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Bomb Scare: What Would You Do?

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So if the whole neighborhood was sealed off and filled with Police and Fire Bomb-squad units, because a bank-robbery around the corner may have gone wrong, and there may be a bomb-threat.


Would you stay evacuated?


Or sneak back inside the house?


The first responders hardly look "panicked", and one might feel more "vulnerable" outside on the street than inside with internet access. And there's work to be done!


If I've made the wrong decision, it's been a great pleasure getting to know you all :D

Bill blowup.gif

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Weeellll...I am thinking it may be a bit late for that. ;)


Are there children involved in this sneaking act or just the adult?


Rebecca (without and exploding smiley)


Just moi...the wife and child are safely on a play-date.

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That actually happened in my neighborhood, but the police never told us anything!! I live in my city's downtown area and there was a bank down the street where robbery that went bad and they were holding hostages for hours and there was a threat of a bomb, we knew absolutely nothing about what was going on. We saw helicopters all over the place, police everywhere, S.W.A.T... We found out after the fact what was happening from the local news. I guess they don't care if we get blown up or not.


I don't know what the police's standard policy is for notifying residents in an area of things like that, but our police never tells the citizens anything. We've had manhunts in this city as well for murderers who escaped on foot and again we only find out by checking the local news! :mad:

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To Bill! Loved by most, tolerated by some...either way, you will be missed. :cheers2:


:D Keep us updated.


The upside is it's giving posting on WTM a new "dangerous" edge :D


As opposed to the "old" dangerous edge :lol:



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The likelihood that the robber/bomber has a bomb strong enough to blow up the bank and several surrounding buildings is slight to nil. I think I'd consider going home as long as the police didn't see me and think I was an accomplice sneaking around.


Stay safe, Bill!



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I vote for the coffee shop. Wait til it all blows over and let the wife and kids know where you are.


Is it over, are they giving you any info?? Are you still alive. Since we have satellite, I cant get any LA channels, so I cant see you waving.


Hope its all blown over.

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The bomb trucks have moved from in front of the house, but we are still behind police lines and the helicopters have descended on the scene.


Still alive though :D



Something similar happened to me once when I lived in Mpls. I would have snuck back in the house...if I could have. Unfortunately I ended up trapped in my car, not allowed to get out, not allowed to go anywhere. But I'm still here!


SWAT and the circling helicpoters were kind of cool to watch...

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I would think that maybe keeping as few people coming and going is a measure to protect the police officers as well as citizens? Maybe if they see any movement, they have to send someone over to investigate and they don't want to do that? I don't know. If they are asking citizens to stay away, I would stay away.

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Hey, I know about this! I'm on a jury this week in San Fernando, and one of my fellow jurers got a call at lunch today from her husband who works above said bank. He and a coworker were out at a client and couldn't get back to work because of all the hoopla. Fellow Jurer *started* off to rescue her husband, who couldn't even get to his car (we were worried she wouldn't be back when we were supposed to be at court......not good during a trial), but her husband called as she was en route so she was able to u-turn and come right back. Interesting.

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Hey, I know about this! I'm on a jury this week in San Fernando, and one of my fellow jurers got a call at lunch today from her husband who works above said bank. He and a coworker were out at a client and couldn't get back to work because of all the hoopla. Fellow Jurer *started* off to rescue her husband, who couldn't even get to his car (we were worried she wouldn't be back when we were supposed to be at court......not good during a trial), but her husband called as she was en route so she was able to u-turn and come right back. Interesting.


Small world, huh?


I could hit the bank with a rock (but I won't, being a [generally] law abiding type :tongue_smilie:).


I don't hear anymoe helicopters (or any explosions) so I think I'm good. Still sealed in though.


Bill (...uh helicopter is back...slow typist)

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....but how often do you get to be evacuated from a bomb scare?


Actually, we had a bomb scare at the other bank a couple years ago, so....


Did no one tell the bank-robbers the vaults are now empty?




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I would be in my house. I can be very contrary though. We had a bank robbery very close to my house recently as well (I couldn't quite throw a rock but, I'm not very strong.) Anyhow, they locked down the schools but didn't notify the parents until after the whole ordeal was over. I was told by the man at Starbucks across the street from said bank. It was just a plain ole' bank robbery though, no bomb threat.

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Well it looks as if the crisis has passed. For now :D



Now that the crisis has passed…Story Time:


I was sitting at home, with the kids, working with my headphones on. I never even realized the sinister happenings going on within a few feet of my own home—with only rosebushes separating ‘us’ from that. Sure, my kids had come to me and said “Mom, there are police outside.” But, being the city-gal I am, I told them to close the curtains and mind their own business. “Go back to watching Noggin, while I finish up working—and then we can go outside and play.”


A short time later, my DH calls. He is panicked. He asks “Where are YOU? Where are the KIDS??! They are with you, right??!” (DH is from New York—so add some of that accent in there for affect, k?)


“Yeah, yeah. I’m home. Working. What’s up…?” I’m not sure if it’s just DH or all NYers, but he can sound pretty excited about almost anything. I usually counteract the excitement in his voice by nonchalance in my own.


But he cuts me off before I can finish. “GET OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!”


Come to find out, our friendly neighbor has something going on, which requires many, many police officers. And dogs. Bullhorns. And they are waiting on a search warrant before entering.


I immediately get the kids in the car—as true homeschoolers, we are all still in our PJs at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. As I’m backing out of my driveway, I am escorted by officers on both sides of my vehicle with guns drawn. Homeschool lesson for today: Don’t do bad stuff. They will find you and get you. (To your OP, they told us to go to the park for a while. J Of course, I can’t do that in PJs. Sign.)


My DH immediately rushes up to meet us at the barricade line—happy all is well. My other neighbors, meanwhile, are enjoying the scene with great interest. I kid you not, one guy was out there with his microwave popcorn and lawn chair watching the whole show. I headed to my sis’s house, cuz, y’know, I’ve got kids. This was AFTER I explained to DH that we would not be staying to watch the show, too. (Can I say New Yorker again?)


Come to find out, it was just a stolen car on top of numerous other warrants.


BUT—I have been in a bomb scare before, but they just evacuated us. No biggie. The police were very insistent that we leave that time, so I’m sure they will let you know if you need to leave, too. J

Edited by Spinning
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How about this evacuation. No one could sneak back in. They had police check points at each entry into the city. I had 7 young children at the time and we were evacuated for 3 weeks. Try staying in a Holiday Inn for that long with all those kids. You would think it would be a vacation until you did it. Here is the link.


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OK...the bomb-scare has passed...but now we've had an EARTHQUAKE :001_huh:


One of those days :lol:


Bill (small earth-quake, no worries)


Oh, Bill, I'd be reaching for a bottle of wine about now. That would make a lovely story, you should blog. :D

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Oh, Bill, I'd be reaching for a bottle of wine about now. That would make a lovely story, you should blog. :D


A bottle of wine? Why didn't I think of that?


Let's see...since it seems like I'm spending all my discretionary income on math materials perhaps I'll settle for an amusing bottle of two-buck chuck :D


POP! Ahhhhhh


Where's that "self soothing" thread :tongue_smilie:


Good night all



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