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Everything posted by Joker

  1. I tell dh everything. He's the same with me. It's just the way we are. So, because of our relationship I wouldn't expect other spouses to keep it to themselves either.
  2. Certain airports are cheap and the rest of us are screwed. I'm flying twice in the next three weeks. Both are round-trip with layovers. Both are at least $600 each. It sucks. When we lived in FL we always chose to drive the two hours to fly out of Orlando because it was so cheap.
  3. Yeah, I just don't get it. We lived in an area for 10 years with black bears. We camped and hiked in and around that same area. Honestly, the other wildlife in the area was scarier than the bears. Still, we've never owned a firearm and most of those we know didn't either. We all managed just fine though.
  4. EndOfOrdinary, do you mind if I ask what type of bear? We lived in an area for 10 years with black bears. The scariest times were definitely when we saw them with their young. Most of us didn't own firearms, though. The bears didn't harm us either.
  5. Yeah, my child who has anxiety and depression isn't driving either. He is 17. I don't trust him with that yet (he doesn't trust himself either) so why in the world would I think it's a good idea to put a gun in his hand? My job right now is working toward making him as healthy as I can mentally. He has to be alive to achieve that. Putting him behind the wheel of a car or a gun in his hand isn't the smartest thing to do at all right now to achieve that goal.
  6. I don't agree. I've had to hospitalize a child for their depression and anxiety. I will never be the one who puts a gun in his hand.
  7. I couldn't help myself and had to Google the whole steam thing. I can't even...I mean, why?!?
  8. Nope. I grew up with guns and knew how to handle and shoot them at a young age. Dh was in the Marines but had zero experience until he joined. We own no guns. Both of our kids are teenagers but one has anxiety and depression. There will be no handling of guns here because of that.
  9. We have both and mostly use Amazon as a pay per view for new movies. I know Redbox is cheaper but we were never returning them after one day.
  10. There's not a whole lot within a safe walking distance where we are now. I definitely drive them to school since it starts at 7:30am (high school). The time they would have to get up and leave otherwise is ridiculous. They can walk around the neighborhood all they want but it doesn't actually go anywhere.
  11. I find it interesting that no one really wants to talk about Philando Castile, the Minnesota shooting victim, and seem to only be focusing on the rap sheet of the Louisiana victim. It seems many have lots to say about that one and how we "all" should just do what police say and no one will get hurt, but no one wants to really discuss what the heck happened in Minnesota. At least, that's what I'm seeing around me and on my FB. I wonder what they will all say when/if it's determined the police were in the wrong. I'm beginning to feel if we all aren't out there helping to bring awareness and helping bridge the divide then we are truly part of the problem. It's easy to sit at home and say this or that but I honestly feel like we (my family) should be doing more.
  12. Mine also liked Frontier House. It was a documentary through PBS that was several episodes.
  13. Since they liked Merlin, you could try Robin Hood (the BBC TV one). My dds loved it too.
  14. Dallas is basically my hometown. I lived close enough and have so many family and friends there. This week was already tough losing an officer in a flood (who is connected to me through old friends). I'm following the news and my FB closely right now. I'm so sorry for the men whose lives were taken this week by officers but this most definitely isn't the answer. It's just more violence, hatred, and hurt that shouldn't have happened. It's truly heartbreaking.
  15. Somehow dd got a 3 on the World History exam. We were happy. She had a rough year and did very little studying outside of class. She was also sick the week of her exam and only did the DBQ but not the two free response questions. She thought she completely bombed it.
  16. I found this interesting so I went to Google. My entire first page was articles about meth use rising across Europe due to the show. I find it hard to believe a show would have an impact either way but I wonder if it's true.
  17. No. We don't watch any of the shows mentioned here. We heard a lot about Breaking Bad so we tried it. We made it through about four episodes and then quit. We just couldn't get into it and didn't like it.
  18. I ended up tossing it. Some sauce I bought at the same store in a refrigerated section was bad too so I was worried the chicken hadn't been stored correctly as well.
  19. It's at 10:30am with lunch following the ceremony. Hostess will tell me to wear whatever. She's excited we're coming and planning several things for us all to do before and after.
  20. It's at a country club. Keep in mind that we are flying in just for this so it is a quick trip and will be carry on only luggage. We've never been to one either so I'm really unsure what to expect.
  21. Today was the second time I've used the Instant Pot. I used it as a slow cooker to make chicken breasts I can shred for a few meals. They just finished cooking but when I opened the lid there is some sort of bluish grey stuff on all of them. It's not completely, or even mostly, covering them but each one is discolored in spots. I just bought the chicken today so it's not old. The other thing I cooked in the pot was beef based but I saw no discoloration of anything. It could have been and I might not have noticed since it was darker. The pot was clean as well. So, any ideas? Also, do you think the chicken is still safe to shred and eat? I hate to waste it all.
  22. When they're little, it's the cuddles and all the love. They're just so happy!! As teens now, it's watching who they are becoming. Right now they are so witty and funny. It's awesome to know I had any part of it.
  23. Heck no! I worry when anyone other than myself is driving. There is no way I would be comfortable with a car driving itself.
  24. I have two teen dds. One needs birth control and it has nothing to do with preventing pregnancy. She's not active and even if she was it wouldn't matter because she's gay. She needs it to help control her crazy heavy bleeding and resulting anemia. It's medically necessary and companies that serve the public shouldn't get to decide whether they are covered or not. If they want to offer insurance that's great, but what's medically necessary should be up to her and her doctors. The company she works for should have zero input.
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