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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. University Model Schools, or schools like this.(For homeschoolers,not a full 5 days) I'm wondering about the good and bad about UM schools.... what you've liked... not liked.... If Homeschooling but sending your kids to "school" for part of their learning... or half day school... extra curricular.... I think my days of doing what I've been doing are perhaps numbered, and I'm looking at all my options. I KNOW I want my son to be involved with homeschoolers on a continual basis. I know I'd like the same kids... over and over hopefully, in hopes of forming friendships. I'm trying to decide if I should do a "from scratch" type co-op. An academic one? A fun one?? Right now, I'm SOOOO open. I've thought of.... A SOTW co-op, a Living Math co-op, a Science co-op... (projects and also studying scientists), a Geography co-op.... a study different countries and their foods... I only have one son, don't mind working for basically nothing.... and have the energy needed... in short spurts... to do it. (I've run a program for a few years now and love it.. ) :) I'm all ears!! :)
  2. So, who has Classical Co-ops, and what's available nation wide? I'm curious what I could look at to "start" in this area. (I'm meaning, what co-ops are there for me to model after... or under...:)) Thanks!!
  3. It will be different than this coming year. I would not buy anything that was old unless it was the guide. The guide u can put corrections in with no problem....... Yup...nothing used ...
  4. My mom is having surgery today, at 10am.(Pacific Standard Time) Please pray for healing, if it's God's will, through the Surgeon's hands. I just pray for the Surgeon's hands to be directly led by God as he removes the tumors and that complete cure to happen through medicine, and also that if God may see fit, that the tumor is smaller than thought. I do believe that God heals and does not, according to His Will, and my mom is just showing great faith in being a person that trusts in the plan that God has for each of us. For us, and all who love her... especially my young children.... I just pray for her to be able to stay here longer... Thanks for Prayers...
  5. Ok, just to let you know, I'm glad my son and daughter had it... and now it's over. Only if I had a baby would I prevent it. I was able to give my son the antibiotic and he was over it much faster and less serious than my daughter who had it and no one knew it was whooping cough. I actually got it, too, and had been vaccinated as a child. (I got antibiotics, too.... ) Praying for a speedy recovery.... BTW, if your daughter does start to get it, you might think about if a booster is needed...
  6. He should work it out with the prosecutor... or... have confessed and worked it out with the church (and been under church discipline.... and be monitored, willingly) That's my thought... Yup, if my money was stolen... I'd want it to be returned.. or for the person to get punished. We had this handled at a church once, in much the same way, except that the church wanted him to be "forgiven" and wanted him to continue preaching....
  7. Well.... She was looking at the book when I said "good price" for it. It was $10.00, new condition... and sells for almost $30.00. It was a good price....
  8. That's really too funny!!! Bet he's funny when good... and just makes you "grrrrrr" when bad! ;)
  9. I use a sponge or if I want a dishcloth, only for one day, and then throw it under my sink. I was ALL my kitchen towels and also the sponges etc.. in the "sanitizer" cycle of my washer. I put the scrubbies in my dishwasher on the "sanitizing cycle" each day, too. I don't wash dishes that we'll use for "us" after I wash animal dishes.... My house isn't really "tidy" but I am very clean with the "cleaners". :)
  10. So, if you saw a person that you were about to hire (for next year's co-op) .... trying to negotiate... down to the last quarter (for some homeschool books) would that make you more or less likely to hire them to teach in your co-op? Here's what happened. We had a lady who use to be in our co-op bring some books to sell. (with my permission) She set prices, but had offered that she would negotiate. The seller offered a lower price for the stack of books, and this buyer lady... tried to get her down, and finally, when the seller said "Ok, $14.00, the buyer said '$13.50' and the lady said... 'hmmm... no... $14.00' to which the buyer lady said '$13.75' " and so the seller relented, because... well, it was very awkward. On top of this, before the bartering was heavily going, I looked at one of the books and said, "Wow, that's a really good price!! I bought an old edition for that price." The buyer lady said, "Hush, Carrie... or I won't teach for you next year." laugh laugh... (to which I really didn't laugh or think it funny) Would you be wondering if she was going to nickel and dime you... (and quarter you? :)) I just was really turned off, embarrassed... When it was all over, the buyer said, "Thanks for negotiating with me!" Hmmmm....
  11. Grammie :) It's the sweetest, except for maybe Nana:) And, my mom was an aunt before she was born... more than once over:)
  12. You kick it by about 3 if you are. Sunbutter is good if they'll eat it. (you have to make sure that the sunflower butter you get is without peanuts contamination...)
  13. Just a reminder, secure any dresser so it can't come down on the toddler... when they crawl in the bottom drawer or try to climb on top of the dresser... and pull down whatever is there....
  14. I would have to ask my 7 year old what subjects are school. I'm guessing he'd say his whole life is school :) When we're in the grocery store, we're doing math. When we were in the car today, he kept reminding me to turn back on Story of the World. He's walking around singing his Hebrew alphabet. I'm not sure what he thinks as "have to" except for maybe reading. He doesn't like to HAVE to read. He wants to "play" instead :)
  15. I'd love to come listen, if you'd like... and you want the practice, but we have a tight budget, and I won't be able to purchase anything :)
  16. An Amby or a Kanoe? (they're baby hammocks) and perhaps the cutting out dairy?? ;( Sorry :(
  17. Handwriting Without Tears is the easiest!! It took a little boy's ugly handwriting, which wasn't clear at all, to a very legible handwriting!! Get the Teacher's book and the students; you won't be sorry! I'm going to offer him a transition cursive, if he'd like... perhaps next year or the next.. but for now... just looking at how nice it is makes me smile. All for $20 and about 2 months of writing. SWR is nice, but didn't work, as he just couldn't write that small... and starting at 2 o'clock for the round letters didn't work for him. :)
  18. Hey Peela and Negin :) Just a side note:) Yes, I'm not taking supplements while eating processed foods and a chunk of candy, thinking the MCP and Shrooms will keep me safe. I've been pretty healthy for a long time, I'm just trying for not much dairy... and organic foods (more) now. I also am Vitamix "ing" everything :) Gotta think the more greens the better :) I've also read convincing things about raw beets, especially, and carrots. (Although not crazy like as they do detox you, and you don't want to be too hard on your liver all at once) I told my mom that while I may enjoy foods that aren't healthy, I'd rather BE healthy than eat foods that "just taste good" :) Off to make a drink :)... well... a healthy one :)
  19. I think thermograms and MRIs are going to be the way to go. Our family has cancer with all of the members.. (breast or other.) My mom had 9 in her family. They ALL have had cancer now. I'm taking Modified Citrus Pectin, preventably, now as well as mushrooms (well, special Mushroom pills). My one aunt had a mammogram that came back as no problem. Found a lump herself 3 months later.... surgery... chemo... and dead in 13 months. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110201083337.htm There's an article that's interesting.. there are many more :) I also am eating the diet for preventing or helping with cancer survival. http://www.amazon.com/Anticancer-New-Way-Life/dp/0670021644/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1297401658&sr=8-1 (This one above...... Not as strict as the one below.... ) http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Strategies-Patients-Russell-Blaylock/dp/0758202210/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297401928&sr=1-4 I think that the link directly above this... is the one my mom would get, if only one. The publishing date is further back than the top one... but he has had good success with his patients and knows even more than the book in the first link. In the first book, though... it is very inspirational.... and good info, too :) The Modified Citrus Pectin the place I got the MCP was Life Extension Foundation, http://www.lef.org/ For the Ezorb Calcium,,,, (which is also where we're getting the mushroom supplement. it's the only place where they remove, from clinical studies that are done, 100% of impurities??) I'm saying this from listening to my mom... but basically what I gathered, is usually there are some "bad stuff" in the other mushroom supplements... and that their is the "purest".... Cordyceps Medicinal Mushrooms/ The Marvilix www.EZorbOnline.com If you'd like to order from here... (for calcium or mushrooms) I'd love to give you our distributor's info. He's great and has spent a long time with my mom. (We don't get credit or anything... I just appreciate him) His name is Larry... and I have his direct contact info.
  20. It's hard when you have your plans changed for you... A little behind where you want to finish school... but you'll get there. Perhaps your 1 year old and this one.... will be best little buds... It'll happen.... Slings work in school, too?? :)
  21. Ok, I have to say I know I post about it often, but I love this program. We got the 3rd grade book, which I believe fits in nicely with "classical" as cursive is developmentally correct for this age. (Printing use to be for when you got to "mapping") You can do searches about development. I believe that Don Potter was one man I found that convinced me, along with Spell to Write and Read. (Bought theirs and it just didn't work for us. Too small and also it started at "2 o'clock" and that just didn't work with how he could write.) The good thing about switching to cursive, if you'd been doing printing, is it gives you something NEW to teach and for them to learn. I went through the book with my 7 year old, who wrote as a kindergartener and wasn't reading until this October. In about 2 months or so?? we had worked through the cursive book. I was worried that I hadn't given enough copywork to him, and yet I can say that he does his letters almost perfectly. I am so pleased with his writing. If I had things set to post pics, I'd show you :) It was all under $20 and also with two workbooks would only be a bit more. Oh... and one reason why it's good is that the letters are larger than some. AND, there is a trace and do yourself... trace and do yourself spot....(and on and on) so that they are continually doing a "premade" one and then one of their own... this helps with getting it correct. (Rather than just "one" letter at the beginning and then trying to duplicate it.... to the end of the line... which often times gets messier and messier. And lastly, my son after about 5 minutes of me showing him the 2 choices the book has for holding his pencil... and showing him the "flip" trick... held and holds his pencil correctly. That would have been worth $20 to me. I'd spent money on pencil holders... special pencils...etc. No money is given to me for my raves about this program :)
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