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Everything posted by bibiche

  1. Phew! I’m glad he’s starting to feel better too. I know you must have been sick with worry yourself. Glad you’ll have him back at home (and boosted!) for the break.
  2. Can you send it from cousins to cousins, thus avoiding an interaction with your brother altogether?
  3. I think I was looking at this one, which seems more straightforward. I guess if you have an A+ it doesn’t look as good when it’s converted to numerical since both are 4.0, but otherwise I don’t really see the problem. https://pages.collegeboard.org/how-to-convert-gpa-4.0-scale
  4. I haven’t gone through the application process yet, so perhaps I am missing something… Why is it onerous to convert from letter grades to numerical grades? Isn’t it pretty straightforward?
  5. Why would converting the letter grades to numerical grades be “fabricating” grades?
  6. How about the new electric Mustang? (Which looks not at all as I expected it to look) It’s higher than your price range, but would be eligible for the rebate. I would not get a new non-electric car at this point.
  7. How’s he doing today, @MEmama? How are you doing? Sending hugs.
  8. What time of year? Where will you be going? What will you be doing?
  9. Send a letter with everything you wish to say. Better than calling 1) because you don’t want to talk to her and 2)because your words will be there in front of her and she can’t make them say something they don’t.
  10. Skhoop sells warm long coats. They might be overkill for Boston though.
  11. I don’t know what link you’re referring to or why you are sure I don’t care to listen.
  12. I wouldn’t go sit in a hs class, because it would change the dynamics anyway, but I would absolutely be meeting with the teacher and administrators if I had a problem with the school. This throwing the hands in the air and going on a screed against everyone who has a Ph.D in Education is odd - I don’t understand the connection - and frankly smacks of anti-intellectualism that I find disturbing, particularly on an education board.
  13. Here’s a primer in French for French adults: 1) watch the Macy’s Parade 2) watch American football 3) go Black Friday shopping 4) also eat 😂 https://carnetsvanille.com/comment-feter-thanksgiving-comme-les-americains/ This article talks about sweet potatoes and genocide: https://www.geo.fr/histoire/pourquoi-les-americains-fetent-ils-thanksgiving-201455?amp An 11 year old could easily read that. Not as warm and fuzzy as Charlie Brown though.
  14. I would use Lincoln, since he chose it, and add another name if you want to. There’s no rule that says you can’t have more than two names before your family name. Americans are parsimonious with the names compared to other countries.
  15. Haha! They were non-Catholics *then*. But what are they now?! 😈 😈 😈 😉
  16. Ah, Dr Eliot’s Five-Foot Shelf of Books. Here’s a short article to flesh out your link a bit: https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2001/11/the-five-foot-shelf-reco.html
  17. It would be a no for me unless they agreed to a strict quarantine ahead of time (and it sounds as if they would not). We also have a pandemic family rule that one no vote means a no vote for all, so by our rule, your husband’s no vote would have already decided the situation.
  18. Several years ago I was in the same boat. After a lot of research I bought a Bellicon and have never regretted it. It was expensive, but is extremely well made and durable. (So bungee, round, softish)
  19. @ktgrok I don’t know. From what I’m reading 45% of depressed people have depression with psychotic features - maybe not hearing voices, but being paranoid and having delusional thinking.
  20. I’m seriously not. All of you are, for helping someone you don’t know from Adam. Thank you all so very much. Help is (hopefully) on the way. Fingers crossed she gets admitted and gets the help she needs.
  21. I’m so sorry. That’s awful. Glad he’s okay!!
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