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Everything posted by bibiche

  1. It seems to me you have all the information you need to make it. But if you really require a recipe, why not google baked Nutella French toast, since that seems to be what you’re describing.
  2. She said her daughter is just below 50%. Also, after a certain threshold, score differences aren’t that important. I don’t think a kid who gets 1500, for example, will do any worse than a kid who gets a 1540. Would your son not submit even if he got a 1500 if that were below average? Scores are skewing ever higher because kids aren’t submitting what previously would have been considered great scores. At some point no one but perfect scorers will submit if that continues!
  3. I would submit. An admissions officer told us that while schools truly are test optional, they like to have as much data as possible for homeschooled students. If she were closer to or below 25% I would hesitate, but with 50% + - I think you’re good.
  4. The profs I know are continually tweaking classes, even those they’ve taught many times before. There might be newer research, newer articles that add insight, different teaching methods they’ve discovered, etc. Is there someone somewhere who is doing a really sh*tty job teaching some stagnant old class? Probably. I don’t know any, but there are people in every profession who are bad at their jobs. I don’t know how anyone could keep a teaching job if they’re that bad unless the school itself is not fulfilling its mission.
  5. I take issue with this. First, teaching any class takes effort, often tremendous effort. I know people who have “real jobs” who teach on the side. They’re not doing it to make extra money - the pay is lousy - but because they love teaching and want to share knowledge of their field. I also know adjuncts who try to cobble together a living with teaching gigs at various schools. This is a horrible existence because, see above, the pay is lousy! Adjuncts often don’t have an office, have limited contact with other professors in the department, have no say in university affairs, and are not invested in the college. They also don’t have time to do research and publish because they’re so exhausted from all the teaching and running around. Feel sorry for them, feel angry for them, but don’t dismiss them as lazy money grabbers. That really makes me mad! Adjuncts used to use pretty rare. A school would employ one, for example, when someone was on leave for a semester and a course still needed to be taught. Now schools *use* 😠 adjuncts to save money, and to the detriment of students’ education. I agree that it is unfortunate that this happens so often, but until people understand why it is and make it an issue, colleges are going to continue relying on poorly paid adjuncts.
  6. sewing.patternreview.com is a great resource. It is to sewing what welltrainedmind is to homeschooling.
  7. Well, I still wouldn’t be using them for high school credit, I don’t think. But maybe? For maths, for example, he has continued on but I wanted to make sure they know that he already completed all the required courses before precalculus. For the other subject, his high school report doesn’t reflect his deep interest in a particular field in which he took many college classes before high school and not as many in high school (because he was taking other required classes). Maybe the transcript isn’t the place to include them?
  8. Do I need to grade classes taken before high school that I intend to put on transcript? Some would be AoPS classes that weren’t graded (we didn’t care about the grade, only the knowledge, so didn’t ask for grade), others would be unofficial college courses that would support deep, long-term interest in a particular field. The latter were not taken for grades or credit.
  9. @Condessa @marbel https://us.consiglioskitchenware.com/products/eppicotispai-garganelli-and-gnocchi-paddle?currency=USD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwvNaYBhA3EiwACgndgp8FNdDEwdKEwn1pUHZRLvcbiWzFqWlX5IA1NkCplN7XxSY7ryTwihoCrsUQAvD_BwE Worth it.
  10. Ah, maybe you just need a different hairstyle. Ever since I changed mine so it covers my atheist horns, not a single person has assumed I’m evil. 😈
  11. In the future, try proofing it in a humid environment. I suspect the outer layer dried out and served as a sort of case, preventing the dough from rising. Without a proofing box, you could try spritzing it with water and then covering it with plastic (not touching the dough).
  12. The past couple years have been really challenging and I sure wouldn’t want that job. A ton of schools over enrolled this past year and the year before, some intentionally (perhaps trying to recoup some of the money lost due to Covid costs, which were incredibly high at schools that did it right), some because lots more kids accepted admission than anticipated. If you google “biggest freshman class ever” there will be pages of results.
  13. But I saw the movie!! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Gekko
  14. He’s almost over the hump. FWIW, mine recovered quickly and is completely back to his old self.
  15. Is he taking Paxlovid? If not, maybe suggest it. The older person (vaxed, boosted) I know who was like that started off okay but was hospitalized for a couple days on day six? But he’s fine now, just needed fluids and oxygen. I’m sure your FIL will be fine.
  16. Ha! We’ve got the same kid!
  17. What we’re doing here is having everyone on god’s green earth “interview” our kid for practice. Simple things like a firm handshake (do people shake hands anymore?), maintaining eye contact, and not mumbling go a long way. You have a super smart, interesting kid from what I gather. I imagine that once he gets over his nervousness he will shine. And there’s always that fake it ‘til you make it trick of playing the part of the confident interviewee. I talked to an admissions officer the other day who emphasized that homeschooled students really do need to interview. I guess schools want to make sure that homeschoolers are not all a bunch of feral weirdos. 🙄
  18. He’s part of an illustrious group. We took it off the list of potential schools some time ago for a variety or reasons, but it is still free. And coed now. 👍🏼
  19. @MEmama I missed this thread before. It’s been fun reading through it, and I’m so glad you had a nice, relaxing trip. 😀 @Spy Car I passed out for a while when I saw the price of the corn, but I enjoyed reading your post about nixtamal. FYI, tortillas by hand just require practice! Have the big fat Central American tortillas as your goal in the beginning -you’ll be an expert in no time. I found a good pulquería for you, too. Hit me up when you’re ready to travel again. 😉
  20. Cook it on a rack in a convection oven and you won’t need to flip it. Not sure about a regular oven.
  21. I think all of these kids have graduated from college by now! But I got sucked into the thread and distributed a few “likes” before realizing it was from 2017. 😂
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