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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. oh, this sounds great too! Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! I needed a starting point, my kid is not a coloring and artsy kind of kid. He hates it, so I'm just trying to get him warmed up to the idea some way.
  2. Thanks! I'm looking for something pretty laid back, I have no idea about kids crafts. :confused:
  3. I'll probably do this for now, until I get a bigger board. :D
  4. I'm talking about in public school, but I would imagine that sometimes it happens in HS, a kid needs two years for a grade.
  5. Totally missed that in the book! I'll look for a 2x3. Thanks!
  6. The one I bought is a little too small, but I can't find anything bigger, that's not humoungus. Can anyone measure theirs for me? And doo all the tiles fit nicely?
  7. Ditto! Although, I think she is right, there are some of us who feel strongly one way, and some of us who feel strongly another. One side isn't going to change the other side's mind. Just know that I say my kid is in a certain grade, because I feel that's the best way to describe him, not to feed my own ego. His giftedness has absolutely nothing to do with me. :001_smile:
  8. If a kid is held back because they failed 3rd grade, what grade would you say they are in?
  9. OOOH, that's a great idea! Okay, I'll buy it. I'm such a tough sell. :lol:
  10. I don't have to report until my son is 6 either, but he has a late b-day, so I would be reporting for K. The requirements are listed out for each grade, I just have requirements for HS in general. There are PS requirements for K that I can follow I suppose.
  11. I think there is a fine line we have to walk, between acknowledging that yes, our kids are different, and it's nothing to be ashamed of and making them into a sideshow. We generally operate that it's a non-issue and not anything that most people need to be made aware of, but if someone starts asking questions, we will not down play it at all, just be as concise and honest as possible. I don't know if this is right or not, but it seems to be the consensus from all the gifted books I have read, and it feels right. I'm still waiting patiently for the manual this kid was supposed to come with.
  12. I'm not doing lesson plans, just getting through as much as we have time for in a day. Although, it does make sense to do it for subjects like Science & History, so you can plan library books, experiments and field trips. I think I may be up late tonight....
  13. I skipped it initially, but now I'm thinking maybe we would like it. So tell me, should I order it? :bigear:
  14. I'm planning 5 right now, because we have out of the house activities most days, so the "day" isn't very long. I think we will end up spending an hour on our "serious" academics and then the rest is leisurely when we have time.
  15. We did the number bonds today, from 1a, and he loved them. It's way better than early bird! Thanks for the advice!
  16. Or they are called arrogant. :001_smile: I know the davidson board is a little controversial on here, but I find it really helpful, and everyone is completely understanding and supportive about this kind of thing.
  17. I went back and forth over the summer deciding which Singapore math level to start with. (I bought both Early bird B and SM 1A used from here. :)) I finally decided on early bird B, because when I gave DS the placement test, he got a 40% for 1A. I thought we'd do it for a month or two, so I can make sure there are no "holes" in the very basic stuff. So we did a few pages of Early Bird B today, and neither of us were too thrilled. I should mention that I didn't buy the teacher's manual, so I'm totally winging it. There was a lot of "this is more than that" type questions that bored us both to tears. Then we went to the library this afternoon, and DS says to me, "Next time we go to the library, I want to get a book about how to make numbers." I replied, "Like how to write numbers? We have lots of books like that." He says, "No, like 5 + 6, and multiplication, and all that stuff." :lol: So, I think he wants something more. I looked at the 1A TM, and I like it a lot better than Early bird. Do you think it will be horrible if we skip Early Bird? I can't remember right now, but I know there are some things he definitely doesn't know yet, like skip counting for example. Will I totally screw him up if I skip ahead to addition? :bigear: Or drop Early Bird completely? I know it's kind of soon to drop something, I mean, it's only been 1 day. :D Should I keep at it for a couple of weeks and then decide? I'm having home schooling cold feet. :lol:
  18. The only things I can think of are seasonal things. I need a curriculum, or a book or a website. Some direction I guess....
  19. I would just follow his lead. It sounds like he has most if not all of K down anyways, maybe be a little "unschooly" this year and then pick up the pace next year. (This is coming from someone who has homeschooled for 1 day, so take it for what it's worth. :lol:)
  20. I think that's what I will do too. I would hate for my DS to feel like I was ashamed of what "grade level" he was in, or think that it's something we need to be dishonest about. (Not that he would at this point, he has no idea what level he is at.) I mean, If he goes to college two years early, it would be absurd to tell people "10th grade," right? Like I said, I answer K at this point, because I don't feel like I need to get into it. My DS is very tall for his age, so if anything, people probably think he's too old for k. :)
  21. I understand, and agree. If we didn't live in a culture that loves grade designations and age requirements, we could avoid it. Maybe I'll just answer with his age....
  22. Well that was my point. I personally am not sending my son to PS, because he is ready for first grade work (which by the way, I'm confused as to the "what constitutes first grade work question. The curriculum writers?) but because of his age, he wouldn't be allowed to be. I guess I'm surprised at the debate, I thought this was an "accelerated learners" board? Here is where I would expect people to understand why my 4 year old is in 1st grade, and not get stuck on an arbitrary age designation.
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