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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. I will definitely keep looking, I need a 1/16 size, she said he could probably handle a 1/12 if I find one of those. I can only find down to 1/4.
  2. I'm concerned about what the market is for a bass. If it was a more popular instrument, I would be more inclined. I wonder if any students are moving up and have an old one to sell. I'll call and find out.
  3. I know, I just thought I'd take the moment to recognize that I need to learn too. :lol:
  4. Yes, that's why I wanted to rent for a year or two, even if I ended up spending more, at least there was no commitment.
  5. Is that really what organized sports is like at that age? I'm glad we aren't a part of them!
  6. YEs, ditto this. The cherokee brand at Target actually has a cute vintage line right now. I bought a few things for my twins.
  7. PSA diapers.com has 20% off clothes and shoes right now! They carry tea collection and a few other cute brands!
  8. Yes, ideally I would have the twins down at 7, older DS down at 8. Lately it's been twins down at 8-8:30, DS down at 9-9:30. I hate it because I'm so worn out by then. It's amazing that losing one 1.5 hour nap to school wreaks havoc on the whole day. The first nap the twins take used to be my clean up, get lunch organized take 5 minutes to drink a coffee time, now that's when we do school, because there is no way to do it while they are awake. So by the time the second nap comes around the house is trashed, and I can't get dinner started because the sink is full of breakfast and lunch dishes. I'm sure it will get easier, and it would help if I would learn how to organize. Just a smidge. :lol:
  9. I love Barefoot in the Park! I love Gregory Peck. :001_wub::drool5:
  10. So, I'm thinking it will be complete overkill to do SM, Miquon & LoF? :lol: I think I could drop Miquon for a while and do LoF, I think my DS would love love love this!
  11. I wont allow weekday sleepovers either. I don't think you are overly strict at all!
  12. For instance, did you start too rigorous, or too laid back, and flip flip? Did you start out as a classical homeschooler and then switch to someone else? Tell me your homeschool story :001_smile: :bigear:
  13. I'm talking toddlers, preschoolers, early elementary kids. Our schedule is all out of whack since we started school his week, I'm hoping after we get into a groove, things settle down and we can all get to bed at a decent hour.
  14. I am in this kind of neighborhood now. Part of me wants to move to the country and just be happy to be different.
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