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Everything posted by hippiemamato3

  1. It costs you nothing at all to say something kind.
  2. I had some boy/girl sleepovers as a kid/teen as well - it was platonic.
  3. Yes, and in my dream I was told DS's name. So that's what I named him.
  4. I think at some point we definitely would, though I think if it got there we would likely just stop sleepovers entirely? I'm not sure! ETA: I don't see any reason to separate them at this point, but am genuinely curious if anyone else has allowed this. This is perhaps not the best place to ask, but I figured I'd try!
  5. at what point would you stop allowing boy/girl sleepovers, for best friends?
  6. Hmm...a "simple evangelical view from a Catholic view" about gay people sounds like a subtle way of saying "judging others and hiding behind religion to do so" so yeah, that would be an issue. It's never our place to judge others.
  7. I wouldn't do anything except tell him I'm disappointed. Then I'd let it go. In 6 months he will be an adult and will be making his own decisions. The school's consequences and the potential impact on college admissions would all be things that he'd have to deal with since he made the decision to vape. There isn't much you can do.
  8. One of my favorite gifts I ever received was a name plaque for our door that had the two last names in our home hyphenated. I was so excited I cried - it was handmade by my aunt too.
  9. I think you're right about that. I don't see any reason why they couldn't have done a shuttle or something though!
  10. I think your boss is a jerk. I'd also let it go, and maybe look for another job. Our church has never, ever closed on a Sunday since it began in 1638 so we wouldn't close the church on a Sunday either, but we'd certainly pay employees in this situation, and maybe find an alternative place to hold the daycare for the day if that was an option anywhere around.
  11. I have a RAD 18 year old still living at home and attending high school (special ed until age 21.) Feel free to PM. We've been through it all. Several times.
  12. It's not at all an "is that all?" It's cruel and painful - it's an amputation of part of the toes. If you don't want a cat with claws, you shouldn't get a cat.
  13. I would absolutely NOT declaw the cat; it's the same as removing part of your toes. Extremely painful. Isn't CC "Conservative Christian?" This isn't a religious post so maybe I have the wrong abbreviation...
  14. My daughter will love this! I can't wait for Level 2!
  15. They haven't yet RSVPd. If they do and her DH plans to not attend, she would RSVP for only one.
  16. I just realized that Academy of Science for Kids is no longer selling their kits, and I'm pretty sad. What else is similar? Middle school level or higher is great. Thanks!
  17. My DS18 has been admitted multiple times, sometimes for as long as 3 months. We've never had a bad experience.
  18. I drive him to and from school and/or other activities several times a day.
  19. That's how far we are too. It's the best 20 minutes or so of my day. YMMV of course.
  20. I love car rides with DS16 and his friends. I find out so much about what's going on, who is important to them, what their concerns are. I know it might seem like a good idea to strike, but you miss a lot by not doing those drives!
  21. I think that wording is perfect. No controlling at all, protective! I will pray for all of you!
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