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math teacher

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Everything posted by math teacher

  1. The Louisiana/Texas border allows it for work but I don't know about shopping.
  2. The governor of Arkansas has closed all state parks.
  3. Some of you have mentioned ferritin levels. That makes me think of my mother who has hemachromotosis. Her body stores too much iron, and she has a ferritin level check ever so often to determine if she needs phlebotomy or not. Does this make her more susceptible to the virus, or would she have a rougher time with it if she caught it?
  4. Dh works in a tire manufacturing facility and has been furloughed for two weeks, with at least 2 more weeks to go. I will be paid through August at my current job.
  5. Finish grading papers/enter in gradebook-done Dust the furniture Google meet-done Exercise-done Laundry-done Put away a stack of blankets-done Dinner-homemade chicken nuggets
  6. Can I order paint to be mixed and pick it up at Lowe's/Home Depot?
  7. I have a stack of papers to grade. Clean floors Exercise Dinner-dh may cook If I get these four things done, I will be happy.
  8. Online church Had Caprese Eggs for breakfast-dh cooked-win win Have to run up to the school for a few minutes Post Google Classroom assignments Grade papers/enter grades in gradebook Leftovers for lunch Dinner-Mexican Chili and Oatmeal cake Clean floors Wash my hair Read
  9. I started reading "Where the Crawdads Sing." Not a new recipe, but one from my childhood-Waldorf Salad. It was really good, and dh liked it, too. Tomorrow I plan to make another old one-Oatmeal Cake.
  10. It's surprising to me how different communities are so varied in their mask use. Yesterday, Dh and I went to Super 1 and probably 1/3 of the customers wore a mask. Today, I went to a store about 35 miles away, and I thought I was the only one with a mask until I saw one more person in the check out with one on. Come on people, get with the program.
  11. I have paternal grandmothers named Alto and America. For a bunny trail, we think my grandfather changed his first and middle names around so his initials wouldn't be A__S😃
  12. Laundry coffee and breakfast Dinner? Exercise Clean bathrooms Read-I'm working on Where the Crawdads Sing
  13. I have to find a new teaching position, and I am devastated. This has never happened to me-good grief-even with boyfriends, I'm the one who broke it off. I was always the one to leave a job voluntarily. At least the principal accepted my resignation. This has not been a good school year by any stretch of the imagination, but I didn't think it would come to this. I know that my problems are small compared to the pandemic, but I would appreciate prayers.
  14. At my elementary school, the students picked up their chromebooks, and we provide Google classroom and paper packets. The paper packets are the same instruction that is available on Google classroom.
  15. For me, it's not clothes, but I wish I could order paint. I would love to repaint my bedroom.
  16. Late posting-for the rest of the day, I intend to: Continue cleaning in bedroom Decide on decor for bedroom Dinner-pancakes/bacon Grocery pick-up with MIL Exercise some more Spend time outside
  17. I was talking to MIL a little while ago, and she told me that a nurse came out to get things started for FIL to go on Hospice. The nurse did not wear a mask. She was concerned, but didn't say anything. Social distancing was not practiced, as Nurse had to take vitals, and Nurse also handled FIL's medicine bottles. The last case count I saw was 11 positive in the area. Should I call and ask about masks/gloves, especially in this climate? That is my plan, but sometimes I like to ask the Hive. What would you do?
  18. I've been going to the school a couple times a week to prepare lessons-it's mostly empty, but I still wear a mask most of the time. Grocery pick-up. Mostly staying home.
  19. I agree with the pp, and also wanted to add that you can indeed order non-food items. Tomorrow I am getting ant killer, wasp spray, and carabiners. (sp)
  20. I'm getting a pickup order ready right now. The only meat is ham, some shrimp, a little bacon and sausage. Produce seems well stocked. Only eggs available were 18 count with a limit of two. Cornmeal in the five pound bag was out, but I found some Martha White individual bags, and Jiffy is available. This is north east Texas
  21. Online church-already had, but there will be a short message tonight-yay Coffee-still going on Put supplies back in bathroom cabinet-dh fixed a shower leak Lunch is leftovers Dinner is Potato/ham fritters Add to grocery pickup order ***Google classroom*** Exercise Call ds Weeding Floors Start deep clean in bedroom Call a friend
  22. I really do think that your husband should get a vote in your decision. I think the final decision is in your hands, at the very least there needs to be a discussion. After all, your mental health affects everyone who is around you. I think this falls under "and the two shall become one." If it matters, I take anti-depressants as well. I was in pretty bad shape before I started them-even my pastor told me to go ahead and take the meds- and that really surprised me. I would not decrease my medicine with an eye toward going off of it without my husband's approval.
  23. coffee in progress cereal for breakfast-done check in with my sister Google classroom set up for next week floors lunch-no idea dinner-cabbage/smoked sausage weeding (trying to do a wheelbarrow load a day) laundry exercise
  24. Call pharmacy for MIL Exercise Coffee Finish deep cleaning bathroom Clean floors Clean bathrooms Read Dinner-????
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