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Everything posted by Amy1k

  1. I suppose it could be handy in an emergency, but many websites are going to require more to view them. Also, mine locked up almost every time I tried to use the browser. It's time-consuming to reset it.
  2. Attempting to look something up on a Kindle is likely to make you homicidal.
  3. I'm sure this has been covered, but some things are just a fantastic price at Costco. It frustrates me when I run out of stuff and find that the grocery store price for a small container is nearly as much as the bulk price at Costco. I'm trying to think of examples...for sure yeast, BBQ sauce, sausage, bacon...there are more.
  4. I should add that she was concerned about a possible neurological issue, not a rash or anything.
  5. I just remembered that my 18 year old went to the doctor on his own recently (to the same ped he's seen since he was 6) and she asked him if he could get me to come to the office so I could be part of the discussion of his care. She waited for me to get there to go over what he needed. :laugh:
  6. I'm fairly sure our pediatrician wouldn't see my children without me. My son went in for a physical right after he turned 18 and that was the first without me. They never do anything that would require privacy and my kids aren't comfortable going without me. I had to practically shove my 18 year old in the door. ;) My daughter is 10 and she hasn't had anything other than a typical physical yet, I'm not sure how it will be once she needs other exams. Or do they get other exams? :laugh: I have no clue, all my teenagers are boys.
  7. We don't hide them...but we don't make sure to update each other either. If I needed a password he'd give it to me and vice versa.
  8. My daughter does cheer, so her size IS an advantage there. She's also muscular, so it's like she was born to be a cheerleader. ;)
  9. I just measured my daughter. She's a little younger than your youngest...she'll be 11 in January. She's 4'4".
  10. Wow! That's really unusual for a girl, isn't it? Interesting.
  11. THAT is something that drives my daughter CRAZY. Her friends like to pick her up. :\
  12. This will maybe shock a bunch on you ;), but one issue that came up recently with my daughter has to do with her very hairy eyebrows. She's very sensitive about them. I've started to take her with me to get them threaded when I'm getting mine done at the mall...out in the open. Usually the mall is fairly empty when we are there. Last Saturday it was packed. It felt very Toddlers and Tiaras with the way people stared who were passing by.
  13. I'm really eager to see my 15 year old grow some. It is just such a huge deal to him. This is his first year of high school football and he's so physically immature compared to the other players. Except for his fee. His new cleats are a size 13. :D
  14. Our doctor is pretty sensitive to development because he was a late bloomer who ended up being tall. My boys are athletes and it is becoming very frustrating for them to be on the late side. Our doctor also assured them that kids who grow later often grow more. :) I don't know if there is any proof of that, but it made my boys hopeful. ;)
  15. I have a half-sister who is 15 and very small. She's probably 5' tall and has very small hands and feet...she actually wears the same size shoe and my daughter. I don't notice it being tough for her, but she's pretty feisty.
  16. I can. My daughter is short. She's 10.5 and...well, short. ;) She's shorter than her good friend who just turned 9 and is also short for her age. It's frustrating for her because she is often treated as if she was much younger. She's also developing more slowly than her peers, although that is something that is just beginning to be on her radar.
  17. I think this very much depends on the child. Our doctor said that the best indicator is how much "puberty" has already happened. He assured my son who is 15.5 and 5'9" that he probably has some more growing to do based on his sparse body hair and apparent late development. My son hopes he right. ;)
  18. Hmmm...I really liked the books and thought they gave a fair perspective. I'm a Christian and a Democrat if that means anything. :laugh:
  19. Actually my daughter just switched her tune to a self-created song that goes something like, "I want to make a milkshake..." :laugh:
  20. My 10 year old daughter is on a computer behind me singing Selena Gomez songs and playing Crazy Machines and my teenage boys are watching ESPN in their bedroom (and likely texting their friends). :D
  21. Yes! Math is a funny subject (maybe they all are). My boys (3 of them) are very math-minded. My middle son in particular just seems to GET math. It wouldn't matter what book he used, he just gets it. My daughter? She's killing me. I don't even know how to get her to understand math. She's in 5th grade and math involves tears daily. She's very bright, but words are her thing. ;)
  22. I bought a top loader HE washer to replace my Maytag Neptune. The Maytag was TERRIBLE and actually contributed to the ruin of my Neptune dryer. :nono: The repair man AND the salesman urged me to stay away from front-loaders. The one I have now is a Cabrio (I think).
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