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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. First name. I do consider my kid's friends my friends as well. I'm kind of a hippie. I should probably put that in my sig. :lol:
  2. Oldest will be 5 in a couple months. Twins just turned 1 in July. :001_smile:
  3. They have 20% off right now with code luck I'd make a bad sponsor. :lol:
  4. Lol! Hi mom in high heels! I'm a recovering clothes horse myself. Well, I might have just fallen off the wagon, I just placed a nice gap/piperlime order. :lol: I went through my closet in the spring and got rid of a lot. It was sad to admit that most of the stuff I'm just too old to wear. :D
  5. I thought it was a download? Could they just not handle the traffic?
  6. The one I got from whole foods is glass with a screw top lid. :)
  7. This one isnt a board game, its a card game. Duck, duck Bruce is a lot of fun!
  8. This is my ds too! I still feel like it would be a lot. I'll have to think about it some more.
  9. I would like to pose a challenge to everyone. See how many medical and psychological journals you can find that claim corporal punishment is harmless and the most effective form of discipline. Now see how many you can find that prove it's distructive and ineffective.
  10. Can you point me in the direction of some studies that prove the correlation?
  11. Or just spend as you need? I can see myself getting a little curriculum happy, so it may be time to set a budget. :D
  12. Our schedule is tentatively looking like this, and it's giving me the shakes! :lol: M- drums T - gym in the am group suzuki in PM W- swimming TH -PT/OT alternating weeks F - co-op in am private suzuki Bass pm That's a lot, right? Or can I just not hang? :bigear: ETA: I'm thinking of dropping the gym on Tuesdays at least. Then next to go would be the co-op. Should I drop both?
  13. I'm trying to figure out how many things we can realistically fit in. I'm sure the answers will vary, just curious. :) TIA!
  14. Oh yes, when I lived on the west coast, I could get lost there for hours. We don't have one close to us now. :crying:
  15. This was extremely helpful! Thanks for the advice! Thank you everyone for your replies, I appreciate it!
  16. I appreciate the encouragement! I love hearing from other moms of twins. :D Everyone says the same thing, that 3 is the magical age where it gets easier. I'm still not sure how I'm going to do it all, homeschool, take care of 3 kids, and run a business. I'm already crazy, so at least I don't have to worry about that! :lol:
  17. I think this is where we are too. I couldn't articulate it very well, but you explained it perfectly. So, I won't get my WTM card revoked for jumping around the stages? :lol:
  18. I agree. I'm sure this will get me in trouble, but to me, spanking is the easy way out. In my experience, the only time I've thought of spanking is when I was just too exhausted because nothing seemed to be working. It's taken a lot of hard work and research for me to figure out how to handle discipline. I was spanked as a child, so there was a lot of rewiring that needed to happen, and it was quite the journey. I'm glad I made the no spanking decision before I had children, because I imagine it's even more difficult to change once you've been using it as an option for discipline. I really need to stay out of these threads, it's one of my hot button issues, and at this point, I'm just torturing myself. :lol:
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