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math teacher

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Everything posted by math teacher

  1. Along with the other great ideas, I will add that I made a "moving" tab on my phone's memo. I number my boxes. then put a description of the contents in my phone. The box will also have room designation on it. Creating the list in my phone is easier than paper.
  2. I may try that one-the reason for this thread is that even the duck and scotch brands have reviews on Amazon of not sticking to boxes. But I have to use something.
  3. We are getting ready to move and I'm on my second box of packing. What kind of tape can I get that will actually stick to boxes? I've had this problem for years, and knew if there is a solution, the Hive would know it. If we can put a man on the moon, surely we can make tape that does what it's supposed to do.
  4. Oh I have a doughnut story. Years ago, we were going to visit dh's parents, and stopped at the doughnut shop on the way out of town. I stayed in the car, and he came out and handed me the little white bag. I looked in there and there were TWO doughnuts. I said, what you didn't get you any? He said, yeah I did. He had gotten us One Apiece. I was so upset!!
  5. Ice cream-blue bell preferred. I hate to admit this, but you all don't know me in real life. I can eat eagle brand milk straight from the can.
  6. The towel exercise that stretches the calf muscle helped me a lot. Also the one that you stretch while facing a wall-I don't know how to explain it, but if you search for exercises, it should come up. Another beneficial exercise for me was to balance on steps with the heel hanging off. Good shoes are a must. I like Fit Flop.
  7. You should know that you can use cranberry sauce for holidays in place of the pudding. There's also a cherry pie filling version one that's pretty and delicious and would be perfect at a girl baby shower. Rabbit hole indeed
  8. We had strawberry shortcake, with homemade cake and real whipped cream. It was delicious!!
  9. Love this thread!! I don't know if I've ever admitted this to anyone, but my washer/dryer doesn't lose socks. We always get back what we put in-socks and everything else.
  10. Fine here. It didn't get as bad as I thought it would, but I know it did some places.
  11. Is teacher pay teachers available? There are tons of free things on there, including fraction practice.
  12. This isn't "natural", but since I've started taking zyrtec for allergies, mosquitoes leave me alone. Before then, I was miserable from bites.
  13. I make sausage gravy like everyone else who has replied-Jimmy Dean sausage preferred. I have an aunt who added chicken bouillon base to the roux. Dh and I did not care for the flavor. Just our opinion, but chicken flavor does not belong in there.
  14. I agree with all the other posters ( I believe it's unanimous!!) that teens should absolutely follow the laws regarding their age.
  15. Sorry I went missing here for a couple days-my laptop was down. DH and I discussed the situation a little last night. He isn't home-he stays at his parent's house while working-another reason we need to relocate. I didn't know until last night that dh didn't know the details of neighbor's prison time. So, now that we are on the same page, maybe we can get somewhere.
  16. You've been given some good suggestions. I don't have anything to add, just wanted to say I'm sorry you have to live like this because of people who are supposed to love you.
  17. I don't have littles at home, just me and dh. MIL and I were talking about it awhile back and she told me she had misgivings about moving there to begin with. FIL has always done as he wished, with no regard for what she wants. Now she asks like she's on his side against me.
  18. Maybe by some of the family members, I'm not real sure. FIL acts like they get along with the guy. He has told me that some of the family members have stolen things from him. Family would like to have first dibs on the place if he decides to sell it.
  19. There are neighbors, but it is sparsely populated. I don't think this was the original drug house.
  20. We could probably move away if it didn't work out.
  21. Helping my inlaws. Dh doesn't have any living siblings, so it's just us. The property will belong to us one day. Oh joy
  22. There is no traffic of any kind. Apparently he isn't involved with drugs anymore.
  23. The property my inlaws bought used to belong to this man's family, but they lost it in foreclosure. There is problably about an acre distance between the two houses. Not much more if any.
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