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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Oh.. that is so incredibly sweet. Remember that you having Natalie was such a miracle, because of religion differences... etc... and now... that sweet young mama has talked to her friend about you... and they want their babies to be raised together. I think it's just perfect!! You're not insane at all to think about this.... With the woman to help you get them out of the infant stages... by the time you get back here... they'll be much older.. and easier.... So the cost won't be a problem, hopefully. Sounds like a Godsend to me!! :) Let us know how it goes!!! What a compliment from that little girls bio mom to you!!! (well, both of them, actually!!)
  2. Don't know your money situation, but I'd be thinking Mom's helper... I honestly think that for little kids and big kids to be together.... and homeschool... it's like at least 2 jobs pulling you apart. If money isn't an option.... I might think of "Night School".... so.... at night give instruction with help from Dad... in the day the kids could read and help with the babies.... Also, I am SOOOO into kinda wearing your babies... loving on them... co-sleeping. BUT, I'm into the mom living, too. SO, I would tire those littles out in the morning, read them a book... and say "night night" at 1pm or whatever. If I had to put them in separate bedrooms... so be it. BUT, I get very grumpy when littles don't take naps... I expect it'd be grumpy x2 with... 2 :) and for the 4 year old... 1-3 would be their rest time with a cd or whatever in their room... :)
  3. I think that it depends on how you find your nanny :) If it were me, I would have had a blast!! But, i would have needed your philosophy planted in my mind :) and then some decent instruction. Of course, I had been homeschooled ;) Also, I think that finding classes for her to take the kids to, would help. I would look for classes for the science... and then have the kids do math for sure through a program... and... well... I do think it could work... but what you're looking for is a Governess :)
  4. I remember, in maybe 2nd grade.. our Principal taking his belt off and giving the two fighters "a licking" ..... Put the fear of God in me!! :) Those were the days!! But, i have to say we all really loved him... and he was a great guy. So, all in all, it must have been balanced :)
  5. This is exactly how we got the chx pox. A vaccinated child... gave it to a friend ... who gave it to us :)
  6. My parents (both) were last babies. I'm obviously glad they were both born :) My gparents were all over 45 when they were born :)
  7. I'd love to remember what Science book collection I wanted to buy!! About $100 or so?? And beautiful books... About 6?? Any thoughts?? I saw them here :)
  8. Well, you know you're gonna move towards us, right? Enjoy them! Take a season of "off school" time if you're getting burned out. Read books... (to them and for you) Hire a sitter for the day, if you're able. Or, try to trade with a friend. Move out here faster, and I'll take them for the day. I suggest Teaching the Trivium by the Bluedorn's. It's really less about how to teach, and more about how you can view family life. ;)
  9. Well, haven't used it... and don't really understand it too much... Which is why I'm asking :) I read about it.. and don't understand. So... we can both listen. I did read the legend behind it, by doing a Google search... :)
  10. So I read about Thieves Oil here, and... waited of course. My daughter now has started a cold. All of us have had this like 3 week cold... I'd go drive and get her something... if it would work .... after you get sick... Any thoughts?? Thanks!!
  11. Very sad for her family; I remember that when my Aunt died, just a few years ago.... she said, "I have lived a good life; I am ready." This was because of her battle with death. It's so sad when loved ones died, and you think, "Why couldn't we have had more time together?" I am sorry for YOU too, as I know you're grieving! So... prayers for her family and for you!
  12. My mom figured it out... for her..., with freshly ground wh wheat flour... and other good ingredients.... 80 cents a loaf. :)
  13. Obviously pay is dependent on where you live. Our public school has an excellent reputation, and the 2 teachers here that are tutoring my daughter (band and writing) have offered to do it for $15 an hour. When a tutoring place called to ask if I wanted her tutored, the price he actually paid his tutors was $25- $28. (He told me this after we didn't qualify for public assistance, so couldn't qualify for the tutoring.) So... somewhere in there...
  14. Hey There! My friends are adopting;the 2 girls are younger than 6. I'm looking for not too scary book suggestions for bonding, keeping them away from too many people for however long.... Doesn't sound like any talk of RAD but I wanted good suggestions for what they should do... and read... to cement the "family". I asked if they'd like suggestions... and they said yes. No bio parents or family to deal of... parents died... and no family heard of .. yet ... at least.... Thanks!:bigear:
  15. Wow, I am SOOOOO sorry!! Hoping that things somehow become more smooth... and a miracle for your daughter!!! And health for your husband!!
  16. Painted concrete is really pretty. I had friends who did that and it was beautiful. ;)
  17. We tell the airlines WHEN we book and then when we actually get to the counter... to check my daughter in... and then again...at the counter when she's boarding. :001_smile:
  18. I'd love to ask for prayer for my relative..that they not have any "deadly" looking results after their tests tomorrow and next week. There's a serious chance that they might have something cancerous. We have a history of cancer in our family, and this person... who must remain unnamed... has had a Drs appt and the Dr could feel a lump..... Please pray that it's NOT malignant or that God heals them. I watched my Aunt die... and this is terrifying me. Thanks!! (What could be better than people all over praying, right??):crying:
  19. My parents, when I was 4, approached a house... next to an abandoned looking house... to ask the "neighbors" about that "empty" house. They found out my parents wanted to purchase a house... and sold them theirs!!! They sold the house when I was 12... for $33,000. They were excited :)
  20. It's no problem that you haven't thought of it before. If you have a child with a peanut/nut allergy.... it's an automatic thing to be more sensitive. My daughter is allergic to peanuts and nuts... and some other stuff. Mostly peanuts though. Imagine someone spraying... I don't know... some Raid around. Peanuts around my daughter are more of a threat than Raid. She can die. In a bus... it's not as scary as say... a plane. BUT, would you want me to not spray Raid? or just spray it in a separate section. Some kids can die off the peanut butter or peanut residue from yes... those kids that were on the bus before. I mean, no... you can't fix everything... but if it's your child... you try!! I think the Raid example is fair... and that if you think about it that way... perhaps it's more understandable. It's a small price to pay.. so that my child can live. (without an ER visit... and her leg being jabbed with something that can make her heart go into arrest)
  21. http://www.amazon.com/Sunshine-Kids-Radian-Seat-Champagne/dp/B000EE3HB6 Yup, this is what I want for my 7 year old to finish out his carseat days. I only had to look at the little boy (on the youtube that his family put together as a tribute/warning) who flew out of his carseat when his parents had a wreck... dead... and... if he had stayed in it.. he would have been alive like his sister. :(
  22. Regardless of how it looks with cursive, I think with printing it'd be worse. Second grade is when I really started trying to have my son write, and after a couple of months... Whew.. much better ;)
  23. Yup... the tomato staking thing... My son had a rough week last week. He actually shoved and pushed. I know it's because 1) He's immature. At 7, the older kids just basically tick him off and he doesn't remember or use his "coping" mechanisms.... 2) Because I don't pay enough attention to him; I'm busy taking care of "responsibilities" that my duty as "director" have me doing. Yesterday, I had him stay with me during all "play" time... Much better!! I told him that after a couple of weeks, he could try again. Hitting/shoving/pushing isn't acceptable, and until he's ready to come get me if there's a problem... he can't play without me there. :( BUT, hitting and such... just can't happen. I even went as far as to explain the "one-punch homicide" thing. You can (as an adult) hit someone once and they can die. Violence is not acceptable. He kinda understood.... Now to get him to follow through with being able to "leave the situation" instead of react by hurting. :(
  24. Ummm... go get coffee?? And then, come back and be in a different spot... Give me a break... a one year old on their BEST behaviour isn't going to be able to be left unattended... NOT fair!! No way!! Especially if you are paying a sitter...
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