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Everything posted by Amy1k

  1. I clicked mani/pedi but it didn't show up on the poll. :D
  2. I don't know. My daughter carpools to cheerleading with a (very sweet) woman who does.not.brush.her.teeth. I don't even know what to make of it and it makes me sad. :(
  3. This is almost exactly what I was going to post. :D
  4. I have wood floors and a shedding dog. I LOVE my Roomba. Hard. :D
  5. I believe this case has caused cracks in the bottom two inside corners of my Kindle.
  6. The person I referenced was also "encouraged" by some family members and their church. ;)
  7. This. And I've been close to someone who believed he was possessed by demons. I believe he was in very deep grief over the death of his wife and had (HAS) an undiagnosed mental illness. It was horrible. :(
  8. SLEEP is our biggest thing. He is able to recover much faster than his teammates.
  9. I recently brought Pioneer Woman's Chicken Spaghetti. Good stuff. ;)
  10. Well, sports are one of our top reasons for homeschooling. My son (middle school) plays select baseball year round, on top of ALL sport seasons at the middle school (last year he wrestled, played football, baseball, and basketball for them). He also fills in sometimes for an AAU basketball team and plays on a select football team (this will be his last year of extra football). Soooo, lots of hours. :D My daughter (10) is in competitive cheerleading and spends 5 hours a week practicing.
  11. I think we also paid about $6300...our insurance pays $2000 of it.
  12. I don't see the big deal. I don't think birth certificates are even considered private documents. I was able to purchase a copy of my adult son's BC without any requirement other than paying the fee.
  13. Oh and my 13 year old son's friend, who has never read or watched ANY Harry Potter and suggested that Twilight (:barforama: ) would be a much more entertaining choice, said at the end of the movie, that it was MUCH better than any Twilight movies. ;) (I couldn't agree more)
  14. We even ended up dragging along two of our children's friends who were fairly unfamiliar (how is that even possible???) with the story and they enjoyed the movie as well.
  15. I absolutely adored the movie. I would have adored 2 more hours of it at least. ;) The book was better, but I enjoyed this movie more than any of the others. :001_wub:
  16. :( I wish I had some helpful advice. My MIL died about 7 years ago and honestly, my FIL's story is a lot like yours...only worse, if you could imagine. He married a predatory woman less than a year after his wife's death and ended up financially and emotionally devastated. He's still with the woman...but not doing well at all. :(
  17. If I COULD do it differently, though??? I'd elope. I'd travel somewhere fabulous...even if I had to drive...you live in California??? So many options. I'd spend a fantastic weekend with my new husband and I'd hire a photographer to take some great pictures. If my family HAD to be involved, I'd throw a party (even a freaking potluck) when I got back. Weddings are small. Hopefully your marriage will be huge. ;)
  18. Well, good. It's your wedding and you handled it. My advice to you would be different than my advice to your mother. Do what you want. It's your wedding. You get to decide who to include and who not to include. You can deal with whatever comes with that. I mean, you're getting married, you're a mother...do what you want. :laugh: I was also young with a baby very much on the way when I got married. Our ceremony was in my husband's parents living room and the reception in their backyard. Do I have regrets that I didn't have a larger wedding? That we didn't even have money/time for a honeymoon? Nah. It is what it is. My only real advice is to remember that the ceremony is a tiny part of a marriage. Focus on the marriage and worry less about the wedding. ;)
  19. She should elope for real. And she should handle all of this stuff herself instead of having you do it. If she doesn't want to invite her siblings, she can tell them no.
  20. http://thedesperatecook.blogspot.com/2009/11/olive-oil-dough-from-artisan-bread-in.html
  21. I personally got braces at a dental school as an adult. The price WAS much lower. Often there is a waiting list and you have to pay upfront...it's a great deal, though.
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