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Everything posted by kmacnchs

  1. Walking to my 1st class (English 101), freshman year of college. Someone told me on the way...I still went to class b/c you never know... I was in Greensboro, NC
  2. I think these points are very interesting and I wonder what state you are in...I am in a POOR, rural county in NC and 1st graders aren't even expected to read. My 4yo is reading on a 4th/5th grade level and I shudder to think what would happen to her if she went into a ps K class next August. I asked a friend who is a 1st grade teacher's assistant at our local school, "What do you do if a child comes in already knowing how to read?" and she said, "Oh, we had a little girl who came in last year and she already knew her alphabet so she just showed kids how to get to the library and was teacher's little helper." Knew her alphabet! Didn't even know how to read! So, saying a 4yo who reads (even is just starting to) is VERY advanced for where I live. That being said, I do not tell people we homeschool or that my child is in 'X' grade. I'll have to deal with that next year, when she is 5 and then, I will probably just tell them she is 5 (try not to put a grade level on her). She is doing things at ALL levels so I'm not sure what level/grade I would choose anyway - I guess the lowest? or the average? Interesting how different things are state-to-state and even within states!
  3. 5 weeks down and it's still going great! The beginning goes great for us! It's the finishing up the year on a high that is the difficult part :)
  4. I REALLY like how this is worded! I don't think the wall is 'inevitable' but if it does happen, I think this will curb some frustration! :)
  5. I started teaching my oldest 2 a little after they turned 2. 5 min of OPGTR. Now my almost 3yo does 15 min of OPG and reads a bob book daily. 5 min/day as a 2yo and 15-25 min as a 3yo is not going to ruin their day or make them grow up too fast or mean they can't play anymore, imo. When they're ready, they're ready - no sense in holding them back, imo (I know, not a popular one but...)
  6. I don't see the point of holding a child off when that child is ready. It's not like it takes that much time - 5-15 min at the most (and then 15 min of them reading to you once they get to that point). I recommend OPGTR and a dry erase board or magnadoodle. I started teaching both of my girls when they were 2. dd1 (4) is reading on a 4th/5th grade level and dd1 (almost 3) is reading bob books (Kinder level) and they are not gifted...it's more about desire and time (which again, is not much AT ALL daily)...have fun! And, imo, it is such a joy to have a young reader! :)
  7. I'm sure this has been said but those studies where most kids evened out by the time they were in the 2nd/3rd grade were of children who participated in gov't run preschool (smart start?) and continued into public school. I think there are PLENTY of people on this forum who would say that is RIDICULOUS! My aunt (teaches in the public school) said that to me when my dd1 was starting to read at 2. It was really discouraging but when she was reading at a 4th grade level at age 3.5, I realized it would be impossible for her peers to catch up with her by age 8 (even if she stalled where she was) and I stopped listening to others as much. It is still frustrating and I want to tell them what I think but if someone is going to say that to a new mother, I do not think I will change their ignorant, public school loving minds...
  8. :iagree::iagree: I have learned (the hard way) that you cannot force your child to 'get' concepts. I have had to backtrack w/dd1 for trying to force more math than her little brain was ready for. dd2 is benefiting from poor dd1 guinea pig - I am moving at her pace (imagine that).
  9. You've gotten lots of good ideas - here's to more :) 1. Write down all the things 8yo & 5yo & 1yo can do ALONE. Have them do their ALONE things while you work 1-on-1 w/the other child. I have 3 (1st grade, K, 1yo). Here is an example of what I am talking about: Younger 2 have 45 min roomtime (play alone in their rooms/playpens) after breakfast while I do math w/1st grader. We do the bulk of our school while 1yo takes his morning nap. Do all school w/K (total 30-45 min for phonics, bob book, math, & writing) while 1st grader does writing, spelling, and plays quietly (extra time) INDEPENDENTLY. All that is left after that is Grammar w/1st grader which takes little time. Try it - it will free a lot of your time and school will take A LOT less time! *If your 1yo does not nap anymore in the morning, work w/8yo while K & 1yo play in another room (that can count as an 'individual thing') and switch when you need to work w/K student* 2. Read History during Breakfast, Do science, Bible, Art, Foreign language together. 3. 8yo & 5yo can read to you (15-30 min tops) at the beginning of 1yo afternoon nap and still have time to have quiet time for EVERYONE!
  10. No omega levels checked but interesting story at the same time: Our friends kept chickens at my grandfather's house for a number of years. He is a BIG gardener and would give them scraps from the garden all the time (esp. winter garden). When the kids would take their chickens to 4-H shows, they would ALWAYS win - I think there is definitely something to be said for eating their greens!
  11. I have not gone through a whole year but have found that yr 1 does not cover our state standards but teaches COMPLETELY different things and in completely different ways than Saxon 1 (what we used for 1st) so it is still challenging (not all of it but enough to be beneficial, imo).
  12. I only know how much I weigh when I am pg - b/c I am weighed at the Dr's office. Other than that I don't know how much I weigh either. It's not important to me - whether my pants fit tells me all I need to know...
  13. I haven't read the other posts - feeling quite lazy today...but in HS, I knew what was right and I stuck up for it - EVERYTHING. Guess what? I didn't change many minds - just was seen as uptight. I was even voted "biggest complainer" :( My dh, on the other hand, always did what was right and stuck up for individuals if they needed help but has never felt the need to preach at people. For example, if a teacher said something incorrect about God, I would tell the teacher how wrong she was - guess how much she loved me? On the other hand, my dh would keep his mouth shut. If he was in a private conversation, he would react differently; he just learned that there is a time & place for everything - sort of similar to people talking about hsing - is it time to pass the bean dip or is it a situation that having a conversation would be beneficial? It's a hard thing to teach children so good luck :) I have had to learn as an adult that 1. I am not always right 2. sometimes it doesn't matter if I'm right (it's not that important) and 3. even when I am right, there is a time, a place, and a manner in which is most appropriate to speak the truth. gotta go - hth or at least gives some insight...
  14. If you have the K Teacher's Manual, use their suggestions. This is what I did/am doing w/my 2yo (almost 3): sing their song, do their activities, make the letters (all 26) then move on to wet,dry,try on a chalk board. She can now make an M by herself w/chalk (1st letter of her name). We will work through her name (it's long) and then the rest of the alphabet. After that, we will move right on to the K book. I did this same thing w/dd1 and it worked well. Just move at their pace (as with all things). It will be awhile before she is in the book and she LOVES using the chalk & chalk board!
  15. I was going to say this! But our toppings are SO much more and make sure you cook it over the embers (not fire) for it to cook through but not burn! Other toppings, gr.peppers, seasonings, italian dressing instead of ketchup, cheese, carrots, etc., etc. :) yum!!!
  16. I don't see the point of time outs. I thought people either spanked OR did time outs. If you don't want to spank, I would look at Supernanny (she just keeps putting them back w/o saying anything). I personally do not like time outs. We spank - to put it simply - immediate consequence, hugging afterward, and talking about what needs to be done next time (there's more to it but that's the simple explanation).
  17. I used to teach the 3-6yos at our church and I felt the same way. I talked to one of our pastors about it and he said if you are doing something in the church just b/c no one else will do it, you're not helping anyone. Find what you are called to and then you will do it with a happy heart and with passion. There are some things that just need to be done: setting up chairs, setting up equipment, etc. but teaching children is not something you just do b/c 'someone's gotta', you know? I hope that gives you some freedom - it did me.
  18. We meet in an Elementary School as well and I teach Sunday school for the 0-3yo. We are a small church so it is just my kids. I just take them out to the playground b/c our kids are with us during church so I want them to get some energy out before they need to sit for an hour. I also do not worry about teaching them on Sunday, mainly b/c I want them to stay on the same page as their older sister (we do Bible study on the weekdays as part of school). That being said, they certainly can memorize scripture. My 2yo knows all of the books of the Bible (from a song) and has about 5 verses memorized by now (she's almost 3). I do sunday school for this age every other month. the other lady who does it chooses to teach my kids but what she does is a story while they color (helps them listen), then works with them on a verse (1/month) and then takes them out to the playground for the rest of the time (snack at the end)...if that helps - keep it simple!
  19. Any whine is met with a gentle reminder "thank you for the food, mama" at our house. If the child does not become thankful for what they have been given, they can have nothing. I will also send them up to their bed until they are ready to have a happy heart. A lot of times w/dd2, she just hasn't fully woken up and she just needs more time in her bed to do so b4 she is ready to face the world. There is no need for her to bring everyone else down in the house with the whining & crying...
  20. You must have just missed this recent thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=191271 TONS of wonderful ideas!
  21. I didn't see anyone mention this so I will: 1. small treat for being clean & dry, 2. bigger treat for going on the potty, 3. BIG treat for TELLING you they have to go (or going on their own). My treats, by the way were 1. 1 cherio 2. 1 frosted shredded wheat 3. 1/4 of a graham cracker (just so you don't think I was pumping my kids full of candy all day). My kids don't eat cereal or snacks so anything (including 1 cherio) was a special treat for them. Let's say you go to the potty every 30 min. Check every 10 to see if the child is clean & dry (teach the child how to check) and give lots of praise & a small treat every time they check & tell you they are clean & dry. Everytime you stick them on the potty & they go, they get the slightly bigger snack. Generally, when mine get to a point where they will stay clean & dry and go when I put them on the potty, I take reward #1 away and go to reward #3 (they get a treat when they go by themselves OR tell ME they need to go). hth oh, and when we begin, we spend a LARGE amt of our day reading (and even watching tv - gasp) on the potty until they have success over & over - motivator for them :)
  22. I'm teaching my 4yo how to finger-knit. If she can count this as "school" for "art/craft", it will take a good amount of time and she can make pretty cool stuff :) So instead of drawing, cutting, etc., you could work on some crafts that take longer, go on for more than 15 min - if you think that would be of interest to her. (finger knitting, making a pot holder, basket/placemat weaving, etc.) hth
  23. I assume you know when you need breaks so I won't suggest taking them out. However, why not do chores at 10:35 instead of recess (still taking a break from sitting still). Then at least freedom would come 30 min earlier...not sure what your "ideal" is so...
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