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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. Man, people are touchy about giftedness on this board! Where's the love? :lol: This is what I've read, and agree with. the "averaging out statement" serves a few purposes. 1. It justifies the late start of gifted programs. Most don't start until 3rd grade, so it's a way for administrators to explain why. 2. I think it does happen with gifted kids, who are forced to wait it out while the others catch up. So they explain it that way, when really, they weren't challenged enough, so basically were sitting ducks until the others caught up. 3. There probably are some "hothoused" kids that it also happens too. 4. Part of the leveling out is due to there not being an infinite number of reading levels. For example, my DS scored so high on the reading portion of the WJ-III that they had to use the norms for 1st grade, because the K norms were too low. Why? because the majority of 4 year olds aren't reading at all, or are reading very little, so DS seemed like an extreme outlier. When we retest him in a couple of years, that won't happen again, because by then, most 2nd graders can read, so the tests reflect that. (This probably makes no sense. My DH is the gifted one. :lol:) As far as being developmentally ready, I don't think there is sufficient research, because every kid is different. I would have never thought my DS was ready to read at 2, but he did. I will have to test him in 3rd grade and see where he is. :D
  2. Why? If a 4 year old is working with ALL first grade materials, I think it's dishonest to say pre-k. What's wrong with saying 1st? In my opinion, if they are using all 1st grade materials, they ARE in 1st grade. I guess it's semantics, but I really don't see it as arrogant. I would consider it lying if I said my son was in preschool when he's really doing 1st grade work. Most of us are opting out of public school because of the lock step, should go through school with age mates philosophy, so I'm certainly not going to continue it at home. That being said, I say K, because of people like the above poster. I don't need anyone to be impressed with my DS, and K isn't that far off from first. He technically misses the K cut-off by 6 weeks, but I doubt a stranger will get that far in the conversation. We'll see how fast he goes through the 1st grade curriculum as to what I call him next year.
  3. I love this thread so much! Great discussion, op thanks for starting it, and posting the article!
  4. I try to keep it under $50. I usually wait until piperlime has s sale, then I buy my ds nice sneakers, usually for 35-40. I bought him some nice dress shoes at the nordstrom anniversary sale for $38, then he has a pair of vans for $30. My twins have see Kai run shoes, great for first walkers, those are $42. I also got some dress shoes for my daughter at target for $12. I bought myself and the kids toms this summer, we loved them! (I even got tiny toms for the twins, adorable!) Just think toms are like charity, the one for one thing is awesome!
  5. This is good advice! Op, my DS is just like your younger, his temper is very short, and unforgiving. :001_huh: I just keep trying to give him tools to deal with his anger. I think I'll start a list of chore he van do to work out his frustration, although, I expect that will just make him angrier. :001_smile:
  6. What works for us, is dh stays in his office all day. :D. He has lots of conference calls, and would get nothing accomplished if he was downstairs in the circus that is life with 1 year old twins. We are going to be schooling during the twins nap, so dh is under strict instruction to leave us alone so we can have enough time before they wake up.
  7. I plan in having Tootie and Blair do it. :lol::lol::lol: Couldn't resist! Seriously, my dh would be more than fine with me telling oldest DS about sex so that he didn't have to. :D
  8. Thank you! The good thing is, I have pretty low expectations. I just want to have fun this first year. Hopefully my neurotic side doesn't come out until next year. :lol:
  9. Im starting tomorrow with my 4 year old, and I'm not prepping too much, we will just kind of go with the flow. I'm probably not doing enough, but we are going to try it this way first. Def check out the accelerated learners board. Also, you can poke around davidson board, http://giftedissues.davidsongifted.org/BB/ubbthreads.php/forum_summary.html There are lots of understanding and helpful parents of gifted kids. lots of them homeschool, and did rigorous academics with you kids.
  10. I got the idea from someone here. Here is the link if you want to check it out, http://www.kindercone.com/ If so, what did you put in it?
  11. My DS takes the Dr Sears version you can buy on diapers.com DH and I take whatever pill is on sale/we have a coupon for. :D
  12. Thanks for the replies, although, I wasn't really looking for anyone to talk me out of it, I do enjoy the discussion. :001_smile: I won't slow him down, like I said, I'm sure he will slow down on his own, I remember as an adult having to slow down during the 4,5 & 6th book.
  13. *****SPOILER IN POST******** I see over and over again that parents will not let their kids go past books 3 in Harry Potter. My DS is almost 5, and well into book 2. (We read them together.) I have read them all. I can't imagine he will want to stop at book 3, and I can't find any reason to make him. He's not overly sensitive, and as far as book 4, the only "dark" thing I remember is the death of Cedric. I'm sure he will slow way way down once he gets to that book, as it's almost double the pages as the first 3. I know Harry gets a kind of bad attitude in the last books, that whole teenage angst thing, but I still can't figure out what the big deal is? Is anyone with me, or am I the only misfit mother on here? :lol:
  14. Okay, that just talked me into it! I have had it in my "save for later" for at least a year. :lol: I'm glad it was such a positive experience for your family!
  15. I'm sure it varies by state. That's pretty crappy that the owners didn't give you a heads up first.
  16. My target has none of this going on. I'm ntot looking forward to it. Why do they need to sell produce? :confused:
  17. Well, I actually opted for my babies to go to the nursery at night, but they could have stayed in my room. All three were given formula, after losing too much weight. I went on to BF my older DS for 21 months, and my twins are still nursing at 14 months, so the formula doesn't really bother me. My twins were with me the entire time, in recovery and in my room, except for at night. I knew I wasn't going to sleep once I went home, so I took full advantage of those night nurses. I'm pretty crunchy too, I just had to think pragmatically. :lol: don't worry, we did lots of kangaroo-ing and nursing. I fully bonded with them. :001_smile: I had a sort of traumatic labor experience with my older DS, and I wanted to go med free after him, but I ended up pg with twins, and needed an emergency csection, so that idea went out the window. Both births would have ended horribly had I been at home, so I don't really get too upset about the hospital crap. Yes, I wish they did some of that stuff differently, but I can't really complain, because I don't think any of us are suffering any long term effects. :D
  18. I would get a doula and do a hospital birth. The what -ifs get me with the MW option.
  19. I have a blog problem, these are the Hs blogs I follow, http://rowingdownstream.wordpress.com/ http://simplehomeschool.net/ I also read hiphomeschoolmoms, pioneer woman's homeschool blog, satori smiles.... i follow a few others that aren't entirely about homeschooling, but the bloggers do homeschool. I can list those too if anyone is interested. :D
  20. Okay, well, it looks like I'm the only one that would like this. :D. Im going to start working on it anyway, worki my way back through the old threads. I think I'll start a new thread, and divide everything up by grade, and put the link in my sig.
  21. :grouphug: I will be starting homeschooling next week, with a similar path in mind. I'm sure I will be posting the same thing before I know it. Why oh why do they have to grow up? :confused::)
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