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sudden vomitting? (Didn't want that in the title, for people whose stomachs turn as easily as mine!)


Ds8 looked fine this AM. Had toast, a banana, was dressed & ready to run errands, when dd came & got me & told me he'd thrown up. So suddenly, that he was covered in it, rather than having made it to the bathroom.


I don't think I've ever seen anything that sudden. It makes me think (ok, hope, because I HATE stomach bug stuff) that maybe this is nothing. Just a fluke. No one else will throw up (except the inklings of the sympathetic mama who had to clean it up).


Now you all say, Yeah, Aubrey. That sounds like a fluke. I'm sure he's fine.

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Hmmmmmm..... A fluke maybe, BUT bananas and toast are on the BRAT diet for upset tummies, so they should have helped settle it, I'd guess.


If I were you I'd stay on the down low for a while this morning to see what happens. No fever? Is he still nauseous?


Yuck--you want me to touch him? No, I'm kidding. He's in the tub. I'll check him out when he's done.

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sudden vomitting? (Didn't want that in the title, for people whose stomachs turn as easily as mine!)


Ds8 looked fine this AM. Had toast, a banana, was dressed & ready to run errands, when dd came & got me & told me he'd thrown up. So suddenly, that he was covered in it, rather than having made it to the bathroom.


I don't think I've ever seen anything that sudden. It makes me think (ok, hope, because I HATE stomach bug stuff) that maybe this is nothing. Just a fluke. No one else will throw up (except the inklings of the sympathetic mama who had to clean it up).


Now you all say, Yeah, Aubrey. That sounds like a fluke. I'm sure he's fine.


I would guess a food intolerance of sorts. My dd did that once when we went out for breakfast. They had served powdered eggs :ack2: and lemme tell you, those things came up faster than then went down. :eek: She didn't even have time to turn her head, it all landed back on her plate. 2 minutes later she was fine, hungry and looking for a second plate of breakfast. We got her a muffin instead. :tongue_smilie: I'm not sure what was in those eggs but they sure didn't agree with her tummy. This wasn't the case for her, but I know that food allergies can cause sudden vomiting, especially after having just eaten.


I'm hoping that's all it is for your ds. :grouphug: Aubrey.

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Well some tummies wake up queasy. Mine does on occasion and his breakfast was all carbs, which for *me* doesn't help morning blood sugar stomach, I need protein to not feel nauseous. Like pregnancy.


One of my kids throws up at the start of a cold because of the mucus drainage upsetting her stomach.


Hope he's not really sick!

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Ten of us had that stomach flu. It started on Easter and lasted a week. Vomiting was the first symptom (very sudden and strong). Then body aches, fever and total wipeout for about a day. Then it takes days to get back to normal.



Nooooooooooooo!!!! Be w/ Jami. Say he needs some eggs & is fine! :ohmy:

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You know, my son did this for the first time ever last Friday. We were in a store shopping when it started happening. Unfortunately for him and the store. He kept saying, "Mom, I felt fine except for a small headache. I don't know why I got sick." We came right home and he took a nap that lasted 2 hours. I just knew he was down and sick for a long time. But after the nap he was fine. No fever, no more upset stomach... All I can figure is that it was a fleeting virus or he had some drainage from his allergies.

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Has he ever done this before? Do you have a history of migraines in the family?


My dd16 and now my ds6 both went through phases of doing this and after vomiting, would be fine.


They were diagnosed with CVS; cyclical vomiting syndrome. My daughter now has migraines. My son still has CVS. His symptoms were sporadic but are now generally once a month. He will have a stomach ache that worsens (like a migraine) until he vomits. Then he's fine.


My daughter's were the same way until she hit puberty and then the stomach problems turned to migraines. Hers were never regular like her brother's though.

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You know, my son did this for the first time ever last Friday. We were in a store shopping when it started happening. Unfortunately for him and the store. He kept saying, "Mom, I felt fine except for a small headache. I don't know why I got sick." We came right home and he took a nap that lasted 2 hours. I just knew he was down and sick for a long time. But after the nap he was fine. No fever, no more upset stomach... All I can figure is that it was a fleeting virus or he had some drainage from his allergies.


He does have lines under his eyes like allergies. He's drinking some water & has walked a couple of laps around the house & still says he feels fine. Hmm. Maybe I should pull out his math or handwriting & see how "fine" he really feels? :lol:

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We live in Houston and have had a similar virus going around here. I know you are in Texas too. The vomiting and sometimes diarhea is very sudden. That part plus a headache lasts a day - max 12 hours, and the next day one is tired and achy. It is important to have them rest the second day even though they are not vomiting anymore, so that they get over it quickly. Most people are fine by the third day.

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Nooooooooooooo!!!! Be w/ Jami. Say he needs some eggs & is fine! :ohmy:


I promise you, if there's a chance of this happening again, eggs are the LAST THING you want him to eat. Well, that green ketchup is probably the last thing, and the eggs are second to last.




Numerous things can cause sudden vomiting in children - - stomach flu, more minor stomach 'bugs,' food intolerance, the wind blowing in from the south - - how do you have 3 kids and not know this? Have you been unfairly lucky in the which-kid-will-puke-next sweepstakes?


edited to say: 4 kids, FOUR, I know that

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Because my 8 yo ds just did this yesterday.... in the car unfortunately. Everyone was feeling fine all day, then we get into the car to pick up our oldest dd from swimming.... ds is eating a banana, when suddenly, well, you know, it was EVERYWHERE. Other ds is yelling "GROSS" from the back seat. Dd, age 10, is handing back Kleenex to try to stem the flow.




20 minutes later, ds was feeling just fine, and sat down and ate a full dinner :confused::confused::confused:.


Go figure.


I agree with Tree House Academy...."Sometimes, people just vomit."


Yes, that sentiment is totally framable.

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I promise you, if there's a chance of this happening again, eggs are the LAST THING you want him to eat. Well, that green ketchup is probably the last thing, and the eggs are second to last.




Numerous things can cause sudden vomiting in children - - stomach flu, more minor stomach 'bugs,' food intolerance, the wind blowing in from the south - - how do you have 3 kids and not know this? Have you been unfairly lucky in the which-kid-will-puke-next sweepstakes?


edited to say: 4 kids, FOUR, I know that


1. I've been unfairly lucky.


2. I don't believe in sickness until it's absolutely. un. den.iable. Vomitting puts us right there on the threshold.


3. I did feed him eggs yesterday, against my better judgement. He asked for seconds & has been fine ever since. Go figure.

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