not good. (and their study of God/Theology doesn't align with anyone but themselves) :( If we could just circle around them so they don't get anymore publicity or picket the newsgroups who give them coverage.... Maybe each time they're in town, something could be bigger on the other side??
  4. :) I just wanted to make sure you realize that the chemo I was talking about... is mainstream... normal chemo... just on a schedule more like European studies suggest. It's the thing in Europe, I guess... The naturopath... now that's obviously different :) Good Luck!!
  5. Congrats!! I am SOOOO happy for you!! A forever cure wished, too!!! :)
  6. I think that this is the link :) http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/group.php?do=view&groupid=140
  7. Hi There, I was just talking to someone about Co-ops and realized that it would be fun to have a spot where we talk about Co-ops and our successes. Hopefully more success than failure... but share both so that we can all learn from each other!!! If you have a favorite curriculum that is working, a favorite way to do co-ops... It can all be here... :) I'd love to have some good conversations, so we can learn from each other!! Thanks!... ok... now a few minutes to start it :)
  8. http://www.cancercenter.com I'm really sorry about your dad. Believe me when I say, that at this point I understand what you're going through... at least partially. I know that you didn't ask for any medical opinions, but .... I have some :) The http://www.cancercenter.com/seattle-clinic/cancer-treatment.cfm Metronomic Dose Chemotherapy is absolutely amazing, and with it... Vitamin C intravaneously? is able to be administered to keep up immunity along with other things. The Metronomic Dose is such that smaller amounts more often, is used. In easy terms, it keeps right on top of the growing cancer cells making it so they don't do a lot of regrowth before they are squished again. AND, it's not as bad for your body. There are people there, that my family person is with, that were sent home to die.. using a walker... and now they look good.. no walker... Just a thought... Hope... it's so good... There are some really decent nutrition ideas, as well. If you want any more info... LMK :) I'd love to see if you could possibly get a spot of hope like we did. I went in thinking my family member was going to die, like soon, and now... we have a chance!! As far as schooling, I'd do lots of cds.... and just talking... which you'll need to do :)
  9. My opinion is that you don't embarrass guests. FOR SHAME! Your son will/might be embarrassed long after that 3rd piece of meat doesn't matter. (And who said 3 is greedy, but not 2?? what's the rule??) Adults should remember that it's hard to be 11 and you don't need to be a not to them. Seriously, as an adult, I think I might offer my whole plate to the hostess and kinda... just say "I'll eat later, no problem.." and maybe leave.... That's just rude.
  10. Hey Y'all, I'm setting up what students should be memorizing for the generic "Grammar of latin" I have Angela in Ohio's thoughts :) and I'm just trying to figure out what is super peasy easy to memorize now... so that in 3rd or 4th grade they can pop right into say... LFCA and have conjugations and declensions memorized... So, if you had say.... 4 years... to do the memory work.... How would you intertwine memorizing conjugations, declensions and some vocabulary? This is for basically 30 weeks a year.... for the 4 years :) (That's 120 weeks :)) Thanks for thoughts :)
  11. Wow, very nice!! I'll have to get this before my son is much older... Just to try to grasp some of the nuggets :)
  12. Yup, my mom has asked me if I know when to NOT talk... oops... I would have probably been calling the cops :)
  13. I have a great oat crepe recipe... made with kefir... could you have that??
  14. So Kelly, Here's a question, if people like "accountability" and would like more "in context" and accurate memory work, why aren't the co-ops with this set-up? Does it only work if you charge families? Pay a Director? I actually loved Directing, and would have done it free, and will do it free. Funny thing... I was going to give families a $50 off like... per student... if they turned in their registration early this year... Oh well... now I'm not directing... and for our co-op... we're only charging a minimal fee to cover things... So, I went from $50 off... to... well... free :) And... I'm lovin' it!!! Can't wait to see how it goes this September!!! :)
  15. Oh good!! I thought my son was crazy :) It's NORMAL ;) perfect!!
  16. Claire, I understand!! You are SOOOO right. The attitude and problems are usually not at the local level. It's great if families joining don't even understand. I, too, loved my group and with the families nothing but the best. For me, it has soured the whole thing about ministry/business and a larger "governing" homeschool group. I'll never belong to one again... It's partially this.... I love the families more than the program... others love the program more than the families..... I think that when you start to drink the koolaid....well... I never did like koolaid. :( (BUT, yes, I love the families)
  17. Might have something to do with the amount you use, too :) Also, I'm not sure if people think about seeing what the cow eats.... we're into pasture fed with no corn or soy.... That might help some people... :)
  18. I've made it with fresh.... shake three times longer than you think you should have to :) and then put in clean (purified would be best) and shake longer to get any whey?? out... and then put in the fridge :) I've heard that putting in the blender works, too...
  19. I figure that if you allow decent communication, including some serious emotional outburst, that perhaps the aftermath won't be too bad. I do "Try" to have attitudes harnessed.... and sometimes it works... I'm thinknig that the next few years will get easier... (wishing at least :))
  20. I think it's almost a speed trap. I hate it... I like hours.. or flashing lights... I'm looking around... thinking... "Are you a kid?? In college??" It's crazy here!!
  21. Well, to work on recall, I got a long lead (like feet and feet long... my dog is decently big, too..) and would let him run out and then kinda "click" on his prong collar and say "Come". I would then get him to come to me and sit in front. (Reason was given in training that coming to you... but shooting right past... could lead to them running in the street.... they had an example of a "dead dog" story that had happened to someone they knew) Anyway, this worked, and while he's not perfect... even 3 years from then... I can tell I worked with him. I need to get out and start doing it again... (lazy on my part) I don't mind a prong collar because I'm not jerking it around... and I have a german made one... (good quality) and also because I was "taught" to use it properly so it isn't for hurting... It's merely a bit of a pinch. You could probably mix clicker training with it, but I'm not great at that... PS, it has saved us... he literally spun around and came back after starting in a mad dash to go "see" a dog down the street.... he came back when a squirrel was near... and he was chasing it out of the gate... and maybe once more... :) Who can leave a good dog alone??? You haaaaaddddd to get him :)
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