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Everything posted by Amy1k

  1. There was not a huge difference in price. We ended up going with the ortho that was closest to our house. All of the orthos we saw came with recommendations from friends.
  2. FTR, to ME his teeth looked pretty bad, but they were much less than I thought. His estimated treatment time is only 15 months.
  3. My son has had braces for just a few months. He is 15. We got three different opinions and they all agreed that 15 was the right time for him. We started talking to orthodontists when he was 13. They'll do a free consultation, so why not see what they have to say? :)
  4. It was my favorite television series of all time. I think I just wayyyy overestimated network television's ability to show truly mind-stimulating programming. Anyway, I personally think it's fine for kids. My whole family watched the series as it was released...with just a bit of eye-covering and head-turning. ;)
  5. When I think of the brainpower that I wasted trying to figure out all of those "riddles"...:cursing:
  6. And I'm "friends" with as many of my children's friends who ask me to be. It makes it easier to keep tabs on my kids and their friends. ;)
  7. My kids all have Facebook pages. And they know about, but don't enjoy listening to, JB. :party:
  8. Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, and Amy1k! :D
  9. Economic Left/Right: -4.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.18
  10. I guess they were thinking that the boy could choose which activity he preferred to attend. ;)
  11. Actually, when I say I talked him into it, what really happened was I started reading The Hunger Games while we were on a road trip and he loved it and asked that he be included in our reading time.
  12. For us, it started when my oldest was in 1st grade and had an interest level above his reading level. He wanted to borrow a book from his teacher, but she didn't think he would be able to read it himself. She called me and asked if I'd read it aloud. :laugh: Then I never stopped. He's 18 now and reads on his own. ;) I read often to my 13 and 10 year olds who are home-schooled, but just recently talked my 15 year old into joining us again. :D
  13. Whenever they are old enough to not go on car trips with us? :D My kids are 15, 13, and 10 and we are reading The Hunger Games aloud.
  14. I love it and I'd probably call her "Georgie." My daughter is Margaret, soooo...:D I like "old-fashioned" names.
  15. I really don't care what movies other parents allow their children to view. I was very upset when a friend allowed MY child to see The Hangover. Also, I don't want to sit next to a kid in an R-rated movie. I just don't want to. I had to sit next to a kid when I watched The Matrix 2...and apparently I'm still irritated about it. ;)
  16. My girlfriend was at a showing of this movie over the weekend and witnessed moviegoers giving parents crap for taking their kids. ;)
  17. My 15 year old has worked in the YMCA summer camp program as a volunteer for the last two years.
  18. I'm pretty darn relaxed about this sort of thing, but was SHOCKED to inadvertently get a glimpse of some teenagers...ehhh...doing the deed at the movie theater last weekend. The theater was nearly deserted, my children and I, and two couples...apparently together, but seated separately. The movie was PG...the teenagers? Not so much.
  19. In my sister's situation, she still had to go through CPS or whatever. They had a lot of requirements including a home study.
  20. My sister is going through the process of adopting a child under similar circumstances. The child was in foster care and the foster family could no longer care for her. I believe they are related to the birth mother who wanted to terminate parental rights. Anyway, my sister heard from a friend of a friend and it's working out well. My sister is infertile and was desperate for a child.
  21. Hahaha! I quoted you while you were editing, but OUT.OF.MY.HEAD. :lol:
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