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Everything posted by Amy1k

  1. We are trying it this year. I'll find out tomorrow if they got it set up correctly. I'm also in Washington. ;)
  2. This isn't helpful, but it made me laugh when I saw it. :D
  3. In my area, there are also leagues that limit the size of a player in a "skilled position." But bigger kids can still play on the teams.
  4. Assuming there are sports in schools where this kid is, he'll get plenty of chances to play. His size will give him a great advantage.
  5. https://www.gavindebecker.com/resources/article/media_fear_tactics/
  6. I actually saw an interesting article recently about the news. I'm going to find it and link it.
  7. Well, their JOB is to get you excited and keep you watching, so it's asking a lot that they be honest and fair. Life isn't nearly exciting enough. :D I try to read lots of sources (I don't do any TV news, because I find their cliffhangers frustrating) and watch The Daily Show. That probably won't work for everyone, though. :D
  8. I *think* it would take a very, very large earthquake to flatten a house. Even in Japan it was the tsunami that caused the massive damage. YES, homes will be damaged, but probably not flattened. /not an expert ;)
  9. Is there a team in your area that does not have weight restrictions? I know there are both types in my area. Maybe he could refer the parents to them. Here they will also offer to move a kid to an older team (obviously not always ideal for the "big" kid, though). :(
  10. If you look at pictures of earthquake damage, you can see why it would be unsafe to leave a building. This is a link to pictures of the Nisqually quake that happened here 10 years ago. :( http://www.google.com/search?q=nisqually+quake&hl=en&prmd=ivnsu&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=EWZUTq-wNofOqgGal62HAQ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CAwQ_AUoAQ&biw=1440&bih=785
  11. Even moving through your home (or a building) that is shaking can be dangerous. The best thing to do is to quickly get somewhere safe (under the heavy table in my dining room is one of our safe places).
  12. Especially after the first quake when stuff can be loosened and you are prepared (or as prepared as you can be) for another quake. Think of a safe place NOW and practice with your family getting there. Living in an earthquake prone place, we do this regularly.
  13. And my east coast friends also think I'm incorrect. :laugh: Me and FEMA, I guess.
  14. THANK YOU. I swear all of my (east coast) friends think I'm insane for telling them that. I can't even imagine running outside.
  15. I didn't read all of this thread, because 8 pages??? Anyway, it does make me feel self-conscious because I've just posted something similar. Frankly, I just don't have time sometimes to read giant threads. I'm part of another board where there are fewer members and it's less time-consuming to read all of the responses and I do.
  16. I haven't read the entire thread...I have a 15 year old, public school sophomore. He is taking pre-calculus this year. He took Algebra (for high school credit) in 7th grade along with about 30 of his classmates. Only about half of them ended up passing the class. I'm not sure how many students ended up passing Algebra 2 last year, but his class only had 15 students.
  17. I also make it in my crockpot. I actually have some milk warming in it right now. :D
  18. I really don't think your insurance rate will go up. My kid did something similar with a baseball bat last year. It slipped out of his hand and right through the sliding door window of my van. ;)
  19. My husband has also replaced a screen...the outer screen AND the LCD screen once.
  20. I agree with most of the advice here, but also PROTECT YOURSELF and YOUR CHILDREN. Because many times innocent victims get caught in the cross-fire. :(
  21. ;) Aubrey, I think my husband cares about my appearance a lot more than he cares to admit.
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