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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. Is there a way to do that? I would love a list for each grade! Tell me to take a hike if I'm out of line here. :auto:
  2. Well, now I'm feeling all inadequate with my regular old first gen iPad.:lol: Welcome to the dark side. :D And CONGRATS!!! to your son! :hurray:
  3. I worry that I will worry about this. :001_smile: We are sort of reluctant HS'ers though, no other school option available to us fit, so I assumed that's why. (I'm sure we will love HSing, just being honest that it wasn't necessarily our first choice!)
  4. I agree with this! My BFF is an only, and I am jealous of the relationship she has with her parents. I think there are definitely perks to having only one child! Everyone is different, I think its hard for people to understand where others are comi from, and that's when those remarks are made. I can't imagine telling someone to have more kids though, that just seems rude and insensitive!
  5. I used to pay the $80 for it, before amazon mom, so I'll just pay again in December. I have three little kids, getting to target is a feat in and of itself. Plus, my older DS has lots of food allergies, and there are foods we can only get on amazon. Bottom line, I can't live without it. :lol:
  6. Trying hard not to get political here, The case for less taxation..... I need to dig up the reference, but I just read that the wealthiest are not taxed the highest in the us. So, maybe those in the upper middle, that are being taxed higher can use the high tax argument as to why they do not donate (if they do not) but I don't feel it's valid for the richest, who pay a lower percentage in taxes than the upper middle classers. I'll find the article, hopefully I didn't read that on the onion. :lol:
  7. I don't think that's valid, or fair. Part of the reason I don't want any more is because of what I want for the children I have. I can't possibly imagine splitting my attention more, that would make me sad for these kids. I can't imagine having anymore, that doesn't mean I don't love the ones I have with all my heart.
  8. I'm sorry you have to deal with other people's nosiness! That isn't fair. :( My answer isn't very prolific either. It's more about logistics. My dh and I wanted two or three children. We are both from large families, and loved growing up with siblings around. That being said, we didn't want more than that for a few reasons, the main one being that we both felt our parents were stretched thin all the time, and we wanted to give our kids more one on one attention. We also both grew up struggling for money at times, and feel like we can't afford anymore. This was our experience growing up, I'm not saying all parents of large families have these issues! The other reasons are carbon footprint, and then monetary reasons, I want to fully fund college educations, travel, etc. I was able to get pg with my older ds very quickly and easily. When it was time to try for #2 it took a year, a miscarriage, many tests and a round of clomid to conceive. When I got a positive pregnancy test, I told my husband I wanted to stop at two. I couldn't go through the trying again, and I only did it for a year! I can't imagine what it feels like to try for 2,3,4 or more years and not ever have a baby. We briefly talked about adopting a third while we were trying for #2, but decided we would cross that bridge when we got to it. Turns out the clomid took care of #2 and #3, so there we stop. :) I dream about adoption sometimes, but right now my plate is more than full.
  9. I want to be very low key this year, but I would like to have at least a couple educational activites a week. Where can I look for ideas and inspiration? (besides here, of course!) Thanks!
  10. Poor guy. I'm really biased, because I have myself convinced that middle school was the beginning of the end for my school career. (I did graduate high school, and earn a BA in English, so it obviously wasnt that bad. However, it's when things other than academics became priority, and I spent my college years finally learning work ethics and study skills.) I would have a few mire serious talks and if he still feels that way, and you can HS, I wouldn't send him. Good luck with your decision!
  11. I have a 1st gen iPad, and I love it. (I got it the week before they announced the 2nd gen. :glare:) I voted get a 1st gen. Then you have lots of storage. I do have problems with PDF's sometimes, but that could be user error. :lol:
  12. I could see that happening, but I'm guessing the majority of kids who go from HS to PS are ahead. I'm sure it's hard to quantify in a study, since most successful homeschoolers HS for the duration? I think that sometimes, people just talk out of their you-know-whats. ;)
  13. My son will be 5 in November, and I'm dropping everything I had planned, besides handwriting, math and spelling. The only reason I'm doing spelling is because he loves it. I have BFSU in case we decide we want some fun experiments. :)
  14. I split our spending cash in half, and then keep half in the checking account, and use my debit for amazon/online spending. If i go over, just deposit the cash back in. I'm a big online shopper, so this is the only way I can get that part to work. I do like paying cash for other things though, it helps me see the money leaving!
  15. We are trying to make our way towards zero waste living. (I think that goes hand in hand with Eco consciousness and non consumerism?) I *TRY* to buy less, and I'm always looking for things with zero packaging, or recylable packaging. It's basically getting away from too much "stuff."
  16. It's really so much to try to remember. I go by the general rule that I don't shop the aisles, and I buy organic. That way, I don't have so many things to remember! :tongue_smilie: I have lots of things that I buy repeatedly, my son has lots of food allergies, so we eat the same things over and over. I researched those companies and most of them were fine. I think you are off to a great start, that movie truly is eye opening, isn't it?
  17. Love it! I'm a bookmark junkie, and this is much more organized. :) I always say I'm cheating on Facebook with pinterest. :lol:
  18. moose fits my boy the same, he's a little bull in a china shop. :001_smile:
  19. I think twins do that to a man. :lol: mine is SO done. (I'm content and very full with 3 as well, but he is actually scared to have more. :D)
  20. I'm sorry your boy is sick. :( I had to comment because we call my younger DS moose. :) (he loves moose a. Moose)
  21. Very cool! We are renters, and I don't want to chalkboard paint anything for fear of losing our deposit!
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