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Everything posted by Amy1k

  1. I hated that book soooo much. Barf. I can't believe it was made into a movie.
  2. It's funny to hear differing opinions of books. :laugh: I enjoyed Life of Pi...but, it was shocking. I actually don't mind a book with a horrible/shocking ending, if it was well written...or at least gets me thinking or sticks in my brain a bit. I'm more offended by a book that seems to have no point at all. Twilight? Guh. Those books, although they were gripping when I read them, YUCK. A book that I mostly hated, but still stuck with me is Her Fearful Symmetry. Ugh. Horrible, but fascinating at the same time. :laugh: And I really enjoyed The Red Tent. What is the book in the first post? The Hunger Games is my guess.
  3. Yeah, I think they would be very clear if they were offering free samples of wine.
  4. It drives me CRAZY when restaurants believe that just removing stuff is good enough. At Panera recently my kid's sandwich had tomatoes on it after he requested it to be prepared without tomatoes. The employee responded with, "What? You want a new sandwich?" UHHHH...YES. And make it the way it was ordered. He doesn't want ANY tomato on his $7 ham and cheese sandwich.
  5. Yep. It seems like it was more than $2...like $3.50 each or something. It was enough to really change the amount of the bill. We had another issue there, too...the birthday cake/picture thing. I can't remember exactly, but I nearly fainted when I saw the bill. My kids had fun, gratefully.
  6. THIS. GUH. So frustrating when my family of six all answered, "Uh...sure." My daughter barely touched her food and our bill was over $200.
  7. I love them. My kids? Not so much. I still try to push them on them, though.:D
  8. My husband is a huge fan of showing the kids movies that were important to him growing up. My kids spend a lot of time teasing him about his taste in movies. ;) I tend to stick to movies that are somewhat relevant to what we are learning. Oh and we happened to watch the new Gulliver's Travels movie after reading the book and it was really horrible, IMO. I wish we could get our...guh...$75 (?) back.
  9. Some of these movies really surprise me and I'm not terribly conservative. Jerry McGuire? LOL. I love it, but there's no way I'd turn it on for my kids. That being said, they are watching The Sound of Music right this very moment. :D
  10. Well, I suspect it has a lot to do with the bread you choose to buy at the grocery. For high-quality bread, you'll save a ton. For plain, white, sliced, supermarket-brand bread? You probably won't save anything.
  11. I buy the yeast from Costco (actually, I've only bought it once so far ;) ) and store it in my fridge with a very strong little clip holding it closed (I believe it was a favor I received at a Pampered Chef event).
  12. This is probably going to make me sound like an idiot, but I could never remember about cardinal and ordinal numbers until my kid's first day (I think!) using Life of Fred. Anyway, we love the books, my 13 year old is working through LOF Algebra this year and doing very well. :D
  13. GUHHH! Yes, ITA with all of this. I'm trying to recovery mentally from having some of my 13 year old's friends here this weekend. I've explained to one of them like a thousand times that the ONLY person I buy soda for is my husband, so he can stop asking if he can have one.
  14. Wow. I can't even imagine sleeping without a top sheet. :laugh:
  15. Yes. I try not to worry too much. My kids play lots of sports and I find myself holding my breath often. Last year my son broke his big toe walking down stairs and a few years ago my daughter (she's nine and has been a flyer on a competitive cheer squad for 3 years) SMASHED a bone in her thumb bowling. :/
  16. My husband and I have never even done stockings for ourselves before. Last Christmas, my then 9 year old daughter set a reminder on her iPod to ask Santa to stuff her parents stockings this year. :heart: So...:laugh:
  17. I got Superman and Batman boxers for my husbands stocking. He's gonna love them. :laugh:
  18. My sister-in-law's sweet sister named her baby Vandal. She's not a homeschooler. Maybe if she was, she would have thought longer about naming him such a "lovely sounding" name. Cuz...*raises eyebrow* None of their family ever questioned the name...she's lucky (or unlucky) that she's not in our family, because we would have insisted on a different name. :laugh:
  19. No. But, coincidently, just today I looked up a Youtube video to show my daughter what a typewriter is.
  20. This thread officially stressed me out. We're about 9 years post-V and I'm about 5 days late. It had better be stress.
  21. That's really frustrating and upsetting. We have a neighbor who seems to be convinced that our children are "trouble." She's twice called the police (for really stupid things) believing it was my children when it wasn't . SUCH a busy-body.
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