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Everything posted by sixglides

  1. My daughter started in Faber, but she was a bit older.
  2. We have a trans-racially adopted daugher (8) and are in process of adopting again. We've been told the Sesame Street Book, "We are Different, We are the Same" is beneficial to younger kids. We also have a relationship with a woman who was adopted & had multi-racial adopted siblings. She has encouraged us to make certain our daughter can survive in 'their' cultural world, as she gets older. She mentioned cousins who were adopted from Korea & never experienced anything Korean, had difficulty as they got into the teen years. She said her parents exposed the kids to many cross-cultural activities. It's our goal & not nearly as easy as some make it sound. The questions from our daughter seem to come in waves. Started much earlier for us 2-3, K was a big one, then this past summer again. Good luck...it will pass, you will make it through!!
  3. If necessary to trap, my neighbor, wonderful older rancher, tsuggests, put a tarp over it & run the exhaust from the car under the tarp. If you get get motion detectors hooked up to your sprinklers, that can deter lots of critters. We had a skunk get trapped in the crawl space under our house last year (fell through a hole behind the furnace & couldn't climb back out). Sprayed repeatedly...what a mess! Where we live in the country, we leave the skunks alone & worry about the raccoons...the raccoons can be nasty to pets!
  4. We got it last Christmas for teenage son & entire family used it in winter (age 8--17). We have only used the Wii Fit game, did get just the 2nd Wii fit game & put that away for Christmas. I hate exercising & did well with the games, felt I was in better shape when doing it consistently.
  5. Like the eyeliner 'glimmersticks,' and eye make up remover.
  6. I have one child in Core 6 & one in a modified Core 2. I'm having my husband read the core 2 read-alouds we've chosen (and we're not reading them all) at bedtime & I do the read alouds to both children from core 6 during the day.
  7. We have a Whirlpool Duet, and are currently negotiating with Whirlpool to buy it back from the mildew/mold issue. We live in a very dry area, can't imagine someone in wet climate. 3 family members have develope mild to moderate asthma since having this machine. I was also looking at the Maytag Bravos or the Cabrio...both are on sale at Lowes, starting today.
  8. Most states have coverage with a company 'TIME" that is made to be a short-term policy, typically affordable, for inbetween coverage.
  9. Is the PC chopper completely broken, or is it a part you can replace? They also have a 5 year warranty, if it's the newer (last 8 years or so) model with the padded handle. (Can you tell, I've sold PC for 10 years or so!)
  10. We add ginger ale or sparkling apple cider for a sweeter flavor instead of beer.
  11. We love our for the same reasons mentioned above. We just got a new one in the last month & this one does not hook, easier to move to vaccuum under.
  12. We have Rosetta stone version 1, but it seems, not enough. Thoughts?
  13. Read in our newspaper today, vaccine itself will be free as government dollars paid for it BUT providers can charge a fee for administering it.
  14. We will soon be in your shoes. I would love to her any answers/input you receive. We're in process of adopting from Ethiopia.
  15. 2nd grader with lots of reversed letters here. We also are introducing cursive, with high hopes.
  16. On the "keys" website, does a student need the workbook as well?
  17. We're trying it for the first time, my 6th grader really likes it. She had 4 years in private school before homeschooling, this seems like good review.
  18. Try fudge (the Eagle brand condensed milk version) in the Pampered Chef cookie press, put the fudge in it when nearly cool but not all the way set, if you can get it right onto the serving plate, it stays all 'fresh from the bakery' shiny! Love my food chopper...love my apple/peeler/corer/slicer...since I need to cook, it might as well be entertaining!
  19. Thanks so much for all your responses! I was a straight A student in high school / college, but honestly got through my math classes by memorizing my text books...I've been afraid I'll pass along some of my 'coping' methods rather than her learning the 'right' way.
  20. HELP! I'm completely math impaired, still count on my fingers. My 8th grade daughter has done Teaching Textbooks Algebra I, the first 30 lessons, TWICE & ends up in tears. We moved her back to Saxon Algebra 1/2, about half way through the book. I'm basically no help to her, my husband is great at math, his time is just more limited. What is a good math program to use, when I'm not a good resource to her?
  21. What about an autograph book & pen, if the kids are still into the Disney characters? We went in August (so fun), sunscreen maybe, & a highlighter to mark all the events they want to do in the daily cruise schedule.
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