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Oak Knoll Mom

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Everything posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. When I first read your post, I immediately thought of this Jeff Foxworthy routine on the differences between how men and women communicate. I couldn't find it then, but just ran across it again this weekend. The whole thing is funny, but 3:50 to the end is the most pertinent part. :D
  2. It looks like a William Stone, not a Dunlap Broadside
  3. I use multiple cast iron pans everyday. My little side hobby is to find old nasty cast iron pans and rehab them. I have four pieces seasoning in the oven as I type. I recommend cleaning your well-seasoned cast iron pans with hot water, your fingers and a nylon sponge. After cleaning, dry it off and heat it up on your stove top for about 30 seconds, then wipe it with a thin layer of your oil of choice (I use grape seed oil because it has a high smoke point). After it's totally cooled down, wipe it out again with a clean paper towel and get off any excess oil before you put it away. This will also help ensure that your pans are totally dry and won't rust during storage. You do need to do this to the outside of the pan until it is well seasoned--that means shiny black--then you only need to do the inside of the pan.
  4. I got a Roomba a few weeks ago and I *love* it for my hardwood floors. I haven't tried it in my carpeted rooms because they are cluttered with all of our Christmas stuff.
  5. You can pin a related picture from another website (ie flickr) and then go back into Pinterest and edit the link to the site you want. It's a pain, but it can be done.
  6. Our house had a coat closet on the main level right across the hall from the very tiny kitchen. We turned that into a pantry because we already had a coat closet in the basement.
  7. Her family got together on the 21st to celebrate Christmas, so in her eyes Christmas was over.
  8. My sister-in-law's mother took hers down December 23rd. Yes, two days before the first day of Christmas. :D
  9. :iagree: Ours did go up in mid-December, but we didn't decorate the rest of the house until Christmas Eve.
  10. Well, you should be paranoid! :lol: http://www.theonion.com/articles/and-to-think-no-one-believed-a-website-that-puts-p,19193/
  11. This is why I do it. My child's birthday is a big event in our family and it would seem really weird to ignore it. It honestly never occurred to me that it would offend some people.
  12. Kidnapped by a stranger, then sold? Or sold by her parents? Those are both horrible thoughts.
  13. This is why I can even consider not inviting him to our house. He'll see his parents on Christmas Day at their house.
  14. For 18 years, I've kept my mouth shut when I'm around him just to keep the peace. I lost it at Thanksgiving right as we were sitting down to eat and finally gave him a piece of my mind. Maybe it's because I recently turned 40, maybe it's because Thanksgiving was the one year anniversary of my dad's death, or maybe it's because he was being exceptionally rude, but I told him he needed to be quiet and stop being so selfish and rude to his mother. My husband has finally said he's done trying to have any semblance of a relationship with him and their dad has even said that he can barely stand to be around him.
  15. I don't want to invite my husband's brother to Christmas at my house? I can't stand him. He's loud, obnoxious, selfish, rude and I just don't like him. My husband doesn't care for him either. Grr.
  16. :iagree: It makes me so sad and angry for normal men everywhere that people immediately jump to call this man a possible pedophile.
  17. They call themselves "Bronies." I first heard about them on NPR. The clip is hilarious.
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